kasper Posted January 25, 2016 Posted January 25, 2016 Quote I mentioned the change to a 503. I had sold the Robin engine and re-drive to Mark Fisher who was going to use it to power a Strognik? S2A Motor glider, Mark sold the incomplete motor glider to someone in WA, havn't heard if it was ever completed. It's a shame Fred's health failed not long after he sold our Flea, he had some great ideas on Flea design and development. I havn't heard from Fred for several years, and given his poor health I fear the worst.I lost interest in the Flea concept and have designed and built several 3 axis aircraft since then. Sorry about the oversight - I gave Fred bits for the R503 from my spares box ... was fun flying behind it - it was free air but we only had the fanforced rear housing ... so there was extra casting sticking out. Haven't spoken to Fred for a few years and last time I met up with him he was still cancelling the daily 'rat poison' (warfarin) with beer ... all under the doctors orders of course. His garage still held much of Flea building and I gave him a belt redrive set for another engine he was hoping to do for a flea but most of his time was on helping someone build a 601
kasper Posted January 25, 2016 Posted January 25, 2016 Quote And another[ATTACH=full]40963[/ATTACH] Oh and I preferred your 'thruster' type undercarriage on the HM14 to either the original sprung beam axle or the later tripod with bungee - flew both of those on HM14s in France and they are not as nice as the steel springs you used - even if I did manage to land it in the middle of a puddle and give myself and the flea rainwater rinse :-/
Flea_Nut Posted January 25, 2016 Author Posted January 25, 2016 Hi Kasper, as you say PIO is entirely the pilots fault especially on the flea and flying stick only. Some flea's fly with rudder and brakes connected to the rudder. Fred Byrons Flea (HM293) has the travel set at 2.3rds pedal movement moves the rudder and the last third applies the brakes. Didnt like it myself but Kirk Sutton who was a flying instructor at the Oaks when the Flea was based there flew it beautifully. His Pilot notes are on the Flea forum and I saw him perform some beautiful flying even tho he was overweight for the wing area. I asked him why his approach was so hot and he said that this flea did not behave very well with its weight to wing area ratio at slow speeds. Kirk and I both used to work in Sydney CBD and would meet for lunch to discuss Fleas and how we would resolve their issues. He just dissappeared one day and then I heard he was building a n HM14 in England. He did come back to test fly another Hm14 that had been modified by Fred Byron with a slit fin /rudder combination the he and Fred had developed. Unfortunately this was sold to Don Campbells Museum in Canada. It would never fly Don as he is a massive guy, I doubt he could get into the cockpit. A 60% fin and 40% rudder combination reduces the rudder sensitivity enormously and all Fred plans now incorporate this. My 14 has no brakes and you taxy it on the ground by grabbing each wheel with a gloved hand to turn in that direction. Full rudder on the stick. Very poor response to rudder on the ground until 30 knots. Poor undercarriage ( too close to the ground ) and a full flying rudder make it very sensitive indeed as you approach flying speed. You only have to think about moving your hand and the Flea has faced in that direction. The guy who attempted to fly the 14 knew nothing of the fleas handling and was lucky not to kill himself especially as Bob Cornwell had not set any control stops on the front wing. The combination of these errors would have killed him if he had flown it. As it was /is I fast taxied it at Somersby and flipped it over braking the prop ( F@#$% ) and the trailing edge of the front wing. I had no intention of trying to fly it with no control stops but was ready for PIO if it did leap into the air. Scared the crap out me, boy was the adrenalin pumping
Flea_Nut Posted January 25, 2016 Author Posted January 25, 2016 Yes I plan on raising the 14 of the ground more than it is. My 14 has a solid axle and relies on big rideon lawnmower tyres to provide suspension. Too close to the ground and thats how I flipped it> whose flea in the photo?
Flea_Nut Posted January 25, 2016 Author Posted January 25, 2016 Sorry we got out of sink with the picies posted of the modified 14 and my comments. I must get mine off the trailer this week and begin to mount the Henderson. My 14 has the curved mainspar and was built from Henri's book, so no flat centre section or folding wings or extended fuse. Looks 1934 Authentic and I dont want to mess with it so that it looks like a late era build 1
Flea_Nut Posted January 25, 2016 Author Posted January 25, 2016 Quote Hey James,Had a Pterror years ago. still have a brand new wing covering. In Vietnam for next few days. Could reminisce sometime. Regards Don Hi Don, I'm having trouble driving this software. Saw your message come thru but now cant figure out how to get back to the PM with your ph number. Not an easy site to drive
skeptic36 Posted January 25, 2016 Posted January 25, 2016 Quote Hi Don, I'm having trouble driving this software. Saw your message come thru but now cant figure out how to get back to the PM with your ph number. Not an easy site to drive On the side menu, click on your Avatar then my conversations.
rotax618 Posted January 25, 2016 Posted January 25, 2016 My flea had a standard length fuselage as per Henry's book "Sport de la Air"? The few times I got it off the ground I found it very stable in pitch but because of the enormous flying rudder and short couple was neigh impossible to keep straight. The 40hp Robin was adequate power, less power would certainly require more wing span/area. This is another photo of a friend helping to prepare the front wing for covering. 1
Phil Perry Posted January 26, 2016 Posted January 26, 2016 Quote Yes Nev, The Henderson engine is only a 3 bearing crank, the Deluxe (1928) is a 5 bearing crank. As you say the gearbox is cut off. The only video of a Henderson engine running in an aircraft is a Penguin engine startup at Omaka in Marlborough. Oddly enough its the only one I've ever seen that runs as if the engine is in the bike ( prop not running from the flywheel end ) I will post the engine start on You Tube hopefully when we take The 14 to Steam Feast. I dont intend to fly it very far on this engine. Maybe hops, maybe a circuit at Cabulture. It had a Rotax 503 engine in it which is more power than it needs. I took it out to fit my Pteradactyl Ascender after I flipped the 14 over. engine teardown after a prop strike.I did fly my friends flea in NZ but the wing area was too low making very high take off and landing speeds. I really want a wing area that will fly me in the parachute decent mode with full power. All the data says that with the correct wing area and pilot weight, in no wind, the forward speed is 18 mph. Incredible. I didn't mention the fact that I am one of the founding members of The Australian Vintage Aviation Society ( TAVAS ) and all my collection on paper belongs to them. TAVAS is now based at Cabulture and specialise in WW1 airaft. Look them up on the net. You will be amazed at what has been achieved in the 3 years it has been operational. If you are into vintage aviation, this is the place to be. I would love to relocate there but the Mrs is not keen. Kasper, there were 2 Balerit imported for a tour of Aus quite some years ago and apparently one of them is still in Aus but I've been unable to trace it and it doesnt appear on the register. Do you know anything about it? Do you know Jim Jenz and where his fleas have gone? Vive Le Pou james James,. . . .there is a Balerit at our site in the UK, if I remember correctly, the serial number is 136. I'll have a look at it next weekend as I'm working away from base ATM. This aircraft has not flown for circa 2 years, and it's quadriplegic owner has now relocated to Koh Samui in Thailand. I do not know what is going to happen to that one. . .has a Rotax 582 on board, and WAS used for teaching disabled pilots. Phil. 1
Flea_Nut Posted January 27, 2016 Author Posted January 27, 2016 Hi Phil, I've been trying to locate the Balerit in Aus in the hopes of buying it without much success. Can you make enquiries as to whats happening with it and if the guy wants to sell it? Price? Much appreciated James (also Perry ) long lost relative?
Phil Perry Posted January 27, 2016 Posted January 27, 2016 Quote Hi Phil, I've been trying to locate the Balerit in Aus in the hopes of buying it without much success. Can you make enquiries as to whats happening with it and if the guy wants to sell it? Price? Much appreciatedJames (also Perry ) long lost relative? Will do James. The machine is folded, and as you ae aware, doesn't take up much hangar space, but it is still attracting rent for where it is stored; so I will ask the hangar owner when I get back. Probably this coming weekend. The guy said that, since he was bequeathed another aircraft ( BFC Challenger 2 ) he can't justify keeping two machines, so I would assume he'd be interested in unloading it. The disabled flight training thing ended some time ago, and the type is not overly popular in the UK. Don't know why, it's a complete pussycat to fly, once you've figured out what else to do with your redundant feet whilst flying it. . . Phil. ( The only ( born in ) Aussie in our family is my eldest Daughter Rachel, who emerged into the world in 1982 ! - most of our extended family is in the States and Canada. My middle name is James, so we are almost lexographically related ! )
Flea_Nut Posted January 27, 2016 Author Posted January 27, 2016 phot of my 293 with rear wing centre section and Cosandy flap
Flea_Nut Posted January 27, 2016 Author Posted January 27, 2016 photo of my 293 with rear centre section and Cosandy Flap Fuel tank on the ground
Flea_Nut Posted January 27, 2016 Author Posted January 27, 2016 sorry to post it multiple times. struggling with the site
Phil Perry Posted January 27, 2016 Posted January 27, 2016 Hii again James,. . . I've just found out that the custodian of the Balerit I mentioned earlier, is currntly on his way back to the UK from Koh Samui also,. . .tHe was the bloke who taught the current owner to fly, during the disabled flying club days. The chap Also has a house that he is in the process of rebuilding in KS,. . .and should be contactable in the next few days. I am SURE that the Balerit is for sale, but I have not looked at it for a while, and although it is hangared, it may need some TLC. There was another chap ( from the UK ) who was talking about containering his Aero COmmander 114 single out to Aus, last year, and I think he mentioned a figure of around GB £500.00 for the transport. . . Anyway, as soon as I've had a chat to the guy, I can put you two blokes in touch and you can sort something out. I've known the chap for 20 odd years and he is a really nice bloke. . .never know, you might be able to get it for the right price ! ! ! ! Phil.
kasper Posted January 27, 2016 Posted January 27, 2016 Quote Hii again James,. . .I've just found out that the custodian of the Balerit I mentioned earlier, is currntly on his way back to the UK from Koh Samui also,. . .tHe was the bloke who taught the current owner to fly, during the disabled flying club days. The chap Also has a house that he is in the process of rebuilding in KS,. . .and should be contactable in the next few days. I am SURE that the Balerit is for sale, but I have not looked at it for a while, and although it is hangared, it may need some TLC. There was another chap ( from the UK ) who was talking about containering his Aero COmmander 114 single out to Aus, last year, and I think he mentioned a figure of around GB £500.00 for the transport. . . Anyway, as soon as I've had a chat to the guy, I can put you two blokes in touch and you can sort something out. I've known the chap for 20 odd years and he is a really nice bloke. . .never know, you might be able to get it for the right price ! ! ! ! Phil. Having moved planes both directions between UK and OZ the best bet for the ballerit is to trailer it and hand it over to a car mover as a vehicle. Moving the sapphire to UK on trailer worked really well and was not too expensive even though its twice the length of the ballerit. When bringing it into OZ your fun (and costs) starts. ANYTHING that has wheels that have been on the ground WILL incur AQIS inspection and cleaning fees and it will stay in a bond store at your cost until this is all sorted AND you have paid the GST. Getting 6 aircraft through customs on the way back was a time consuming and expensive task ... but worth it ... and that included my flea part built.
Phil Perry Posted January 27, 2016 Posted January 27, 2016 Thanks Kasper,. . .but I'm just trying to help someone who seems interested in a particular type of aircraft. None of the above will concern me in any way shape nor form, but thank you for your input old son. If the thing is for sale . . .and the feller wants to buy it,. . .I will assist from this end WITH INFORMATION. . . as much as I am able,. . ..but following that,. . .you could probably help the prospective purchaser with you knowledge of transport. Cheers. Phil
kasper Posted January 27, 2016 Posted January 27, 2016 Quote Thanks Kasper,. . .but I'm just trying to help someone who seems interested in a particular type of aircraft.None of the above will concern me in any way shape nor form, but thank you for your input old son. If the thing is for sale . . .and the feller wants to buy it,. . .I will assist from this end WITH INFORMATION. . . as much as I am able,. . ..but following that,. . .you could probably help the prospective purchaser with you knowledge of transport. Cheers. Phil Yep know that Phil - Also know James - have known him for decades now - only responded to your post as it touched on transport and I have some experience. And I am sure there is only 1 para modified HM1000 and I know the asking price on that one from a couple of years ago ... if its anything like that price now it aint coming to OZ ... esp with the$ where it is now ... as it would be cheaper to buy a J120 than the ballerit :-(
Flea_Nut Posted January 27, 2016 Author Posted January 27, 2016 Thanks guys for the input. I have imported vehicles into Aus before and I'm aware of the costs involved, Just importing an engine from Canada was unbelievably expensive and has blown out what was a cheap deal to a bloody expensive one. Phil if its very cheap I'll probably do it. It would be easier to find the Balerit thats in Aus and already on the register as thats where the fun really begins especially with the state of the RAA at the moment
Phil Perry Posted January 28, 2016 Posted January 28, 2016 Thanks for the info re the import requirements Kasper,. . . ( And the trailering / shipping bit ) As soon as Paul is back from Thailand ( I left him a message ) I can dig up more info, although, from what you have told me, the thing would have to be rather cheapish to make it worthwhile. I should know within the next few days anyway. Phil. 1
diesel Posted January 28, 2016 Posted January 28, 2016 There is a strong flea group on yahoo groups. Lots built and even aerobatics. Chas Vive Le Pou James ( Flea_Nut ) z
Soleair Posted January 28, 2016 Posted January 28, 2016 Good luck trying to operate the Yahoo group format. . . Bruce
diesel Posted January 28, 2016 Posted January 28, 2016 Quote Good luck trying to operate the Yahoo group format. . .Bruce Yes Bruce they really stuffed up with neo. I found a way in and monitor the flea group. Old Henry was not stupid. I can find a lot of flea in Jodel especially the D18.
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