DrZoos Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 Sorry title should read Class 2 medical - so excited i had an aneurysm and am now unfit for flight... OMG what an epic battle of paperwork and cost over nothing but a slight oversight.... but thank god i finally have it.... they put me thru the wringer and I honestly think i would be in the top 10 fittest pilots in the entire RAAus doing half ironman. The really are a disgusting disgraceful bunch of morons who are justifying their own existence by making life hard for ordinary people trying to do normal things. 1 4
Kyle Communications Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 welcome to CASA :) so try to imagine anyone who may have had a few medical problems but you now have a tick from everyone saying you are fine you can even get a licence to drive a 60 tonne Bdouble or triple yet you can fly a aircraft under CASA regs
DrZoos Posted November 13, 2015 Author Posted November 13, 2015 They really are morons.... No doubt people need to be stopped flying when unfit... i dont dispute that and they manage that part well... But the road to clearing your name...even when your own doctors use the words 100% cured , requires no further treatment etc...and the morons still want you to go and pay a fortune for someone you have never met to say what was just said .... dumb ###### In the course of doing this I have discovered some amazing things about CASA medicals... 1. I stupidly ignored people when they said - just lie - under no circumstances ever tell CASA anything 2. Doctors - in australia do cash consultations off the books at home - yes thats right...after telling people of my situation..i was directed to several 3. Professional pilots including some who fly for major airlines regularly see doctors in australia off the books and when / if they do need something done....they sometimes pay cash and get it done overseas simply because the cost and risk to their career is less. 4. Me and others will always be reluctant to go to doctors when we should be encouraged to do so due to fear of the CASA coal train mowing us down 5. I am led to believe current serving pilots of 747 a380 330 etc are having surgery done in 3rd world asian countries simply to avoid CASA and nothing is ever reported to CASA Avmed... 2
facthunter Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 If you have anything at all on your record the box can't be ticked. This is the essence of the scheme they introduced. If you have to argue ANYTHING you default to class one or two and go through avmed and a DAME. which has the structure to consider individual cases. So it's got little to do with a motor vehicle situation has it and just dealing with your normal (or another) doctor? It is actually set up to be rorted. People who go to have symptoms checked end up with a record even if no positive test comes back. That is the silly part. It affects your medical insurance when traveling overseas in the same way. If you go to your doctor to have back pain checked you have a bad back diagnosis for life. Silly but that is how it is. Nev
DrZoos Posted November 13, 2015 Author Posted November 13, 2015 If only it was that simplistic... thats not the issue at all... The issue is instead of them just writing and saying - we are concerned about X Please get your doctor to comment on whether X would make you dangerous int he skies. Whether you have any symptoms, ongoing treatment etc in relation to X They give you a list of 20+ things they want a doctors report on... When i went to my GP he said.... this is a joke...i do not have time to write this.... only 2 things on this entire page are even relevant Its a disgrace... i got what they wanted and that wasnt good enough...they asked for more more more until i just couldnt get anyone to write what they wanted... I had both my GP and DAME say I was fine to fly ...but no they needed a 30 page document In the end I got one paragraph from a specialist who basically said..."what he told you 16 months ago is true....the medication i gave him was to help with sleep" Then i threatened to go to my local MP, the transport minister, Nick Xenophon and the Aviation Complaints Commissioner.... Within one week of that email i got a 12 month approval.
facthunter Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 I don't think you listened to what I said. You might have managed to pressure them but it's not meant to be that way. I didn't say I liked it. I'm extremely disappointed as I had some input into the original. I also know who had the final say and made it come out as it did..Nev
fly_tornado Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 so what do you need to do to maintain your medical? CASA are like the RAA, decreasing number of pilots and growing number of staff = find ways to make work/look busy 1
DrZoos Posted November 13, 2015 Author Posted November 13, 2015 Quote I don't think you listened to what I said. You might have managed to pressure them but it's not meant to be that way. I didn't say I liked it. I'm extremely disappointed as I had some input into the original. I also know who had the final say and made it come out as it did..Nev[/Quote] Fair enough... Either way its a complete cockup....designed to make sure every body avoids ever seeing a doctor or reporting things honestly... In light of my experience I would now say... if you tell the truth your crazy.....if you need to see a doctor, DONT....if you really need to see a doctor get it done for cash... I will certainly be selling my plane and giving up flying at my next medical issue , its just not worth the cost, stress or effort... And thats a disgrace for our national aviation body to be making people fell that way... If I was an isolated case, you would just say, wake up idiot , sort your stuff out... But this is the norm for everyone....
DrZoos Posted November 13, 2015 Author Posted November 13, 2015 Quote so what do you need to do to maintain your medical?CASA are like the RAA, decreasing number of pilots and growing number of staff = find ways to make work/look busy Stupidly I have to see the same person who gave them a one paragraph "get #######" and they will supposedly re grant it... But if they dont, im just going to sell up and ride motorbikes
Riley Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 Quote Sorry title should read Class 2 medical - so excited i had an aneurysm and am now unfit for flight...OMG what an epic battle of paperwork and cost over nothing but a slight oversight.... but thank god i finally have it.... they put me thru the wringer and I honestly think i would be in the top 10 fittest pilots in the entire RAAus doing half ironman. The really are a disgusting disgraceful bunch of morons who are justifying their own existence by making life hard for ordinary people trying to do normal things. Quote Sorry title should read Class 2 medical - so excited i had an aneurysm and am now unfit for flight...OMG what an epic battle of paperwork and cost over nothing but a slight oversight.... but thank god i finally have it.... they put me thru the wringer and I honestly think i would be in the top 10 fittest pilots in the entire RAAus doing half ironman. The really are a disgusting disgraceful bunch of morons who are justifying their own existence by making life hard for ordinary people trying to do normal things. Just another example of a Fed agency burning up public funds in protecting us! Ain't democracy great? Don't hold back DZ ... tell us how your really feel about CASA. 1 2
fly_tornado Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 Quote Stupidly I have to see the same person who gave them a one paragraph "get #######" and they will supposedly re grant it...But if they dont, im just going to sell up and ride motorbikes I can totally understand where you are coming from, you can get a return ticket to just about anywhere on the planet for less than 20 hours rental.
DrZoos Posted November 13, 2015 Author Posted November 13, 2015 Quote Just another example of a Fed agency burning up public funds in protecting us! Ain't democracy great? Don't hold back DZ ... tell us how your really feel about CASA. i cant this website prohibits profanity...otherwise you would get 5000 swear words in a row!
DrZoos Posted November 13, 2015 Author Posted November 13, 2015 Quote I can totally understand where you are coming from, you can get a return ticket to just about anywhere on the planet for less than 20 hours rental. One of the understated reasons why GA RAA are diminishing... Why would i fly to say Nth QlD when i cant land near Port Douglas or Cairns and have to put up with CASA bs to do so at a higher cost.... 1
Guest Maj Millard Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 Quote so what do you need to do to maintain your medical? CASA are like the RAA, decreasing number of pilots and growing number of staff = find ways to make work/look busy Rubbish FT ...RAA has actually decreased its overall staff in the recent year and with 15 RAA staff Vs 871 CASA staff, this from RAAs 2014-2015 Annual report which by the sounds of it you need to read....it is available from our new modern RAA website....oh sorry..your not a member are you.
Guest Maj Millard Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 Quote Stupidly I have to see the same person who gave them a one paragraph "get #######" and they will supposedly re grant it...But if they dont, im just going to sell up and ride motorbikes Welcome to RPL Dr Zoos...should have stayed with RAA certificate with no silly Class 2 hoops to jump through, and a whole lot less expense.......could you tell us what this whole RPL dance cost you by the way please..?
fly_tornado Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 Ross the staff number got quite high after CASA caught the RAA bodging the aircraft registry. Nothing to be proud off.
Guest Maj Millard Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 Quote Ross the staff number got quite high after CASA caught the RAA bodging the aircraft registry. Nothing to be proud off. Many of those staff were just temp hires to eliminate the large backlog..hired for just a couple of months...the average rego turnaround now is 3-4 days and has been for sometime. The direct link forms with auto fill available now through the new website may even improve on those times. Your living in the past mate. And we are very proud of how we managed that and of the leaps and bounds made since.
Robbo Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 I am on the fence on this one, yes CASA can be a pain in the backside but with medical issues they really need to be thorough. I bet people would be abusing and suing CASA if you were to have an accident and someone on the ground was killed and you were found to have a KNOWN medical issue.
Happyflyer Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 Being thorough is one thing. Being incompetent is another. CASA are very good at the latter. What can't they understand when the DAME and specialist say he is ok? 2
Sloper Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 l think Casa works on the principle that if pilots and aircraft are grounded there are less accidents. regards Bruce 2
fly_tornado Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 Ross, anytime you want to start a thread about the board's decision making process in the development of MARAP and this new low level utility endorsement feel free. I know I as a future RAA member would like to know where I stand with these issues.
DrZoos Posted November 13, 2015 Author Posted November 13, 2015 Quote I am on the fence on this one, yes CASA can be a pain in the backside but with medical issues they really need to be thorough. I bet people would be abusing and suing CASA if you were to have an accident and someone on the ground was killed and you were found to have a KNOWN medical issue. Agree they do need to be thorough...bu they are being absolutely ridiculously incompetent beyond any normal level of comprehension..... The real concern is not whether they are being thorough enough, it is that they are makign it SO SO SO hard to get back in the air even after the most minor of issues that people absolutely will not report anything to them and CPL airline pilots are seeing DR's overseas and off the record as a result.... That speaks volumes.... We have a lot of ex air force, CPL and airline pilots in our club and they rightly told me--- Lie...do not tell CASA anything ever.... I STUPIDLY did the ethical and correct thing and mentioned a medication that had been accidently prescribed to me, was not necessary and for which i never had any diagnosis needing it or wanting it.... and i got sidelined for 16 months, it cost me almost $1000 and it will cost me a lot more going forward..... despite my GP and the DAME both sayign i was completely OK to fly and the medication was not prescribed correctly....... They are out of control....
DrZoos Posted November 13, 2015 Author Posted November 13, 2015 They have a clear set of disqualifying issues on thier website...but what they really need is a clear set of guidelines to get back from those disqualifying issues.... They also need a path where people like me who have basically been bludgeoned with bureaucracy can ask for an independent assessor to slap the bastards with some common sense....and just like every person in the real world, when they have staff members who consistently fail to meet acceptable standards...they need to be seriously retrained or sacked!
turboplanner Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 Especially when Port Douglas is just four hours and $139.00 away. Quote One of the understated reasons why GA RAA are diminishing... Why would i fly to say Nth QlD when i cant land near Port Douglas or Cairns and have to put up with CASA bs to do so at a higher cost.... Especially when Port Douglas is just four hours and $139.00 away.
turboplanner Posted November 13, 2015 Posted November 13, 2015 Quote They have a clear set of disqualifying issues on thier website...but what they really need is a clear set of guidelines to get back from those disqualifying issues....They also need a path where people like me who have basically been bludgeoned with bureaucracy can ask for an independent assessor to slap the bastards with some common sense....and just like every person in the real world, when they have staff members who consistently fail to meet acceptable standards...they need to be seriously retrained or sacked! We told you, and we told you and we told you, you were applying for a different medical standard to RAA. You've mentioned a couple of times regretting not taking advice to lie to CASA; the ones who promote this are the ones they have to deal with, and minimise the legal fallout. You should study a notorious pilot who flew long after he was incompetent to fly; study the comments from the same industry pilots who lambasted CASA for "Knowing he was medically unfit" yet, knowing he was flying without the appropriate licence, but doing nothing to stop him. Who can blame them for just covering their bases.
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