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New Tucano-LSA
















Tucano Replica - Tougher look with external tanks







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It certainly looks good. With inflight dropping of ordinance it would bring a new dimension to the old flour bombing comps:wink:


If only I had some spare cash:crazy:




That's a thing of beauty. Love the tandem layout, and the faux military look.



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It's a good looking aircraft alright - particularly the retractable gear version. It would be a great project to have in the shed. Building one would obviously take time and money, but if I had the money I'm sure I could find the time.





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Once you get the gear out of the way, you can get some real speed with a clean design like that but it needs to be a much more sophisticated approach to the whole project. Nev



Guest Howard Hughes

The retractable looks so much better than the fixed gear!012_thumb_up.gif.cb3bc51429685855e5e23c55d661406e.gif




Right now there is not a lot of speed advantage but that is begin looked at. I would like to fit nose gear doors as personally I believe this may be a contributing factor if applying Roy LoPresti theory "If I was a molecule of air what would I do" - it would look nasty head on.


But I agree it look tougher legs up and with the tanks.



  • Informative 1

Gear doors should make a difference. On the same note, do those stub exhausts work? It looks like the engine exhaust is under the cowl. If they don't, I'd leave them off mine ... if I had one. 051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif






On the Australian first of type I will be installing 2 x 4'' OD fake turbine exhaust as per the Shorts T1 Tucano- the engine exhaust will dump into these and this should provide a means for the cowl air to escape.


The exhaust on the factory aircraft are dummy's



Gear doors should make a difference. On the same note, do those stub exhausts work? It looks like the engine exhaust is under the cowl. If they don't, I'd leave them off mine ... if I had one. 051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gifrgmwa

Nah, I like 'em. Makes it look like a Pilatus PC-9 being flown by people with REALLY big heads! 037_yikes.gif.f44636559f7f2c4c52637b7ff2322907.gif



  • Agree 1

Great looking aircraft and goes well by the specs ..the kit cost is sort of ok although the retracts are 12,000 euro...bit rich I think for that...2000 more than the wing kit.



Guest Andys@coffs
On the Australian first of type I will be installing 2 x 4'' OD fake turbine exhaust as per the Shorts T1 Tucano- the engine exhaust will dump into these and this should provide a means for the cowl air to escape.The exhaust on the factory aircraft are dummy's

I quite like the idea of the exhaust being underneath the aircraft...Generally there is no easy way for CO and the other noxious combustion by products to end up in the cabin with you.....If however you are exhausting where the falsies are then your really going to test then quality of the seal on the canopy.... I wouldn't do it!


I also note on my aircraft that there is always oil of some sort or other on the belly......I wouldn't want that anywhere (including the belly if it can be avoided) else






The company would like to lower this cost BUT low volume's at this time. This always the problem with the low volume point and wanting to keep a high quality. They are gas oleo with all the cost to produce. The only task at assembly is to install the tires on the rims, mount brakes with the nut plates installed on the spar faces. With the nose gear i removed remove the pivot pin's, applied grease with the installed gear having a strong, positive over center mechanism.


The gear includes the pump, hoses, fittings and solenoid so is complete you really only have to add wire and a switch.



Nah, I like 'em. Makes it look like a Pilatus PC-9 being flown by people with REALLY big heads! 037_yikes.gif.f44636559f7f2c4c52637b7ff2322907.gif

Agreed, but if they just create drag, off they come. I require the speed to match the looks. 080_plane.gif.36548049f8f1bc4c332462aa4f981ffb.gif








This is by the standard of the type clean as was the prototype.


Speaking as a builder the stubs are not a real issue I think more could possibly gained by filling in the hole as its a big cliff for a molecule to fall off. The issue is weight the whole mechanism would have to weigh under a kg. , this can be done if it is totally mechanical using the leg to close the door but its all weight and weight is the problem



  • Informative 1

Wouldn't have thought it'd be too hard to make a lightweight longitudinally-hinged door for the noseleg which is dragged up when the gear is retracted. The main gear doors could possibly be extended to cover half the wheel too as per Spitfire etc.


Having said all that, it's an exceptionally beautiful plane just as it is.



  • Agree 1

How much is it worth by the way? (The retract version.) Just so I know what division Tatts I need to win.




The only other thing I can see as a issue is the empty weight of 371kg...most builders will more than likely be heavier than that. Doesnt give a lot of freeboard with 2 of 90 kg people in it. Just a gorgous looking aircraft though ... it even looks like it goes well just sitting there It would be really nice if they could get the weight down to say 330kg. Do they make a version without the retracts just fixed gear that would get a fair bit of weight out of it.


The company videos are not that good but found this one online..looks like a rough day but the guy certainly gives it some.


46,700 Euro for the kit cost + crating and freight maybe another 5000 Euro so 51,700 Euro divided by .70 = close to $74,000 aussie plus 10% gst about $81,000 then a donk..another $25,000 so its a expensive kit...but then again I doubt there would be anything else around that looks as good and goes as fast for that sort of cost.....how much does that mustang cost that the german mob make for LSA ?


Way out of my price range unless I win the lotto...then I would have to really seriously think about it I have always loved the Tucano...I have flown the model one with a turboprop in it and they do really fly like a true jet. I love building and the flying of it would be awesome.




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The landed price is dependent on exchange rate so is not fixed & where $A includes GST the rest no GST


I will relate actual costs including some current estimates.


A quick build kit requires a full 20 foot container this costs $A6250 FIS Sydney. There are no crating costs as this is built into the cost of the kit, the container cost was $2400 euro the rest was internal freight plus a lot of local Australian Wharf costs to many to list. Local delivery will require a tilt bed truck say $500 + and the crate is 1400 kg


The kit was subject to 10% GST so for the current quick build you will have to add $5100 euro.


To this you need to add a engine say a 80HP Rotax at $A16700 ex Bert Flood, to this I have to add a supercharger kit from FlyGas to boost output to 120 hp + these are currently $5000 euro plus freight estimated about $A600. Why a supercharger - prefer them and its full time not prone to taking a nap


Propeller is a 4 blade constant speed at $A8500 plus controller say $A9500 could save a lot of dollars here with a fixed 3 blade


Panel and radio say all glass $A5000 to whatever.


Add say $A2500 for bits and pieces - they add up


Paint - No idea but I will paint it my self


The air frame is very complete down to bladder fuel tanks but no replica aircraft is cheap check out the Titan T51 or the Mk26 Spitfire.


The Tucano really needs 630kg and this has been discussed with the factory and they have agreed in principal. In Italy this aircraft is flown at that weight regularly thought it is registered as a 600 kg . Is the Tucano a true Ultralight 2 seater - not for two Mac Heavy's. Mine is begin built as a experimental and that final decision is next year.


Like all replica they are not built to be practical just raw fun and I am past owning a station wagon.


Do anyone know of a good low hour 80HP Rotax?



  • Informative 1

New Flash - Tucano is currently undergoing +6 / -3 testing as we blog - Woo Hoo......!



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