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I have tracked #casa's annual report for a several years [table collated below], particularly since when flying you notice less and less radio calls or [except for Virgin, QANTAS and Jetstar], less aircraft in the air.


In the published data, #casa show a major discrepancy in the numbers. Here we see, looking at 2011, a missing 5,065 pilots. These are across the years and there is no #casa explanation.


What is worse, the "pilot numbers" do not gel at all with the medical certificates.


Just looking at 2011, the medical certificates [not corrected, by best guess for doubled up ones] is 22001, so we have a full missing 17, 371 pilots!!!


Must just be a discrepant table???




that drop in initial certificates from 2008 to 2014 shows how sick Australian aviation is. If this keeps up Scomo will have to take the axe to CASA.





Looks more to me like someone was cooking the books back around 06 - 08 and then got a sniff of either guilt conscious auditors... or future accountability...


None the less if you look at the ridiculous amount of money the govt gives casa each year, you cannot argue with its success...


If it is accurate, then its pretty much proof that CASA is killing GA, either way there is a huge auditing issue or accountability issue here that needs some sort of enquiry.




They are failing miserably. All that cost and there are still some non salaried (Amateur) pilots in the skies, who are doing it only for fun. What's funny about it? Wipe that grin off you face, Simpkins or I'll do it for you. Nev




That's probably why CASA are trying to get their finger in the RAA pie, a revenue source & pilots to administer, my question is the same, with GA on its death bed, "where are all those empty hangar spaces."080_plane.gif.36548049f8f1bc4c332462aa4f981ffb.gif


Also with over 11,000 voters in our organization why don't we have the pollies i.e. elected officials (BLUNTS in RAAF speak) in our pockets, we should have more clout just like the EAA in the USA.075_amazon.gif.0882093f126abdba732f442cccc04585.gif




The impression I always had was they were not interested in any group other than Airlines really. Their revenue comes from fuel excise and we are owed money under the original concept for the work we do on their behalf. Nev



my question is the same, with GA on its death bed, "where are all those empty hangar spaces."080_plane.gif.36548049f8f1bc4c332462aa4f981ffb.gif

where do those old Cessnas that require a SIDS exam park? People still have a lot of money tied up in them.



That's probably why CASA are trying to get their finger in the RAA pie, a revenue source & pilots to administer, my question is the same, with GA on its death bed, "where are all those empty hangar spaces."080_plane.gif.36548049f8f1bc4c332462aa4f981ffb.gifAlso with over 11,000 voters in our organization why don't we have the pollies i.e. elected officials (BLUNTS in RAAF speak) in our pockets, we should have more clout just like the EAA in the USA.075_amazon.gif.0882093f126abdba732f442cccc04585.gif

Because we are very disorganised and ineffective as a lobby group... This is not aimed at RAA, just us as a group of pilots....if we lobbied half as well as groups half our size and made more noise as an organised group over issues they would listen a LOT more...

The other issue is we are 10,000 members spread over almost all the electoral seats in Australia so our vote wont swing any one marginal seat in or out of power... however if we all flew our planes, took our tents and relocated to a marginal electorate just before the electoral address change closes off, im sure we could get them belt CASA into submission in a day!


If we want real change we need to get very organised as a group, possibly all pay a levy to make this happen and then make a hell of a lot of noise consistently in both the media, inboxes and on the doors of all politicians in the leadup to an election eg 2016...particularly targeting marginal seats where a decent number of members are located... I would happily pay a $50 levy to get a movement started..



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There is nothing better as well as pathetic watching a squirming polly grovel & fight for their political survival & keep the noses in the tax payer troff in a marginal seat, they promise the moon, if the same number of greenies can force change so should we.




It amazing how powerful a facebook page, lots of meme's , some bumper stickers, t shirts and a few letters and picket lines can be...


Basically about 50 professional protesters in the Northern Rivers managed to change the Gas laws in NSW ...if they can do that with nothing but hesion bags and bad BO , imagine what the resources of 10,000 pilots could achieve...






Only 50? They did have a hell of a lot of farmers screaming blue murder- that is the only reason. Farmers are LNP diehards normally, many said no more votes to LNP. And Barnaby's seat is in jepardy with with the much loved independant threatening to come back.




Its easy to explain!!!! the number of medicals is due to the fact that CASA manages the medicals for flight engineers and ATC not just Class 3 and not just class 1 and 2 for pilots.




Also if the numbers are just renewals and initials does it include people who had a current medical for that year and didn't need a renewal?




Well what jumps out at me is the aircraft numbers ... with only 3 alpha in OZ regn there are only 17,576 combinations available ... less if you remove "potentially offensive" three letter combos ... that's only 2,289 available combo's left ... and our fleet is growing at 1,000 every four years. Hands up who wants to ask CASA for an extra alpha on the OZ regn for Christmas?


I bags VH-KIRK ;-)



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