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Jabiru limitations

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All that lovely work - BUT - a billet aluminium crankcase? Steel barrels on it? According to some on this site, it's a wonder it didn't disintegrate on start-up!

Your humorous little dig at at our passionate board member's mantra reminded me of Meatloaf's song, and on a hot summer night too!



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Did readers know the CASA "proposal" is now "alive", from 23rd December, and it is rather difficult to find. The CASA website front page info only takes you to the old draft.Here is the real deal: http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details/F2014L01806 I have not compared it to the draft. I'd be surprised if they are the same.

Congrats to CASA for successfully hiding another vital bulletin. Now THAT's innovation!


Have flying schools operating at populated tower zones (eg MB etc) or the ATC tower staff there, been directly notified by CASA? Mmmmmmmm. Doubt it.

I'm pretty sure that there will be a large number of owners of Jabiru engined aircraft that will be completely oblivious to this & be flying as normal. Other than the ridiculous requirements in schedule 1 paragraph 2 (a) and the requirement for a signed waiver everything else is pretty innocuous & should be standard practice. It won't be too arduous for a school to provide a student with a quick EFATO refresher.

Those with experimental or amateur built aircraft must display the appropriate safety placards anyway to the effect that the passenger flys at their own risk so I can't see the reason for a waiver at all in these situations. Would it hold any more sway in a court?




So why is this not published on the RA AUS webpage yet. Is our safety manager sleeping at the helm again. Surely RA AUST was informed before the XMAS closure that this would come into effect.




It is CASA that is sneaking around while there is a change of directors, Christmas break and businesses are closed including Jabiru and RAA. Start writing to the minister and ask why CASA has done nothing to solve or negotiable and solve problems, jabiru is arrogant and hard to get to solve problems but CASA is just trying to destroy everything.


I will be determined now to see jabiru fix the problems and see CASA no longer involved in recreational aviation.


The ATSB was investigating http://www.atsb.gov.au/publications/2013/ar-2013-107.aspx.


So is this what CASA acted on or were they running their own, according to RAA it seems CASA has not got their facts according to December newsletter. Quote " This led us to a simple conclusion – CASA has not undertaken robust analysis on reliable data to establish with any degree of accuracy that the failure rate of Jabiru engines is increasing over time. This is despite their statement that they have found statistically significant evidence in support of their claims."



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RAAus have xmas too? Maybe?

Agree and appreciate everybody needs a family break. But if RA AUST and CASA were in closed consultation on this matter I would think that RA AUST was informed before their XMASW break or was there no consultation which would add to the CASA conspiracy theory.

Happy new Year




I dont think CASA are in close communication with anyone. The board and RAA were not informed of the decision to implement the rule, we had to find out like everyone else, through the CASA website "news".



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ATSB investigation into LSA engine reliability.




ATSB Quote, "The final report should be publicly available in 2015 and further short web updates may follow as data are collected and analysed."


ATSB have not finished and released this updated report on 10th Dec, CASA started their Draft release on the 13th Nov, according to RAA CASA got their facts for the past year and ATSB quote, " Although some of these aeroplanes are registered (VH-registered) with the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA), the majority of these types of aeroplanes are registered with Recreational Aviation Australia (RA-Aus). As such, the ATSB has examined occurrences of RA-Aus registered aeroplanes[1]reported to the ATSB and/or RA-Aus between 2009 and 2013 that the ATSB has classified as engine failures or malfunctions. Engine failures or malfunctions are only considered to be occurrences when they happened while the aircraft was boarded for flight. Fuel starvation and fuel exhaustion occurrences were not classified as engine failures or malfunctions. Additionally, the ATSB obtained registration and annual hours flown and take-off data for each RA-Aus registered aircraft to allow for analysis."


I would think that CASA are acting very foolish.



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I get emails sevaral times a week from CASA, mainly concerning Airbus or helicopters, with which I have no dealings, but this one has not been forwarded to me. No doubt because they are closed over Christmas. This is a blatant stunt to get such a document through so nobody can see it.


I asked CASA what data they had way back when this all started and have had no reply. Now I am going to push a bit harder.



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I get emails sevaral times a week from CASA, mainly concerning Airbus or helicopters, with which I have no dealings, but this one has not been forwarded to me. No doubt because they are closed over Christmas. This is a blatant stunt to get such a document through so nobody can see it.I asked CASA what data they had way back when this all started and have had no reply. Now I am going to push a bit harder.

I did the same on 15/11/14 after the draft instrument was published and got a standard email reply with no information but full of weasel words on 24/11/14 marked UNOFFICIAL at the top. I assume the rest of the 660 odd submission lodgers got the same email/letter.



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I get emails sevaral times a week from CASA, mainly concerning Airbus or helicopters, with which I have no dealings, but this one has not been forwarded to me. No doubt because they are closed over Christmas. This is a blatant stunt to get such a document through so nobody can see it.I asked CASA what data they had way back when this all started and have had no reply. Now I am going to push a bit harder.

It is not on CASA's web on consultation draft. http://www.casa.gov.au/scripts/nc.dll?WCMS:STANDARD::pc=PC_102279


I think this is disgraceful behaviour from CASA, so if no one was notified and the document signed, is it in effect ?


Our organisation has not been notified so I take it as it is not in force ! As you say a blatant stunt, I hope it backfires on those responsible !




CASA made the 'data' available to RAA for examination about 48 hours before they required RAA to respond to the final note, by COB Friday 19th. Some RAA Board members were working well into the early morning of Friday 19th to try to prepare a response to CASA. CASA has not publicly released the 'data', and I assume that RAA is not allowed to release what it was sent since, I have reason to believe, some at least of that 'data' was highly questionable as relevant /properly authenticated / sufficiently analysed as to qualify it for inclusion without qualification or contest.


It is noticeable that the timing of both the 'demand' on RAA for a response in a ridiculous time-limit and the release of the 'final' document followed almost immediately upon the heels of Mark Skidmore attending an AOPA conference where he stated his intention of engaging far more fully with 'the industry' - a statement that the AOPA report specifically mentioned as being convincing to those at the meeting. Therefore, I think it is not unreasonable to suggest that this was a final 'two-fingered salute' by the departing acting DAS (Farquharson) to his successor, leaving him (Skidmore) with a decidedly tricky situation to resolve without leaving CASA open to possible action including AAT appeal / class action / other forms of litigation. Farquharson was well-known for continuing McCormick's abiding antipathy towards any form of aviation that was not fully under CASA control, and the general anger in the rec. av. community towards Ungermann may in fact be somewhat misdirected, though we will probably never really know the truth.



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It is not on CASA's web on consultation draft. http://www.casa.gov.au/scripts/nc.dll?WCMS:STANDARD::pc=PC_102279I think this is disgraceful behaviour from CASA, so if no one was notified and the document signed, is it in effect ?

Our organisation has not been notified so I take it as it is not in force ! As you say a blatant stunt, I hope it backfires on those responsible !

Yes, it is in force. Was 'registered' on 23rd December, which brings it into force.



It is not on CASA's web on consultation draft. http://www.casa.gov.au/scripts/nc.dll?WCMS:STANDARD::pc=PC_102279I think this is disgraceful behaviour from CASA, so if no one was notified and the document signed, is it in effect ?

Our organisation has not been notified so I take it as it is not in force ! As you say a blatant stunt, I hope it backfires on those responsible !

Until the instrument has been properly communicated to RA-Aus and distributed to members via the website and Emails I do not think that it could be considered law or enforceable.




Yes. CAMit-modded engines - that still retain the Jabiru data plate with the additional CAMit modification plate - are affected. CAE new engines are not. A strong protest was lodged with the Minister regarding the fact that CASA's instrument cannot, in fact, apply to experimental aircraft by definition within its own regulation, but that will likely be a fight for the New Year.




How Jabiru - how about fitting Rotax engines to your planes, I'm sure people would pay the extra cost.



  • Haha 1
".........so if no one was notified and the document signed, is it in effect ?Our organisation has not been notified so I take it as it is not in force !

Sorry mate. Everyone is presumed to know the law so it is definitely in force once signed.





Sorry mate. Everyone is presumed to know the law so it is definitely in force once signed.Kaz

That may be the case Kaz, but the Minister should be asked how his department could be so comprehensively inept.



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Jeez I must be missing something, all I have seen is CASA compiling evidence and then acting on that evidence.



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Sorry mate. Everyone is presumed to know the law so it is definitely in force once signed.Kaz

I have been told by two, one on here and one by phone that receive CASA email notices of any changes, they received nothing. CASA has shown pure arrogance I have written to the minister and will continue to write to him until CASA shows respect to the aviation community it serves, remember planes were invented then along came the regulators. The Forsyth report has already shown that they are heavy handed, a further push from more people and we will see change in this CIRCUS called CASA, I believe they might even change their name again, they do that when people dislike them.

It may be in force but CASA has a problem in the way their facts are presented.


In 2003 when John Anderson played national airspace reform he ended up resigning, and probably because of the obvious and ridiculous mistakes. I bet Truss sees the light and gets rid of the real cause as I bet there's going to be some action soon.


Kaz, what was so creative ?




The minister has the Forsyth report. Why do we think out gripes are going to do anything?


Casa seem to be acting in exactly te same way I have come to 'expect' they would. Casa react to criticism of their actions like a spoiled child, they will just jack up and prove to you who is boss. All the dealings I hve had with them over the years had taught me, yes sir, no sir, 3 bags full sir...


Pointing out what we see as ' injustice' won't do jack.



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