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>< SNIPIt's sad that CASA/Airservices don't facilitate integration/re-release of AvPlan/OzRunways/ADSB data for EFB pilots (note my earlier posts on this). The cynic in me tells me they really don't care about safety, otherwise it would be done by now!

Its unlikely that they will get involved in something they don't control or does not comply to a recognised international standard. Its probably not a safety issue, more likely its a potential litigation issue. The ADS-B equipment is already out there to do the job, the hurdle for most recreational pilots is the cost.



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Its unlikely that they will get involved in something they don't control or does not comply to a recognised international standard. Its probably not a safety issue, more likely its a potential litigation issue. The ADS-B equipment is already out there to do the job, the hurdle for most recreational pilots is the cost.

Birdseye, you are probably right about the "rationale" of each authority, but the pragmatist in me says their mindset on this is completely wrong! Layer it with disclaimers, and "not to be relied upon" statements, but spending a mere pittance to facilitate something that could really make a big difference to situational awareness (and safety IMHO), and you've won over lots of cynics like me!
Birdseye, you are probably right about the "rationale" of each authority, but the pragmatist in me says their mindset on this is completely wrong! Layer it with disclaimers, and "not to be relied upon" statements, but spending a mere pittance to facilitate something that could really make a big difference to situational awareness (and safety IMHO), and you've won over lots of cynics like me!

I'm so much of a cynic that I've given up pragmatism for realism. 050_sad_angel.gif.66bb54b0565953d04ff590616ca5018b.gif



I'm so much of a cynic that I've given up pragmatism for realism. 050_sad_angel.gif.66bb54b0565953d04ff590616ca5018b.gif

Yes, maybe the "ism" we need is Activism! Write to your pollies!! unhappy_composer.gif.d3e9355e1a45a47f19d6ae0bef8b2e30.gifSadly, most of them couldn't even begin to understand the issues at hand....



Its unlikely that they will get involved in something they don't control or does not comply to a recognised international standard. Its probably not a safety issue, more likely its a potential litigation issue. The ADS-B equipment is already out there to do the job, the hurdle for most recreational pilots is the cost.

When litigation "a$$ covering" apparently comes ahead of "Safety" which is CASA's prime focus (according to their founding Act of Parliament), their (in)actions speak louder than their words.
When litigation "a$$ covering" apparently comes ahead of "Safety" which is CASA's prime focus (according to their founding Act of Parliament), their (in)actions speak louder than their words.

So it's about their safety, not ours?



Bit confused and trying to get my head around this - and maybe someone could confirm my understandings or set me straight.So lets say I built a Raspberry Pi ADS-B receiver (ADS-B in) and I plan to use Ozrunways on a 3G ipad mini in an aircraft.

1. I need the Raspberri Pi 3 module - which includes the wifi module.


2. I need a 1090 Mhz receiver and antenna suitable for aircraft (not one of the ground based monsters)


3. I need a stable 5V (USB) power supply


4. I don't need a GPS module as the iPad GPS knows my position.


5. I need to install some software on the raspberry pi. (not sure what talks best with ozrunways??)


6.There is no point having the the dual band as Air Services don't intend to put in transmitters for the ground the based 978Mhz


7. I will not get ADS-B weather as Air Services don't intend to put in transmitters for weather.


8 I cannot provide an ADS-B out to other aircraft location without a "real" transponder-squitter ($$+) [but is not required for VFR /class G/ RAA anyway]


9. Oz runways will show Ozrunways traffic via the 3g iPad data as usual.


10. ADS-B traffic will appear in ozrunways (similar to native ozrunwas traffic?) via Wifi from the Raspberry Pi.


11. ADS-B traffic is (IFR, some GA VFR and new aircraft after 2014)


12. non ADS-B Avplan traffic will not be visible


13. non ADS-B map and compass traffic will not be viable.


14. non ADS-B glider traffic will not be visible (Some vintage also)


Comments/clarifications appreciated thanks!

My go at answering these!!1. I need the Raspberri Pi 3 module - which includes the wifi module. Correct (Someone on facebook was selling completed ones for around $240 last year, where I got mine)


2. I need a 1090 Mhz receiver and antenna suitable for aircraft (not one of the ground based monsters) Correct


3. I need a stable 5V (USB) power supply Correct , you can use a powerpack, in my aircraft I use the 12v power supply from the aux power (Cigarette lighter power)


4. I don't need a GPS module as the iPad GPS knows my position. Correct, assuming you have the 3G version, just a wifi version does not have the GPS chip.


5. I need to install some software on the raspberry pi. (not sure what talks best with ozrunways??) Correct, quire a few sites out there detailing how to do this. Or you buy one like I did


6.There is no point having the the dual band as Air Services don't intend to put in transmitters for the ground the based 978Mhz Correct


7. I will not get ADS-B weather as Air Services don't intend to put in transmitters for weather. Correct


8 I cannot provide an ADS-B out to other aircraft location without a "real" transponder-squitter ($$+) [but is not required for VFR /class G/ RAA anyway] Correct, who knows what will come in future with low cost ADSB out solutions


9. Oz runways will show Ozrunways traffic via the 3g iPad data as usual. Correct and ADSB, I pick up the Jets going overhead, interesting to see how fast they move!! Also picked up a few helicopters nearby too.


10. ADS-B traffic will appear in ozrunways (similar to native ozrunwas traffic?) via Wifi from the Raspberry Pi. Correct


11. ADS-B traffic is (IFR, some GA VFR and new aircraft after 2014) Anyone that has ADSB out fitted and it is turned on. Seen a RAAus aircraft with it too!! And ADSB is mot mandated for RAAus VFR, so may only have mode S


12. non ADS-B Avplan traffic will not be visible Correct


13. non ADS-B map and compass traffic will not be viable. Correct


14. non ADS-B glider traffic will not be visible (Some vintage also) Correct , alot of gliders have flarms. Depending how old their flarm is, they may see you if you have Mode C / S or ADSB.


If you have more questions, keep asking, and start googling. If you are interested in who was building and selling them, let me know and I will see if I can dig it up.




Hi Folks


I can categorically state that we (as I run AvPlan EFB) have no issues and have never had an issue with sharing traffic data (google it and you will see statements from me to that effect in other forums). When I heard that OzRunways were recently saying that we didn't and they did want to share I again approached them. I have received no reply to that message in over 4 weeks.





You need a log in, can't remember if it's free.

There is a button to register - it is free.



Hi FolksI can categorically state that we (as I run AvPlan EFB) have no issues and have never had an issue with sharing traffic data (google it and you will see statements from me to that effect in other forums). When I heard that OzRunways were recently saying that we didn't and they did want to share I again approached them. I have received no reply to that message in over 4 weeks.


This thread is getting more positive. I sincerely do hope this happens.

Bevan, I’m aware of your ongoing positive approach to this, and I continue to thank you for your efforts. It’s disappointing that you only get silence from the other EFB developer. Their inaction on this also speaks volumes.


Ideally, an enlightened and proactive regulator with safety truly at the heart of its actions would have attempted to support both EFB suppliers with the integration of traffic data along with Airservices ADSB paints, so all users had all traffic data available as an aid to situational awareness.


I suppose my idealism (yes another “ism” in my list) isn’t rewarded across the aviation community as strongly as you and I would like to see.




I imagine one day doing Victor 1 with all the ADSB aircraft on the EFB and sweating a bit. 001_smile.gif.bb705e7282f2f19cc33cc5f00844ef33.gif



I imagine one day doing Victor 1 with all the ADSB aircraft on the EFB and sweating a bit. 001_smile.gif.bb705e7282f2f19cc33cc5f00844ef33.gif

Yes, and with eyeballs frantically scanning outside looking for all the “paints” we were blissfully unaware of previously!
There is a button to register - it is free.

Why do you need to register? OzRunways you don't have to.
Why do you need to register?

Only to ensure we know who is accessing the site (and to do data sharing etc in the future)




Wow! Just found this thread, and I am keen to get one of these in my bird. Had an episode on flight last week where a Chieftain crossed my track maybe 500ft - 1000ft below us. By the time Mel Cent had alerted us (I have a transponder) he was already right there. We didn't see him coming as he was moving quite fast. We would have missed, but it would have been really nice to know he was there a bit earlier.


I have OzRunways up on my iPad mounted on the dash, so this is prefect. I also have a Garmin Aero on the dash, anyone know if they can work together with this Rasp Pi solution?







Can You put up the registration link and traffic web link please Bevan?

Took me a bit to find, but eventually found the link. Below.AvPlan Live


You need to have registered first.




Thank you very much dsam and scre80.


I am still a little unclear about the software than runs on the Raspberry Pi.


I think part of the puzzle that is missing is the Ozrunways instruction page that no longer appears online. Does anybody have a copy of this please?




I think I prefered the instructions that were on OzRunways. I'm testing this again



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