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A Day at Bathurst for the super cheap 1000


Just as almost all aviators are, im somewhat a revhead, though sadly me days at the Mountain are long gone, i prefer to watch the race from the comfort of a lounge, fridge and projector, of course with a lot of friends, who are all Ford fans, like myself.


so i decided to combine my love of flying, and motorsport, with a day trip to Mt Panorama, departing from Hoxton park.


The Planned route, depart YHOX, track direct YKAT then onto YBTH, and spend some time above Mt Panorama itself.



Climbing to 4500 ft below the control step south of penrith



Looking north towards Penrith



Springwood, and the Great western Hwy



Approaching Katoomba,and a large amount of smoke haze that will require a diversion of a few miles to the south of planned track. its about now i notice my ground speed is now down to 60 kts.



Katoomba, in clear air



Overhead YKAT, and a lot of smoke to the north.



overhead Blackheath, tracking south of track to avoid smoke to the north, air getting pretty rough here with lots of upfdrafts, ground speed is now 50 kts!



Same location, looking north towards Mt Victoria.



Finally out of the rough air, now as smooth as glass, though still only getting a ground speed of 50 kts. Plenty of time to enjoy the slowly passing scenery.



View north from same location.



after what seamed an eternity, in very smooth cold air, i finally approached the source of the smoke, a relatively small fire. quite disappointed actually.



The fire, while monitoring Bathurst CTAF i was listening to the helicopter traffic around the fire, gave a position call t let the chopper pilots know i was in the area and a long way above them



Ahh the serenity



after an hour flying at 55 kts ground speed, Bathurst and Mt Panorama come into view



abeam YBTH, with regular radio calls to let the REX airlines traffic know of my location, as well as in contact with the TV helicopters around the Mountain.



Mt Panorama comes into view.



Mt Panorama, fortunately a support race was on, it was quite interesting watching the TV choppers trying to keep up with the cars on the circuit. i stayed at 8500Ft to give the chopper crews plenty of room below.



no words necessary, you could almost smell and hear the cars from here!




After 20 mins orbiting, it was time to head home, ground speed was now 130Kts! though at the hemispherical level at 7500 the trip home was fast, but very rough, and hence, no more photos, the winds at the lower levels resulted in a few rollercoaster rides and lots of serious bumps. funny that just 1000 ft higher, the air was smooth as glass.


once over Katoomba and descending to below 3000ft into the training area west of Hoxton park, the 40 kt tail winds became a 10kt headwind!! and the air was surprisingly smooth all the way from Warragamba to Hoxton park, for an uneventful landing.


Now time to watch the top 10 shootout! GO FORD!! ;)




Great report Ultralights, thanks for the trip. I'm sure you enjoyed the top 10 shoot out as well. Great to see a Ford on pole again. Enjoy the race tomorrow.


Regards, Doug




I'm jealous, that looked great, fantastic scenery, enjoy the race on sunday.


Thanks for posting those pictures.








Real good report and pics.... Thanks.


I am located just 10NM from the Mount - and I thought about cruising over there early this morning - B4 the Westerlies kicked in - to take some pics from about 1000AGL. But wasnt sure about the temporary ATC protocol; i.e. I assume all those chopper movements (TV, VIP transport, etc.) are managed somehow; does anyone know how it works on race-days - and other similar major events - Melbourne Grand Prix, etc.?







Guest David C

What a great report .;). I have fond memories of the Jabiru 0940 too , having about 85 hrs on her . I am going up to Bathurst tomorrow in my sons XR8 , I don't have to remind you who I will be barracking for do I !! ..




Dave C



Guest Fred Bear

Excellent report and pics mate and doing it today with the winds I tell you that you have thingos of steel good sir! I was glad being on the ground today. I can't image it up there but none the less, looks like you had fun ;) Now look all you Ford fans, in Lowndes exact words "It was not the vehicle but the strong team that makes us win". Too right it's not the vehicle.












"Taxi"!!!! Go Holden!!!!!!



Guest Fred Bear

Look at this below. Gives me a lump in my throat every single time!!!




Look at this below. Gives me a lump in my throat every single time!!!


Yeah Darren I agree, that holden logo is enough to make anyone choke!!!!!



Go Holden!!!!!!

There is always 1 in every crowd 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif




Guest disperse

just remember the championship last year ...... it took 4 holdens , to beat one Lowndes in a ford




FORD for ever. Best cars, best drivers, best teams


Be warned all Holden drivers, there are Cobra's coming to bite your ar*es. YeeHar




Of course most of us know that Ford used to put their fine engines in aeroplanes as well (Ford Tri Motor).


The Holden Tri aaaaaards not yet got off the ground.keen.gif.9802fd8e381488e125cd8e26767cabb8.gifkeen.gif.7777ed0d05dcd20861d93166f822038e.gif




A great report ultralights, I really enjoyed it, Many thanks.


Was that really bush-fire smoke at Bathhurst, or was it those powerful Fords just burning off a bit of excess rubber? ;)




Nice report ultralights. Darren...yes mate that is a picture of the holden emblem and thats exactly what the FORD drivers saw in their REAR VISION MIRRORS all day.


Bathurst FORD 1,2 and 3 and in the championship I believe FORD are now 1 and 2......



Guest Fred Bear

You can't help good luck I guess. I drive a Nissan all the way anyway. I am the one laughing at the end of the day/week with my fuel bills ;)



"Taxi"!!!! Go Holden!!!!!!

yep, fords are taxi's, who in their right mind would spend more than 10 minutes in a holden!As for the traffic around Mt panorama, the NOTAM for friday mentioned a temporary danger area around the mountain, when i was within 10 miles of Bathurst airport i made a call giving my location and intentions, there were 5 helicopters in the area, 1 firefighting chopper and 4 TV choppers. 1 of which had just laded for refueling and film change, and 2 operating above the circuit, a white one at about 500 AGL chasing the cars around and another at 6000 ft getting aerial shots, i was in constant radio contact and stated i would not be below 8500 ft and everyone is happy.


on a more serious note, that holden logo looks very much like a GM or Vauxhaul logo! ahhh HOLDEN, the Australian company, selling American designed cars to Bogans as an Australian made home grown vehicle! :;)4:


at least my FORD ute has a Genuine 1 tonne capacity! ;) designed and built in OZ!


though i was a little disappointed that Holden (GM) invested $1Billion in the commodore and still couldnt make a podium position... oh well. :big_grin:


Oh, and Jabiru 0940! a great little Jabiru considering its age and the events that have happened in its life, i have about 200 hrs in 940, still love it, i would rather fly 940 with her many 1000's of hours than 1865! funnily enough, 1865 has spats, a lot less hrs, but still cruises at a lower speed with the same power setting. though 2.5 hrs in the jabiru can get a little uncomfortable. Next weekend i will do a few hrs in the technam with Ashley. Ashley tells me that once i get a few hrs in the technam i will no longer want to fly 940, but seeing as everyone loves the Technam, it leaves more time available to me in 940. well, until i get my Vampire back in the air in a few months time.


one final thing,


You can't help good luck I guess. I drive a Nissan all the way anyway. I am the one laughing at the end of the day/week with my fuel bills ;)

All the more reason to drive a Ford! big car size, V8 performance, all with factory fitted LPG, great at $0.47 a ltr! 500Km range for $30 a tank!











Guest Fred Bear
great at $0.47 a ltr! 500Km range for $30 a tank!

Let's just forget it's a Ford for a second but yes, the range at the price you are quoting is good. I get about 800km on unleaded for 60 bucks (just ask Disperse). I'm quite happy with that. Then again, I service it myself and really look after it. Will not drive it until it has been running for ages, do the oil every 10k and use the best,stick to the same fuel and make sure all the filters, plugs etc are always optimum.I know some mechanics will tell you with newer cars you need not warm them up but I personally think that's crap as every engine should reach operating temp before you accelerate and take off in it (same with a/c). Anyway, my two cents. ;) It's a 2005 model by the way.




Hi a Question




Can you fit my wife's golf bag and electric buggy in the boot?







Guest Fred Bear

Not in my car mate :)



yep, fords are taxi's, who in their right mind would spend more than 10 minutes in a holden!As for the traffic around Mt panorama, the NOTAM for friday mentioned a temporary danger area around the mountain....

Excuse the ignorance - but where do I find those daily NOTAMS?



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