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Be interesting to see how you do that canopy since the rear fuse is flat sided and not rounded.




















It is fantastic to see all this progress Bex. Hopefully you are still making good progress health-wise also!



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Bex, I really admire your stickability and inventiveness. This is great.


As you are in the same neck of the woods as Chongqing, I wonder if you know anything about GK (Gaokin) engines, and/or the company, like this : 4 stroke liq cooled v-twin 850cc 65HP (reported) 42kg bare.


Also, any idea of freight costs from there to Brisbane ?


Wishing you continued progress and health


regards, Qld-blue.





  • 2 weeks later...


As you are in the same neck of the woods as Chongqing, I wonder if you know anything about GK (Gaokin) engines, 


Also, any idea of freight costs from there to Brisbane ?




I first went to Gaokin almost 10 years ago when they were setting up to assemble the 650cc single. I have been there again since. The engines are of AVL Austria design, they only assemble them, components are made somewhere else in China, and the components shared with a few other companies who do the same. They have a 80hp  1000cc VTwin also. Their engine sizes are of no interest to me for my projects. Have no idea of freight costs.










HS Skins on, bent and drilled by hand as all the shops are closed for the holidays. Happy my metal working skillz are still there.


Held on by a few rivets while I make decisions about the D-box and Elevator hinges.








What's the purpose of the vertical slot on each side of the fuselage? Good to see the project is still making progress.


What's the purpose of the vertical slot on each side of the fuselage? Good to see the project is still making progress.

Carry through for spar box?

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Hey Bex, looking good.


I had a shave.



How are you planning to hinge the elevators?




Yup, same as a Morgan, Vans RV12 ect ..

Thanks. It just looked very deep for a wing spar.


It looks like a 70's Volvo. As they said about them - "it should look good, once you get it out of the box!" :cheezy grin:

  • Like 1

It looks like a 70's Volvo. As they said about them - "it should look good, once you get it out of the box!" :cheezy grin:


Interesting the comments I've had when you consider Whittman, Murphy, Davis, Bede ect, and of course the best selling Zenith 700 series ..




One guy is referring to it as the "Tesla Cyberplane" ..



  • Haha 1

My spar box is exactly that 200mm 6061 t6 ,goes through fuse and 350mm stubs outside with the wing dihedral starting there at 3 degrees , 6bolts holding wings to spar box and spar box is held in place with 8 more bolts AN5s

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In case you're wondering why no updates, it's because of the Wuhan Virus, China is completely shutdown, and that has just been extended another 8 days. I simply can't buy some simple supplies even to make some parts by hand, darn it.

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Well, unless someone's impersonating you, at least you're still alive, if terminally bored!

Posted (edited)

Well, unless someone's impersonating you, at least you're still alive, if terminally bored!




Bex ok, you best friend mine, worry no, he report soon comrade.



Edited by bexrbetter
  • Haha 1

Every household has just been told to stay indoors, only 1 resident from each household can leave 1 time every 2 days to buy supplies. If you have to go to work, you need a letter from your company to leave you housing compound.


Essential Gov services are one person per office, one day per week for each relevant employee.


There's over 40,000 cases, and over a 1000 dead now (we know here that there are people unaccounted for), worst of all, WHO are reporting cases of people infected in other countries who have not been anywhere near China, Chinese or infected people, which would suggest air-borne.


I seriously suggest you all start taking 500mgs Vitamin C and a teaspoon of propolis honey each day to strengthen your respiratory immune systems. I know you're a long way away, but the way this is going ... and it's already there. Hoping for Australia to find a vaccine sooner than later, the world leaders in vaccine development thanks to all Oz things that can kill you.




Propolis honey? I've never heard of the stuff. Will any old honey from the local supermarket do?

What has happened in Adelaide is that people ( not me ) are shunning Chinese restaurants. We had Chinese last night and so far I haven't got coronavirus.


Just reading about the coronavirus this morning and its nasty features. It can survive for 28 days, and up to 9 days on most surfaces, such as plastic, metal, glass and wood.

What I found interesting, was that the virus' survival time of 28 days, is on cold surfaces, as in below 4°C. High temperatures, such as 30°C and above, slash the virus' survival time substantially.


So, this feature means the virus survives better and for much longer, in extremely cold areas. I suspect this virus is not alone with this ability to survive happily in very cold habitats.

I suspect many of our virulent 'flu viruses still survive happily around the Polar regions, just waiting for the right circumstances and conditions, to strike.



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Propolis honey? I've never heard of the stuff. Will any old honey from the local supermarket do?



No, I'll give you a link later today for proper medical grade. It's expensive but you only take a half teaspoon per day and there is no shelf life for honey.

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