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Howdy all


Has anyone been to this airfield lately near Rockhampton along the the coast.Looks like a great place to fly,according to my country airfield guide of Qld it says according to rumour the airstrip will be closed


for redevelopment in the future,I would like to try it out next week, but would appreciate any info who has been there lately.




It's probably been 18 months since I have flown into Emu Park, but I do know they held a gathering there on Anzac weekend & I also believe the Rocky Aero Club still holds flying competitions there.


While it was under the control of Rocky Council it was under threat, but the newly seperated Livingstone council who now control it are very pro keeping it open.



  • Helpful 1

A mate was there a couple of months ago. Turned off the strip on neat mowed grass and had a prop strike (broke the prop). Don't know if they have fixed the holes, so approach with caution.



Guest Maj Millard

Generally you land North to South...downhill grade..powerlines running parallel to the runway on the right if landing as above. Another possible power line running along road at end of runway, watch on takeoff to the South. Approach from Northern end generally clear of obstacles. About a 1kl pleasant walk to the coastal town of Emu Park.



Guest Andys@coffs

My Wife and I were there a few days short of 12 months ago. At the time I had to contact the council to get the prior approval. The contact details were:-


Livingstone Shire Council


Ph: 07 4913 5000 / 1300 790 919






They sent me an indemnity form to fill out and return....


It seems to me if you want a definitive answer, and to fulfil the requirement of gaining prior approval give them a ring, or send an email....


The airfield isn't flat and slopes highest in the north to lowest in the south. The concrete slab that appears inviting from a parking/tiedown perspective....isn't....there is a hidden step that you need to manually (engine off) manhandle your aircraft over.....be careful




P.S, we had a great week down in emu park.....walking distance to www.emusbeachresort.com which is backpacker friendly so pretty reasonably priced....Its about a 1km walk from the airfield to the resort and then a 1km walk into town..... Buses go past the resort regularly and they go into Yeppoon and onwards to Rocky.....Drivers all seem to be frustrated F1 drivers but the views are pretty reasonable and the prices also reasonable




That would be great if the new council would keep it open to the public and not lease it out to a aero club,as there are no landing fees or club memberships there yet as I understand.Thanks for the info all.



Guest Andys@coffs

Oh meant to say, we didn't book accommodation before we went and the walk in off the street rates were about 50% of the online rates at the time...... of course if you happen to turn up when <insert event name here> is on you might be out of luck but Emu Park didn't strike us as ever being very busy....but


There are plenty of alternates available



Guest Maj Millard

This strip is well placed strategically along that stretch of coast with Hedlow still not available at this point, so we don't really want to see it, or any other small strip disappear. There is also Old Station inland to the South I suppose with fuel facilities now, but Emu Park is a scenic place to stop for sure.




i didn't know hedlow was off limits..........when ??


have pilot friendly pal at emu, he will taxi you etc, contact me for details.





Guest Maj Millard

That was the scuttlebutt at Old Station this year.....




Emu Park is not likely to be closed as far as I can work out, It is a lovely area and you don't need to get too close to rocky airapace. It is a little bit rough and the usual wind means a downhill landing. they will sometimes pick you up from the pub if given warning, of course you need to buy a meal.


As Ross said there is also Old Station a little bit further inland. Fuel available and possibly accomodation if needed. For fuel you need to contact them by phone.



i didn't know hedlow was off limits..........when ??have pilot friendly pal at emu, he will taxi you etc, contact me for details.


Update.......today, Hedlow owner/s ( judy ) confirmed their strip is open to users, she also advised donga style accom available. Her best contact is 0438789954.


Getting into town is a problem tho, about 20km.....but, if she's heading that way you are welcome to a lift.




There was a strip just South of Mt Jim Crow, which is between hedlow and Yeppoon. Don't know if it is still active, but they had a few hangers last time I flew in there. Very narrow strip, with tall grass right up to the wingtips and a normal circuit put you the opposite side of the mt. plus power lines on the approach.



There was a strip just South of Mt Jim Crow, which is between hedlow and Yeppoon. Don't know if it is still active, but they had a few hangers last time I flew in there. Very narrow strip, with tall grass right up to the wingtips and a normal circuit put you the opposite side of the mt. plus power lines on the approach.

Jeez Yenn ,don't you know it's not 'hanger'



Good two sea that dazza has sum of us trayned big L's

Yeah , I'm a bit worried about him ( dazza ) though . He doesn't seem to wanna take the bait !



Yeah , I'm a bit worried about him ( dazza ) though . He doesn't seem to wanna take the bait !

I can only tell people there is a difference between Hangar and Hanger, lose and loose and Gauge and Guage (sic) so many times.035_doh.gif.37538967d128bb0e6085e5fccd66c98b.gif



I can only tell people there is a difference between Hangar and Hanger, lose and loose and Gauge and Guage (sic) so many times.035_doh.gif.37538967d128bb0e6085e5fccd66c98b.gif

That's the trouble with having only 10 fingers 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif




sounds like a whole lot of "man crush" going on here. ( O well, could be worse ).......



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