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Thanks everyone. Not a single bad suggestion here. I only hope I can make a good impression, the interviewer seems to know how to draw out a person, by what I have heard so far, but I am no public speaker. I will have to find a contact for those gladstone and gympie schools, I know some of the lists posted by RAAus inn the past were pie in the sky. I think the only thing anyone here has missed is the joy of fly ins.Wish me luck for tomorrow.

Hi Yenn In Mackay training is well covered by Matts Flying. Great instructor and great value.







Don't forget to mention Recreational Flying (.com)...please please



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I think one of the things that you should cover seriously is safety of our aircraft and that we perceive flying safely as our number 1 priority, as you said I think, let them know that the aircraft we fly are real aircraft in every aspect except a bit smaller, we need to get people and the authorities to believe that safety is our number 1 .... but fun at the same time, we may then interest more young people to join our sport and keep CASA from making more rules and regulations to make our lives less fun... Good Luck with it Yenn I hope it goes well for you...






And why in the world would we NOT want as much good publicity as we can get? Look at other 'special interest' groups that are - in the eyes of the 'general public' - usually regarded as fringe-dwellers on the edge of society.


'Outlaw drug-pedaling bikie gangs' get almost weekly publicity, but things like the 'Christmas Toy Runs' help balance that out a bit, and every motorcyclist gets a wee bit more respect from society in general as a result. Surfers were once generally regarded as dole-bludging amoral beach-bums; now they represent and are reasonably respected as pro-conservation, valued and liked members of society. Car racing teams were once pretty weird, death-wishing idiots to a lot of people; now they are more regarded as entertainers and professional businessmen, bringing in valued business to the areas where races are held.


If we are not to be forced out ever further from centres of population where we can get services and access, we need to raise our profile as being a small but responsible and potentially useful part of society - not 'rich kids ( well, somewhat Senior 'rich kids' ) with very expensive toys that are a bloody menace'. Many regional areas of Australia are rapidly developing a richer 'cultural area', with 'foodie trails', 'art trails', 'eco trails' etc. - and RAA members are potential visitors. By way of example: the Birdsville Races just would NOT be the event it is without the fly-ins for the weekend. OK, maybe only a small proportion of the spectators arrive by aircraft, but I'll bet the aerial activity adds to the frisson of the event.


How good would it be for our future if people welcomed the attendance of RAA aircraft as a signal of wider interest in their community and their activities? If we were welcomed as reasonable, decent, intelligent people from a wider audience that could carry the message of the attraction of the local area back to others, not as some sort of weirdo mob that are a damn annoying noise?


I can't see otherwise but that we would win from better community understanding of us.



  • Agree 1
Give him a break!. Anybody who can hold their own on this forum will find a reporter a doddle..020_yes.gif.58d361886eb042a872e78a875908e414.gif

Not having a go at him..


I know how he would be feeling I remember the first time I did it I shat myself.


But now with countless tv/radio and print interviews along with hosting countless aviation seminars its second nature for me.


Edit: Stopped doing public speaking about 10 years ago so I reckon I would have a case of the nerves if I did it again.



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Hmmm interview was at 4pm...


Where are you Yenn???


I need a sitrep!!!


Edit: Oops he is on Queensland time!!




He's still trying to get through all the things you told him to say; the journalist's listening to the cricket on another line.



  • Haha 3

Again thanks for the ongoing info. I will certainly push RAAus flying, expecially the fact that the planes are in a lot of cases better than GA. They are smarter, faster, more nimble and generally nicer to fly.


I see in my log book that I last flew the Thruster in 2002, so I am really out of touch with the basic ultralights. It is also about the same time since my last glider flight and even longer since I hung under a 7TU chute. I doubt that anyone uses them now.


Hopefully I ill be able to be interesting and promote our sport.




I don't know how the post above got duplicated here, but the sitrep is:-


The interviewer wanted to use building as the subject, so as he was twice my size and a third my age I talked about building.


I did manage to mention RAA and SAA and hopefully put a good spin on building. The proof will be in the listening and I don't know when it will be on. Probably about 0730 on ABC Capricornia. During the breakfast show.




Good luck . There is plenty to talk about. It's when there is nothing to talk about that you have trouble


Too late it's over


I was going to say don't be disappointed. They will cut it down to the story they wanted in the first place. Nev




I don't know when it will be broadcast. If it was today I missed and will miss it tomorrow.



I don't know when it will be broadcast. If it was today I missed and will miss it tomorrow.

Just did a quick search and I think you should find it on this link after it has aired. Keep checking the link because sometimes the interviews get bumped by more urgent items, and it can come out the other end weeks or months later.


However, the good thing is, it's in the can and it's telling your side of a story.



Just did a quick search and I think you should find it on this link after it has aired. Keep checking the link because sometimes the interviews get bumped by more urgent items, and it can come out the other end weeks or months later.However, the good thing is, it's in the can and it's telling your side of a story.

No Link...



  • Winner 1
  • Caution 1

A friend told me he heard the interview on Monday morning. It is not shown on the link yet. the interview took over 15 mins so no doubt it will be edited.




Often to the point of being hard to recognise as the interview you did. Let's hope you fare better than that. Nev



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