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The magazine online won`t bother me as I have ADSL Broadband and a fairly big computer screen and don`t mind reading off the screen, of course, for those who don`t have Broadband,it will be ever so slow to download, I know what it`s like, I started without Broadband.


I`m on Face Book and have just taken a look to see if RA-Aus is there also, sure enough they are, with a well presented page! Great! I`ll be able to stay in touch,easier.


Face Book is a great way to reach people of all ages and from all walks of life, from all over the planet,but of course, they have to be members of Face Book. Becoming a member is easy, just log on and register, it`s free.


With the magazine gone from news agents the RA-Aus will be able to reach a large number of non RA-Aus members by putting the magazine on it`s Face Book page.....Put the mag on Face Book, guys!





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I went on face book, didn't like it, and now I can't stop the email messages every few hours saying someone did something. I have tried to unsubscribe and remove it to no avail. Approach face book with caution.



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Guest Andys@coffs

What about signing in, and changing your email address to point to a disposable gmail account that you set up specifically for that purpose. Alternately most ISP's allow multiple email accounts, set up a new one and then a rule once its up and working that every email to this account gets trashed......


I haven't said anything about facebook because so far I have resisted joining....Having dealt with IT security and seeing what the bad guys do with personal info I'm not that keen to share even as much as I share here on Facebook, which is not to say its wrong...just that I'm probably overcautious....





I went on face book, didn't like it, and now I can't stop the email messages every few hours saying someone did something. I have tried to unsubscribe and remove it to no avail. Approach face book with caution.

I am quite a big user of facebook and I get precisely 0 emails. it is all in the privacy settings. :)



  • Agree 6

As octave said its all in the settings. I get no emails and have been on FB for years with the same email.



  • Agree 6

Maybe I'm old fashioned but I will subscribe and get the magazine delivered, it's just not the same reading of the screen, like reading a book on a kindle thing plus we can't get adsl broadband only mobile not many down loads for a lot of money, nothing beats paper.




For those who prefer a hard copy (paper) I don`t think it`s being old fashioned, just a choice. Those who don`t mind receiving the mag online but don`t have Broadband, leave your computer on overnight and start the download when you go to bed, should be there in the morning, at this stage I don`t have a mobile phone, (have no need for it), so I don`t know the go with those.


In my opinion,the best way to minimize identity fraud is to give out as little information that can be used, as possible, what`s out there is what you put out there.


I`ve been online for many years, never had a problem, does that mean I can`t or won`t have one somewhere down the track, of course not, but geese! I don`t want to live under a rock!





  • Haha 1
I went on face book, didn't like it, and now I can't stop the email messages every few hours saying someone did something. I have tried to unsubscribe and remove it to no avail. Approach face book with caution.

As others have said, it's just a matter of adjusting the settings for the security you want. I get no emails and don't know how you would be getting emails generated by FB. Maybe you put your email up on FB instead of using the FB message system. Better to keep emails to your real friends. If you are frustrated by daily doses of a dozen pictures of your friend's baby's achievements over the past 24 hours you can "hide all" from the video/cafe/etc ads they posts, "Hide All" from them which is not notified to them, or "Unfriend" them. In each case the unwanted material immediately stops. If unsure Google "how do I stop ....[the problem] and you'll usually get several pieces of advice.



Guest ozzie

Try this ... go to your facebook home page... on the top banner bar on the far right there is a down arrow, hold cursor over this and the drop down box will appear.


from the list click on 'settings'. next on the left side of settings page click on "notifications" here you can edit your email setting on what you receive.



Guest ozzie

So much paranoia about social media. I use FB extensively and have never had any problem with it. Occasionally i come across spam but that is easily dealt with by reporting it and blocking, it always originates from someone you know that does not use a decent antivirus program like Norton etc.


I consider it a must have these days to stay in contact with my friends that are all over the world. Saves me hundreds on phone calls. It is fantastic for 'groups' even RAAus has a page. If anything i follow too many and it takes too much time to go through them all. All my interests are there from current day to old school. If you don't want someone or a stranger to not share something like a photo you put up you can adjust the settings on just exactly who can see it and use it. I don't give a crap so anyone can share any of my hundreds of photos i've uploaded. If i don't want to give it away i don't put it up, simple. Don't want stranger to see your personal information don't put it up or adjust the privacy setting so only friends can see those details. Plus with millions of people using FB the chances of getting your identity stolen especially if you have good security setting and passwords is about as great as me winning the 10 million on Thursday night 's powerball.


And really what can they get my name and DOB my tax file number drivers licence banking details are not on FB so how would they get them. My laptop has firewalls and antivirus if they found a backdoor in plus i just not that interesting.


If you ain't part of it you are missing out on a big part of what is going on around you these days.


Oh when it comes to books and mags, old school for me, give me paper.




If you're into The Facebook with The Kids and Stuff, definitely follow Kermit Weeks, his a collection is sweet.




If RAAus want to use Facebook as a means of promoting themselves and recreational flying than their current page requires lots of work. It looks very cheap especially the cover photo with the staff holding the orange signs up.


I know it's only new, but if they want to attract more members the page needs more information. My thoughts would be to include;


1. At least a weekly review (photos and text) of each aircraft type current on the RAAus rego


2. A weekly flying school catch up (photos and text). Have each school post photos of what has occurred ie first solo's etc at their school during the past week.


3. Owners post photos of their aircraft, explain why they chose that type and why they chose the RAAus path




The RAA really needs to review its communication strategy and try and streamline it a bit more. A lot of the flying schools and clubs need to contribute content to the RAA for this to happen.




How RA-Aus should go about promoting itself on Face Book, is a matter of opinion and I`m sure there would be many, however, a start has been made by them creating a page and putting it out there, of course, it will only get exposure, if people choose to view it, but then, Sport Pilot only got exposure, if people chose to buy it, then read it!





Guest ozzie

The RAAus should have a members only group page and communicate things like fly ins, RAAus business and other stuff that members only need to see like things that can kill you ADs and other things that they tend to receive after the event in the mag.


I have similar from APF, my local skydive club, hang gliding club, also several EAA members newletters. etc




Huge user of Facebook and other social media


But I asked a question on RA Aus Facebook site only to be told to ring there office for the answer


So I guess what's the point??



I went on face book, didn't like it, and now I can't stop the email messages every few hours saying someone did something. I have tried to unsubscribe and remove it to no avail. Approach face book with caution.

Haven't received an email from Facebook since 2007 when I changed my notification settings



  • Agree 1

RAA could take a page out of MAAA's book.


MAAA has been working with a communication consultancy to rebrand and better communicate with members and potential members, and it has been well received so far. Check their new website MAAA.asn.au


The main reason for this change of direction has been competition both from another society AMAS, and competition from the non member crowd who fly without joining a club or association.


As I read in someone else's comment, competition is what seems to be missing from the RAA as it essentially has the monopoly. Unfortunately as we see so often in life, such as dealing with government agencies, human nature says that unless we have to compete to stay ahead, we never perform as well.




Welcome UF


Seen this a few times recently


RAA is FAR from a monopoly, they are competing with Govt sponsored regulator CASA. In fact setup in response to same claims against CASA.


Also far from level playing field, as RAA flyers we actually pay fuel taxes to fund the competitor AND have to pay fully funded organisation.


They have seen RAA being popular and begun to offer their own RPL!


IF you think they need more competition than that not sure what would make them perform. Too tough a competition makes many give up or dissappear.



  • Informative 1
They have seen RAA being popular and begun to offer their own RPL!

My recollection of events is more like someone/s in the AUF at the time saw a business opening in "Recreational" General Aviation and hijacked the Australian Ultralight Federation to pull of a balmy and ineffectual attempt to manage said business. Explains the hiccup... the Federation was never structured to perform the job it took on... it was structured to manage a network of clubs/club like organisations on behalf of CASA. Brings us to today when suddenly yes... thanks to the AUF/Ra-Aus...army call it....CASA has realised there is a market for Recreational Flying and is just updating their regs to better provide for a market segment that...lets face it... was always theirs.



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Gees Don! I reckon you`re pretty close to the mark, I saw it coming a loooonnnngggg time ago,now we need to see where it will go and end up!





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We have covered the RPL and its limitations many times; I'd suggest a careful study of its limitations before inventing a change that isn't necessarily there.



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