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...but the number of people interviewed or making statements in the full media scene adds up to a lot.

The number of people making statements or interviewed in the media ... adds up to "a lot"? So how many would that be? maybe 50 or as many as 100? What percentage of people who voted could ever be interviewed or quoted in the media? The media don't have endless air time or column inches to present a representative sample. I call BS on this tactic to support your supposition too.

But yes I do have a fair breadth of news sources in my area that I regularly consume. Certainly more than just the Murdoch media or commercial TV.




I wish that our thin skinned or simply "princely" personalities would learn to interpret the heading on a thread post, realise that they are not interested in that topic and use their very valuable resource of time and judgement to "move-on" and allow others to enjoy what's left of our all too brief life without being trolled. Regards, Don



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G'day C Scott Henry, You are correct about the strategy to move the "left" towards the "centre " as a ploy to harvest conservative votes. I saw the same thing happening under Hawke & Keating and forsaw that this would only give the "Right" room to shuffle even closer to their ultimate destination. It in fact gave them "cover" to put forward an agenda which would have been seen as extreme previously. The question of LGBTI(Q?) whatever only resonates with me because I believe that individual freedom is the only correct way to go. The cynicism of representative democracy is obvious. Today, following Newspoll detecting that the Lying Negative coalition will probably win, the government announces that they have other (unspecified) plans to cut programs (I call this "leaving the door open"). BTW the ABC has not highlighted polling results since they started going bad for Turdball, now they change tack! Yes, I am very wise to the ways of our politicians. Don


I also noticed that JW Howard has come out about further industrial relations reforms should the Coalition get re-elected. There are none so persistent and bitter as thwarted politicians. Howard is still pi$$ed that he was voted out and it was because of Workchoices. So he still feels he has to prove that he was right, much as Abbott has been running around spouting words to the effect "I was right, and everyone else was wrong", much like Bush Jr and Cheney are still maintaining there WERE WMDs in Iraq.



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You're right SQDI, this trash would be better somewhere else.

Feel free to ignore it and move elsewhere. No one is forcing you to take part.



Feel free to ignore it and move elsewhere. No one is forcing you to take part.

It was Ian who started the new off topic section specifically for topics that are not aviation related. i know this topic started in the laughter section but the way it has turned into a typical political mumbo jumbo I think it is time it moved to the off topic section.



Feel free to ignore it and move elsewhere. No one is forcing you to take part.

I provide this as a service to those who can't/won't keep up.

Golly I didn't think that when I voted for Brexit anything would happen that would cost me. Why didn't someone explain it to me? I would have listened really I would.


Just imagine if the situation were reversed. The EU wanted the Pommies out. "I've got my rights . We'll show Em . Wogs begin at Calais. They can't do that to us. Remember Jerry, what we did to you last time. (With a little bit of costly help from our American friends) They love to hate each other. The warring tribes of Europe. Customs and different currency at every border crossing. Import duties etc. Makes you lose faith in democracy. A simple majority doesn't tell it all. If half of a bus load (plus one) wanted to kill the other half (less one) You could hardly claim it's just. Nev




How were your finals, Nev???? I just think that it is a bad situation when only the Guvmint can decide on a question to be put to the people. If we do have a democracy, how about using the Swiss system whereby a group of petitioners can have any proposal put to a definitive vote by the people. (I know that it is easy to poke fun, but...some of the Labor proposals may rankle, and some of the others may appeal. We are forced to compromise with our vote. Doesn't seem FAIR!) Regards, Don




Out of the country for a week, something happens in Europe that results in four pages of bollocks being posted. Sigh, no wonder Bex is the most interesting poster on the entire board.



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"Won’t you join our Common Market?" said the spider to the fly,"It really is a winner and the cost is not too high."


"I know De Gaulle said 'Non', but he hadn’t got a clue,"


"We want you in, my friends and I, for we have plans for you."


"You’ll have to pay a little more than we do, just for now,"


"As Herr Kohl said, and I agree, we need a new milch cow,"


"It’s just a continental term, believe me, mon ami,"


"Like 'Vive la France' or 'Mad Anglais' or even 'EEC'.


"As to the rules, don’t worry friend, there’s really but a few,"


"You’ll find that we ignore them - but they all apply to you."


"Give and share between us, that’s what it’s all about,"


"You do all the giving, and we all share it out."


"It’s very British, is it not, to help a friend in need?"


"You’ve done it twice in two World Wars, a fact we must concede,"


"So climb aboard the Market Train, don’t sit there on the side,"


"Your continental cousins want to take you for a ride."

I totally agree. Dragging the strong down will never lift the weak . Socialism is obviously the perfect system, except it will never work except maybe in a bee hive or ants nest where everyone is born equal , genetically perfect (or are immediatly banished,) and work equally as hard towards a common cause. The way I see it, the people who like this idea also happen to be the ones who say " they" should do this or "they " should do that , while , they themselves don,t contribute .



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Out of the country for a week, something happens in Europe that results in four pages of bollocks being posted. Sigh, no wonder Bex is the most interesting poster on the entire board.

Kinda funny, posting bollocks about bollocks...............



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In every adversity there is an opportunity.


The Dax Brexit Trade ran 867 ticks profit in 97 minutes, making around AUD$16,000.00 per contract. If you had ten contracts on the trade that's $160,000.00 in an hour and a half.



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Poor old Boris; we knew him well.

I knew him TOO well working for the London Assembly to validate his delivery for 2 years ... buffoon is a very generous term for him - bat shit crazed megalomaniac is probably closer to the mark.



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When you are in the bigtime of politics, you need some idea of where it will end up, or you will be punished bigtime. A LOT of damage being done and a lot of division and anger wanting to go somewhere. Nev



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Yep ... and who wants to be remembered as the PM who led the country out of the EU, into a recession and possibly through the breakup of the UK as a nation?


Playing politics he was probably smarter (or well advised) to stay back now, let the poo fall all over someone else and then come back as a wavy haired white knight jolly chap to bring it all back together with a nice game of ping pong or cricket ... and anyone doubting that should just google either Boris and ping pong or Boris's dad and cricket ... they are both as mad as each other ... and never forget there are three more Boris brothers out there, loose, untagged and equally as unhinged ... sort of glad i am in Australia at the moment ... even with the election



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