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Do RA hours count towards a CPL?

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Talked to a RA flying training organisation in Wollongong this afternoon and the owner said that RA hours count towards a PPL if you wish to make the conversion, but not towards CPL hours if you choose to become a commercial pilot down the track. Is this correct? He mentioned something about Part 61 and registered planes.





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Hi Romeo,


This has been touched on before, but yes, the hours do count. Under CAR5, which was the old rules, the regs referred to time being completed in a "registered aeroplane", which RA-Aus didn't fall under. However all previous discussion/debate about this was made mute when Part 61 came into effect.


Under Part 61 the hour requirement for CPL hours as part of a non integrated course now read "aeroplane" which under definitions is:




Definition of aeroplane for Part 61


Aeroplane means an aeroplane that has flight controls providing control of the aeroplane in 3 axes.


I have also included the section in the regs about the CPL below under Part 61


Aeronautical experience requirements for grant of commercial pilot licences--aeroplane category (61.610)


(1) An applicant for a commercial pilot licence with the aeroplane category rating must have at least 200 hours of aeronautical experience that includes:




(a) at least 190 hours of flight time as a pilot; and




(b) at least 100 hours of flight time as pilot in command of an aeroplane; and




© at least 20 hours of cross-country flight time as pilot in command of an aeroplane; and




(d) at least 10 hours of instrument time; and




(e) at least 5 hours of instrument flight time in an aeroplane.




(2) Any of the required aeronautical experience that is not completed as flight time as a pilot must be completed as simulated flight time in an approved flight simulation training device for the purpose.




(3) The cross-country flight time required by paragraph (1)© must include a flight of at least 300 nautical miles during which a full-stop landing is made at each of 2 aerodromes not within the flight training area for the aerodrome from which the flight began.



However note that the aeroplane needs to be 3axis control. This means that time in weight shift wouldn't be able to be counted.


Also, as was pointed out to me a while ago, something to think about is this: If you wanted to pursue work as a CPL at the end of this, bear in mind that while the Regs say the hours count, a potential employer may not see it that way. They may only want GA hours/experience and don't care about the RA-Aus time. Something to take into consideration.



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As I understand it RAAus hours count except if you are doing an integrated 150 hr course run by some of the bigger flying schools. The normal 200 hr requirement for CPL allows RAAus hours. We suggest to our students to do at least half in GA aircraft because that's what you need to be proficient in.



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