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Any opinion and recommendations , I am thinking about Trig 21 but it is a bit expensive I fly close to CTA quite often and think would be usefull and also traffic avoidance system in other aircrafts will pick me up.




A mode c might be ok but would have some restrictions.


"If fitting a new transponder Post 6 February 14 a mode S transponder is required unless the aircraft is restricted to operations Below A100 in Class G and Class D. In such areas a mode C transponder is acceptable."




What this means is that you couldn't go into Class E airspace of which there is quite a lot.




Then just buy the cheapest mode s get it done if your not looking into integrating it to your efis, then you need special equipment.



A mode c might be ok but would have some restrictions."If fitting a new transponder Post 6 February 14 a mode S transponder is required unless the aircraft is restricted to operations Below A100 in Class G and Class D. In such areas a mode C transponder is acceptable."




What this means is that you couldn't go into Class E airspace of which there is quite a lot.

But class E is not anywhere below 8500 ft if I recall ( and in a lot of places is into the flight levels) so if you don't ever go that high.



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