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Especially when Port Douglas is just four hours and $139.00 away.

Yeh and thats a huge issue

The only way, long flights in GA or RAA make any sense now, is as an experience or to places RPT wont go or wont go direct enough.... they are now financially non viable except in short to medium ranges and where PAX are enough to offset the cost of airline tickets.... eg my family of 4 would get further in a GA at less disadvantage then 2 POB.....


The problem is in RAA and 2POB GA is the range is limited to around a 1 hour RPT flight before it makes sense to take RPT.... you can use excuses to make it viable to say 2 hours, but beyond that RPT wins hands down, especially when you can take reasonable luggage and have no planning, stress etc....


Then the secondary problem is affording flight for a 4 POB in a private aircraft is not a young persons game...and thus that have a family of 4 generally wont afford to have a current licence or access to a plane....


By the time they can afford it all, the kids have left home and they are back to 2POB...


Which basically leaves groups of 4 adults travelling together...and we know that's a minority group, as hotels and other tourism providers will clearly tell you...


So basically GA and RAA are slowly dying and will die based on the economics....so unless CASA can find away to somehow promote it GA and take in some of RAA , they may find they have finally done themselves partially out of a job and actually crumbled their own empire ...lets face it , if its only RPT left they will ahve a tough time justifying their ridiculous current budgets and staffing...



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We told you, and we told you and we told you, you were applying for a different medical standard to RAA.

Yes absolutely guilty as charged ....and there is the the problem...honesty and ethics DOES NOT work with CASA...

LIE LIE LIE and then make #### up


To all the new pilots, i wish i didnt have to say this....


Medically if you have a problem, go to the doctor and seek help...


CASA licence wise....your an idiot..it will cost you




If there were valid reasons for barriers it wouldnt be as much of an issue. Its incompetance that bites.


For some reason I was listed as seeking a C1 medical, and a whole lost of extra requirements.


After several weeks trying to find out who could carry these out.....they didnt know.....someone rang and said it wasnt required dont worry about it.


Now it seems the have different acceptable standards for blood tests to rest of medical world, fuether testing, still delayed


One specicialist, getting $300, said dont come back he has better things to do with his time than argue with avmed


Local DAME, says it isnt worth it, had he not spent $15K on training and approval, would drop it as even at high fees it wastes too much time. There is no scope for their opinion, they just fill out online form and then the further requests. Their opinions are not ever accepted.



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We told you, and we told you and we told you, you were applying for a different medical standard to RAA.You've mentioned a couple of times regretting not taking advice to lie to CASA; the ones who promote this are the ones they have to deal with, and minimise the legal fallout. You should study a notorious pilot who flew long after he was incompetent to fly; study the comments from the same industry pilots who lambasted CASA for "Knowing he was medically unfit" yet, knowing he was flying without the appropriate licence, but doing nothing to stop him.


Who can blame them for just covering their bases.

As far as I could see, CASA's actions in relation to the Barry Hemple incident are staggeringly incomprehensible http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/coroner-attacks-australia8217s-aviation-watchdog-saying-aerobatic-pilot-barry-hempel-should-not-have-flown/story-fnihsrf2-1226732895245 . Do you really think this incident excuses their pig headed ness in this case where a DAME and a specialist have said the pilot is fit to fly?



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The DAME system has always been precarious as Facthunter and others have been at pains to repeatedly point out. Recent events have made things even more difficult.


You would want someone in first class health for RPT and Charter, and not much less for someone flying over urban areas.




I don't think anyone is saying that medicals are not required, it's just that the administration of the system is deplorable. Delay and incompetence do not necessarily result in medically fit pilots.




Nor did I say they were not required; just that some people don't understand the complexity, and some don't want to admit that flying is not an option for them.




I have said many times before but I will say it again, the RAA punches well above its weight but having said that, CASA should be paying ALOT MORE MONEY to the RAA than the clowns do at the moment.



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At one stage I was considering training for a ppl and had a couple of flights at Essendon. Needed to get a class 2 medical but it turned into a bit of an ordeal. Visit to DAME was all good until the final dipstick test on a urine sample which indicated red blood cells above threshold level (small number of RBCs in urine is normal)


DAME said it was probably just an over sensitive test, but apologised and said he had to inform CASA. A more reliable test for excess red blood cells in urine is a micro exam of a sample. Did three micro tests and blood tests over a few weeks - all normal. To be conservative had an ultrasound. All was clear, but CASA demanded a CT SCAN. So, booked into to see a urologist who said "if it wasn't for CASA I would tell you to bugger off because you are completely healthy". But, had to have scan and so I did. All clear of course.


So, a couple of months wasted, several doctors appointments and two trips to hospital later, and about $1000 worse off, I had my class 2. Not going to bother with that again!



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5. I am led to believe current serving pilots of 747 a380 330 etc are having surgery done in 3rd world asian countries simply to avoid CASA and nothing is ever reported to CASA Avmed...

Not sure about their motives - it may well be the case - but it simply may just be a better deal. I get my dental and medical done O/S in a '3rd world country' as it is better than anything I can get here in SA, a quarter to a third of the price and no waiting at all. Can't speak highly enough of the quality, nothing 3rd world about it & wouldn't consider local except for routine check-ups and acute issues. Case in point had an eye problem earlier this week while I was away, rang the hospital at 10am, they gave me appointment at 2.30pm that afternoon where the specialist advised after examination that I needed minor surgery, it was done 30 minutes later and by 4.30pm I was out the door with instructions and necessary medications.



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Guest Maj Millard
l think Casa works on the principle that if pilots and aircraft are grounded there are less accidents.regards Bruce

G'day Bruce, How are you mate.....



Guest Maj Millard
Ross, anytime you want to start a thread about the board's decision making process in the development of MARAP and this new low level utility endorsement feel free.I know I as a future RAA member would like to know where I stand with these issues.

Our very first MARAP application has just been fully approved by CASA....that means we get freedoms that we had little chance of ever getting two years ago....I' d call that a success for the current team...




No one from the board has explained how MARAP ended up on #19 aircraft Ross, I'm sure there is a story behind that decision that needs to be told.



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Being thorough is one thing. Being incompetent is another. CASA are very good at the latter. What can't they understand when the DAME and specialist say he is ok?

Think about that for just a sec. Prior posts here admit to lying and cheating the system. Casa employed doc aint stupid, case employed doc knows people are cheating the system. If I was casa doc, I would trust no one either, especially after reading this thread.



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Guest Maj Millard
No one from the board has explained how MARAP ended up on #19 aircraft Ross, I'm sure there is a story behind that decision that needs to be told.

And don't you wish you could hear it.....but you won't from me.



Think about that for just a sec. Prior posts here admit to lying and cheating the system. Casa employed doc aint stupid, case employed doc knows people are cheating the system. If I was casa doc, I would trust no one either, especially after reading this thread.

Prior posts say people lied, I'm not sure anyone admitted it. DrZoos didn't lie. The thread isn't about lying its about CASA incompetence. A side effect of the incompetence is that some people contemplate lying. In the UK I am led to believe the doctor issues the medical not their CASA. The same in the US. CASA medical section have exceeded their authority on many occasions but there is no come back. They are a law onto themselves and you can fight them only if you have deep pockets.



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G'day Bruce, How are you mate.....

Very well indeed thanks.


l was told l had cancer, but was told not to inform CASA until l had a official diagnoses, was told to consider my self grounded which l did.


Final tests no cancer just scar tissue all good.


regards Bruce



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Guest Maj Millard
Very well indeed thanks.l was told l had cancer, but was told not to inform CASA until l had a official diagnoses, was told to consider my self grounded which l did.


Final tests no cancer just scar tissue all good.


regards Bruce

Mate that's very good news........best of luck and welcome back.



Guest Maj Millard
And don't you wish you could hear it.....but you won't from me.

Once again FT your living in the past by the way.......that was sorted months ago..



At one stage I was considering training for a ppl and had a couple of flights at Essendon. Needed to get a class 2 medical but it turned into a bit of an ordeal. Visit to DAME was all good until the final dipstick test on a urine sample which indicated red blood cells above threshold level (small number of RBCs in urine is normal)DAME said it was probably just an over sensitive test, but apologised and said he had to inform CASA. A more reliable test for excess red blood cells in urine is a micro exam of a sample. Did three micro tests and blood tests over a few weeks - all normal. To be conservative had an ultrasound. All was clear, but CASA demanded a CT SCAN. So, booked into to see a urologist who said "if it wasn't for CASA I would tell you to bugger off because you are completely healthy". But, had to have scan and so I did. All clear of course.


So, a couple of months wasted, several doctors appointments and two trips to hospital later, and about $1000 worse off, I had my class 2. Not going to bother with that again!

And that is exactly the bastardry that they need to be slapped for... same thing has happened to my father... GP, DAME and Specialist all said my father was 100% fit and cured from a AF problem after having the surgery that cures it rather than staying on the meds that manage it... So CASA decide he needs extra tests and reports...despite Australias leading AF surgeon saying it was fixed.... All test done and what do you know....countless hours, months of waitng , thousands of dollars and he comes up clear...by then he has less than 8 months left for his C2 medical till they want it all done again and then they said they will only grant it to him on a 12 monthly basis.... #####wits



Not sure about their motives - it may well be the case - but it simply may just be a better deal. .

I know their motives, because these people are within my circles....it is not to get cheap treatment...it is to avoid dealing with CASA at all costs...


What you say about some surgery and procedures is true.... but when it comes to anesthetics and your life is on a teetering edge between death/coma/sedation/or horrific surgery while paralyzed..... going to third world countries for some issues is a concern...


But the biggest concern is these people are getting diagnosed and treated off the records, with no propper follow ups or health plans for some possibly serious issues... and why...so they can avoid dealing with CASA avemed...


CASA has finally acknowledged in recent times that working with the aviation community in an educational way rather than as executioner will produce better outcomes for safety and compliance... unfortunately it has not at all filtered into avmed... Avmed are the worst of the worst



Guest Maj Millard

Lets face it Avmed was not set up for your average light recreational or even private PPL pilots....it was set up and maintained for commercial Jumbo jet style pilots.




They have never lauded the system either. It's based on the easy out of rejecting people rather than going to the trouble of realistically assessing the risks. Trouble is, it varies depending on who is the latest "leader" of Avmed. There have been notorious ones and one or two good ones. The salary is too low to attract the "right" person but who could be knowledgeable across all fields anyhow? Expert opinion has to be able to be presented and appraised if there is any justice in the system. Multiple heart bypass people have been returned to the system satisfactorily since the late 80's. Nev



Once again FT your living in the past by the way.......that was sorted months ago..

Ross, its the 90% same Board, if you don't learn from your mistakes you are bound to recreate them. The best way to learn is to share the story.


You stand for office not to represent yourself but to represent the members. You must tell the members how the board stuffed up MARAP, its the least you can do.



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