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Could we say you were at wits end and let give this a go, would that be an appropriate statement to cover the situation?KP.

Me at wits end? Not at all. What are you saying Keith? You need to dumb it down for me.



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I'm excited where our Organisation might now go.


For those that focus on membership numbers declining as a bad thing then I think in the next 18 months you will see a change. RAAUS has intentionally not promoted for membership because of the bad state its office was in. Most systems are now in place to expand. Registrations and membership systems are mostly automated. Rules are being followed. A Professional board to oversee. Things are looking up.





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The idea that someone will get back into flying because the RAA is sucking less is an optimistic assumption if ever I heard one. Especially, when you have the most of the same people running the show.


But happy days!




Take something for it ft. I'll fall off my chair when you say something good about the RAAus. Nev



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Isn't that my point though? Expecting the same people to act differently due to a modified structure is the high of self delusion.


Having a former board member publicly admitting that the board purposely mismanaged the RAA into difficulties to allow a faction of the board to gain further control doesn't concern you at all.


Ok whatever


Are you still a financial member Facehunter?



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I personally believe it's the mindset(culture) that can go wrong. Very few people deliberately go out to do the wrong thing. They end up with a seige mentality. I can see why that happens , reading some of the stuff here. Nev



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I was sceptical


now what about the 6000 or so that did not vote are they just not interested in the organization moving on or was it good the way it was


since 2010 I have said that we as members need to stand up and take notice off the crap and corruption and cover ups that was going on with the old way every thing were done


I now have a gut feeling that more positive communication is going to happen so if it don't the shit will hit the fan but it will only happen when we the members take more interest in our organization


now lets get on with taking small positive steps the will lead us to what members want from our organization and it wont happen if its left up to a couple or seven there are over 9000 that need to step up


thank you don for putting so mutch time and energy into trying to convince sceptics like me but I feel that I had good reason to go the way I did (you know part off that story )





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Isn't that my point though? Expecting the same people to act differently due to a modified structure is the high of self delusion.Having a former board member publicly admitting that the board purposely mismanaged the RAA into difficulties to allow a faction of the board to gain further control doesn't concern you at all.


Ok whatever


Are you still a financial member Facehunter?



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Isn't that my point though? Expecting the same people to act differently due to a modified structure is the high of self delusion.

Board members are all out now?


Have to face an election within 6 months?



Having a former board member publicly admitting that the board purposely mismanaged the RAA into difficulties to allow a faction of the board to gain further control doesn't concern you at all.

Who? and a direct, attributable link to the public statement of this, otherwise this so far beyond the height of acceptable comment that it can see the edge of the universe.



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Who? and a direct, attributable link to the public statement of this, otherwise this so far beyond the height of acceptable comment that it can see the edge of the universe.

Oscar, you are wasting your breath!! Just give him an emoticon. 001_smile.gif.2cb759f06c4678ed4757932a99c02fa0.gif



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It's a comfortable majority of a larger than normal response. The matter is dealt with conclusively, I think. Nev



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I wonder why Russ got a warning shot across his bows for his post but Nong didn't?

Gandy, Gandy.......my post was "disrespectful, lacked common decency"


However, I'm chuffed the " no votes" got thumped by the " yes vote" , I believe 80% better. Now.....let's move forward.



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Col, about 99% of the time, I regard FT's comments to be as believable as those of a bullfrog doing accountancy, but that particular statement is one that - if allowed to go unsubstantiated, WILL become part of the body of urban myths and lies that gain traction, because it is seductive to those of a predisposition to believe anything that appears to 'support' their position.


There is an old, old saw that: 'if faced with a choice of believing in conspiracy or a stuff-up as the cause of a situation, a stuff-up will be found to be the real cause in almost all cases'. Those who have a reasonable insight into the management of RAA over the years will know of certain deliberate actions by some members of the Board at various times that have, indeed, led to major problems. The 'registration audit' fiasco has never been satisfactorily explained and there are - without doubt - elements of that due to interference by certain Board / Executive members that are largely unknown; if there were to be a forensic ( 'ICAC-style') investigation, much dirty washing would come to light. The case for negligence bought against RAA and CASA in the case of the Goulburn 'Sting' accident was absolutely no fishing expedition and had it proceeded through the Court there would have been some ugly revelations - which can be directly linked to the CASA audits and the failure of those to be resolved without huge repercussions, some of which are still unresolved satisfactorily.


However, I firmly believe that it is way beyond the bounds of possibility that a few Board members managed to manipulate the rest of the Board to engage in wilful and knowing malfeasance of RAA for their personal ends. The RAA Board has never been a FIFA or an IOC, where wholesale corruption - and what other term could one use, in the face of revelations over many years?- has been the norm. To suggest this, without incontrovertible evidence, is at the least a huge insult to the good character of Board members, and is quite possibly libelous.


I have been a constant campaigner on the topic that the 'old' constitution and form of Board did not produce other than by luck a Board and management that was adequately competent to conduct the affairs of what is a small but intensely complicated operation: intensely complicated because the regulations themselves under which the RAA is FORCED to operate, are intensely complicated. To borrow from a term well-known in administration, the KPIs - 'Key Performance Indicators' - that RAA MUST meet, are almost ALL dictated externally. The simple fact that CASA can undertake an audit and find non-compliance issues that all but castrated RAA, is surely sufficient evidence of that?


The suggestion that the Board, as a whole, could be led by the nose by a few of its members into willfully harming the organisation, beggars belief. IF it is credible, then the entire idea that a larger Board than that currently proposed is likely to be less easily manipulated by a few, is completely destroyed by the evidence presented by historical precedent.



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The idea that someone will get back into flying because the RAA is sucking less is an optimistic assumption if ever I heard one. Especially, when you have the most of the same people running the show.But happy days!

Really? You have almost all new people running the show.



Isn't that my point though? Expecting the same people to act differently due to a modified structure is the high of self delusion.Having a former board member publicly admitting that the board purposely mismanaged the RAA into difficulties to allow a faction of the board to gain further control doesn't concern you at all.


Ok whatever


Are you still a financial member Facehunter?

Which ex board member said that?




Jim you just did, when you were treasurer I asked you about the drop in members and you told me that the RAA was travelling ok it was only 100 members lost and there was nothing to worry about.


Now you're saying the RAA was coasting along for the last few years waiting for the board to sort itself out and the new members will come rolling in and again I have nothing to worry about.


I'm just wondering how this will happen? Is there a specific plan that the board has been sitting on for the last few years?




Holy Crap.


If you don't have a tame QC on hand, FT, you'd better hope Jim will forgive you on the grounds of mental incompetence from being sued for everything you have. With the Board of RAA backing him to the hilt.



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Jim you just did, when you were treasurer I asked you about the drop in members and you told me that the RAA was travelling ok it was only 100 members lost and there was nothing to worry about.Now you're saying the RAA was coasting along for the last few years waiting for the board to sort itself out and the new members will come rolling in and again I have nothing to worry about.


I'm just wondering how this will happen? Is there a specific plan that the board has been sitting on for the last few years?

Total mis-representation of what I have said. In the last few years the board have been repairing a very damaged organisation to get it to a point where it could actually correctly process member and aircraft paperwork.




What's new? I suggest ft gets elected and we will see how HE performs. Are you willing to do that ft? Have you ever done anything for the RAAus? If you criticise ALL the time when you have a good point no one will know. You know the story of the boy who called "Wolf"? Nev



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Oh Nev Now that is a funny suggestion. FT putting his money where his mouth is? He'd need to get his feet out first.



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For those that focus on membership numbers declining as a bad thing then I think in the next 18 months you will see a change. RAAUS has intentionally not promoted for membership because of the bad state its office was in.


If the decline continues at the current rate, in 18 months time the RAA will be into the 7600-7900 members, I would have thought waiting was a bad strategy but that's the plan. Needless to say, that's a further drop in revenues and more staff culled in the office.




FT, The AGM is scheduled for this coming September and nominations for board members will be called before then. You seem to have strong views on how the RAA should be run (you seem to have strong views on most things), so maybe it's time you stopped just talking the talk and started walking the walk and nominated for a position on the board. You're pretty well known around the traps so you shouldn't need to do too much campaigning. I'm sure all your supporters would back you and it'll be interesting to see how many votes you get....


Step up to the plate and show us what you're really made of. Prove to the doubters that there's more to you than we see here and that you can be a positive influence.



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