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Hi Frank,I have been away of the Drifter and flying a CTSW.

G`Day Samuel, I had`nt checked this section for a while. Nice photos. I told the young lady from Pennsylvania about you, who knows, you might get to take her flying one day. Take Care!






Hi Frank,


Your friend is my friend. Send them all over anytime. Happy to see you are doing well and flying often.



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Sunday again and today I went Fishing with the Drifter to a Canal in the middle of the Everglades. a swamp that cover most of south Florida. Pictures are a better way to describe the trip. alligator2.jpg.eea673351d755dd3f47185e3ab75b9b9.jpg


you need to make an Alligator pass before you use the runway!butterfly.jpg.51c8c50d0d6cf3d9c4bf0bdb07b3e715.jpg









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Mike, I would like to say otherwise but it is easier to catch an Alligator with your bare hands than to catch a Fish in this place. You were right!


Fishing is one thing, catching it is a whole different game. Practice make perfect so they say. I need a lot of practice I can tell you.


What do you say of the butterfly doing that steep turn in front of the radio antenna?


Plain Dangerous!



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Make sure your load is SECURED on those drifters folks. It's a pusher, remember.Nev



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Thank you for your advise.


All the precautions you take are not enough sometimes. I secured the cooler with the seat belt and some bungee cord as well as the fishing rod. Well, the plastic part that was supposed to secure the top of the brand new cooler came off loose. God helped and I found it under the seat. I Am planning to buy a safety net made of bungee cord. The other option would be to beat the hell of anything I intend to place back there in that seat, to make sure does not go into my propeller.


Well, now that I think about it, my next passenger happens to be my mother in law!


Hmm, let me go and think about this next trip.



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Fishing is one thing, catching it is a whole different game.

Hey Samuel!...That fish on the end of your rod is what we use for bait, over here!...020_yes.gif.58d361886eb042a872e78a875908e414.gif


My son Michael.







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Here in America, we do things the opposite way. Actually, to catch the fish I got, I used a fish like your son is holding as bait. I know it is a difficult concept to grasp.023_drool.gif.742e7c8f1a60ca8d1ec089530a9d81db.gif034_puzzled.gif.ea6a44583f14fcd2dd8b8f63a724e3de.gif



  • Haha 2



I have to plan a" Fishing 101 "class with your son.


That is a monster!



Frank,Here in America, we do things the opposite way. Actually, to catch the fish I got, I used a fish like your son is holding as bait. I know it is a difficult concept to grasp.023_drool.gif.742e7c8f1a60ca8d1ec089530a9d81db.gif034_puzzled.gif.ea6a44583f14fcd2dd8b8f63a724e3de.gif

Samuel, I love it!!! 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif.... 107_score_010.gif.2fa64cd6c3a0f3d769ce8a3c21d3ff90.gif .... I will tell Michael.


This one is a Coral Trout.







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Hey Frank,


I've been enjoying the Drifter pics and stories.


Here are some more of you, your flying-machine and home-strip, taken this time last year.















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Gary, You`re a champion!........ Thank you.








you have the best of both worlds. Your son is an accomplished fisherman and you leave in a land of dreams. What a beautiful fish!


Here my last victim. My wife's cousin. His name is Fito, and he loved the ride.



Frank,you have the best of both worlds. Your son is an accomplished fisherman and you leave in a land of dreams. What a beautiful fish! Here my last victim. My wife's cousin. His name is Fito, and he loved the ride.

Samuel, I`ve had many worlds in my life, I`ve spent a big part of it, on and under the ocean, fishing, spear fishing and SCUBA diving and it has passed on to our son, Michael....My wife Frances, says I must have been a fish and a bird in previous lives!... of course! she`s joking.


When I`m briefing someone who has never been up in an Ultralight! before we go up, among other things, I`ll explain that we could have an engine failure at any time and what to do if it happens!...... I`ll also say, " Whenever you go flying in one of the big passenger aircraft, before they take off, they tell you what to do in case they crash!"....I mostly get a laugh.....006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif









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That is a nice picture.


I there are so many different types of people. I love spear fishing and I was a fanatic when I used to live in Cuba. Beautiful waters and lots of fish. Here I have done some and have my gear at home but can not find the time to do it properly. Now back to my statement, recently I went to a funeral of a colleague. Young guy, crazy car crash, sad,there were like 200 people. From all those people I ended up meeting a guy that is crazy about spear fishing and interested in flying. The following weekend we went flying. Later,His wife complained to me, from 200 people at a funeral, her husband managed to end up talking to the other insane person in the room. We are not crazy, we are just different, I hope!



Frank,We are not crazy, we are just different, I hope!

Samuel, It takes more courage to be yourself, than to be someone, someone else want`s you to be! Do what you believe is right for you!


Be your own man.


I took my beautiful granddaughter Alison, for a fly, again, this afternoon.







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You can not be more right!


We have to be honest with ourselves first. Then let others accept you as you are. You are right again about your granddaughter. Beauty runs in the family. God bless you.




Here, mi friend Miguel. He is a pilot and today we went flying. He absolutely loved the "Drifter experience".


This is a RC club we both used to go flying RC airplanes.image.jpg.7532173bc9c291676c19e5a10363a24f.jpg





Mike, I would like to say otherwise but it is easier to catch an Alligator with your bare hands than to catch a Fish in this place. You were right!Fishing is one thing, catching it is a whole different game. Practice make perfect so they say. I need a lot of practice I can tell you.

What do you say of the butterfly doing that steep turn in front of the radio antenna?


Plain Dangerous!

The butterfly is a good addition to the image, was the fish nice eating?










Hi Samuel


A while ago a mate allowed me some flights in his red drifter. He got me to do 3 T/off and landing from back seat then I did two solo, it was great, and it was nice to get an image for my collection of my first return to the airstrip. Drifters are a great bird to fly. I did my tail wheel endosement in a drifter a few years back and I learn't good techniques from the excellant instructor. I look forward to the next flight in her. She flew three flights last weekend but i'm shed bound at present building a skyranger nynja. When its finished I'll renew my drifter flying and experiences. I called to see Frank two years ago but it was very rainy and missed a flight around his patch. It was great to meet him and myself and my wife stayed and had a great chat about flying in general. Some time i'll get back up there as my son lives in Cairns. Cheers Mike



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The fish was delicious. The butterfly in the picture it was real. if I would ever decide to alter a picture, I would choose maybe a hawk or something more close to my style. I actually though twice to posted it. I basically left my GoPro filming while I was fishing and upon reviewing the video I found it and got few pictures out of the video. The butterfly got close to the camera. Tonight I ll try to get a small clip of the butterfly



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