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Oh you say sorry now, but where were you when I sobbed myself to sleep all those nights alone?



With Acme rain and wind noise sealer.



Surely there is a neat rubber extrusion on the market that would do that job neatly?

:whistling:I know....don't call you Shirley.



  • Agree 1

Hi Mark,


Did you try to email me?




Wedgetail Aircraft Pty Ltd



Surely there is a neat rubber extrusion on the market that would do that job neatly?:whistling:I know....don't call you Shirley.

Ashley there's plenty of them, just not at that stage yet.




This flat wrap is proving to be a headache and a half to join the 2 pieces together.


After a few different iterations, I am now trying for 2 long one piece joiners (one either side of the perspex) with pre matched holes in both the metal and perspex. The joiners must be bent at 45 degrees one end but flat at the other (initially a headache but now resolved), and other design oddities to suit the exponential curve, and of course the inner joiner must line up it's rivet holes while negotiating a smaller radius. However, that radius is exponential and is only for segments 3, 4 and 5, of 6 segments, as segments 1, 2 and 6 are straight.


All worth it if I can get a good looking flat wrap though, and all this work only has to be done once thanks to computers.


There is a local shop that does laser for the perspex, amazing perfect 4mm holes, oddly the protective paper barely gets touched and the plug is still there.


Anyone who has ever scratched or broken perspex can understand why I am taking it out of the hands of newbie builders.




Why perspex rather than polycarbonate which although scratches easily, I understand, deals with impacts much better than perspex.



Why perspex rather than polycarbonate which although scratches easily, I understand, deals with impacts much better than perspex.

Because this is the finest Chinese aviation product, built to the lowest cost, for best economic performance. 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif



Why perspex rather than polycarbonate which although scratches easily, I understand, deals with impacts much better than perspex.

I don't know what it is, I call them all perspex. I just buy it at the same shop that does the laser because it's dirt cheap at this stage while I am wasting it. It's $40 a 1.2M x 2.4M x 2mm sheet that I get my 4 panels from, and the laser is $20. You can see I tried a few shapes with sheet metal, a 1.0M x 2.0M x 0.4mm sheet costs $8 and the laser for that $15 (2 panels).


Not important at the moment, the correct material can be sourced later, getting the fitment right and into a CNC file is what is important right now.


I just typed into search 'Lexan', plenty of it here apparently.



Bex - luckily, people have done this before you, and are happy to share their advice.Bend Sheet Acrylic or Plexiglass For Crafts Using Simple Tools

Thanks you but that doesn't tie in with my current process. I actually have friends, one with a commercial sized gas wood drying oven, the other with an electric powder coating oven if I wanted to follow that procedure.


At the moment it's simply go to the plastics shop (sign makers), and simply tell them I want say 10 sets lasered out please, an hour later they're done. Then to my Laser guy and laser out the metal joining strips, and then it's a simple case of the Homebuilder offering 10 minutes simple work slipping the rivets through the pre-matched holes.


Importantly, if it ever gets broken or badly scratched, the Owner can go buy a new sheet locally, use the old one as a template, and have the capability of making his own replacement at home, simply and cheaply.



  • Like 2
I actually have friends ..

I must say, I find this difficult to believe. You're a Mod, aren't you? 003_cheezy_grin.gif.c5a94fc2937f61b556d8146a1bc97ef8.gif


Thank you but that doesn't tie in with my current process

Well, you could've at least mentioned you were modelling your canopy along Percival Proctor lines. That would've at least saved me all those hours of work and footslogging, searching out informative sites to help you. 051_crying.gif.fe5d15edcc60afab3cc76b2638e7acf3.gif




  • Haha 1

If you think I've been quiet for a bit, well you would be wrong.


Have been working 18 hour days for a few weeks on future infrastructure, I am mentally exhausted, but here is iust one of the results gained ...1240495978_UFactoryNew.jpg.a58d6a9be7e339d73f37f5216373134b.jpg



  • Like 8

Great job!


Ballroom dance classes now eh? 022_wink.gif.2137519eeebfc3acb3315da062b6b1c1.gif


Seriously, WOW!, should be able to achieve a lot with that work space.


Good luck, you thoroughly deserve it.+ a day off.



  • Agree 1
Seriously, WOW!, should be able to achieve a lot with that work space.

What work space? I was talking about the room on the left on the 3rd floor hidden behind the crane. 003_cheezy_grin.gif.c5a94fc2937f61b556d8146a1bc97ef8.gif



  • Haha 1

O.K. ... but where have you hidden the XPB?? We expected more than this, after all this time! 043_duck_for_cover.gif.77707e15ee173cd2f19de72f97e5ca3b.gif


It's obvious that regular floggings will have to be introduced, to improve the production process. 003_cheezy_grin.gif.c5a94fc2937f61b556d8146a1bc97ef8.gif



O.K. ... but where have you hidden the XPB??

It's in a friend's factory, I couldn't get the crossover of the last factory's renewal date and this factory's start date together so was left in limbo.


There's a few adjoining facilities too with the occasional bit of gear ..





  • Like 2
  • Informative 1

Noice ... Very Noice. Multiple numbers of late model CNC machinery, and a floor you could eat your dinner off.


I also like the way they don't muck around with the overhead crane capacities in your neck of the woods.



Noice ... Very Noice. Multiple numbers of late model CNC machinery,

There's plenty more, but there's also plenty I can't show you too as they do some stuff for ....... and ........ Oh and then there's .......... of course, and lets not forget ..............


All clear?



  • Helpful 1

hello good friend Australian.


I Mr Bex, are go on holiday for some time, you not worry me, I have fun best, I back soon.



  • Haha 3

For those interested, still chipping away at infrastructure and a few other business foundation issues which is keeping me away from the build at the moment.


However, and for what it's worth, the wings for the upcoming High Wing model are already sorted out, so with everything else mostly in place now, resources, materials, tooling etc, after the low wing is finally done, the High Wing will happen very rapidly after it.


You're quite welcome to mention what you might like to see in a High Wing, cheap and cup holders are already in place ...



  • Like 5

Would love great visibility, especially downwards, to be able to take photos of scenery and for general cross country viewing. All Perspex doors? Can you avoid struts which detract from photos? ability to carry enough baggage to allow for camping. Minimum 3 hours but preferably 4 hours endurance


Just thoughts!



  • Informative 1

Wing fold?


Fly OK with doors open/off


Easy entry/exit with nothing that might break in a position that a passenger might consider a grab handle



  • Like 2

throttle(s) positioned for either left or right hand operation


hook for headset


ability to "park" passenger rudder pedals



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