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He was ex-Air Force.


He earned the nickname there of "the screaming skull".


Being ex Air Force myself I can tell you that the majority of guys are decent blokes, though you are by necessity brought up to be very "mission-orientated". Most guys adjust fine to life outside. Even if they don't like the way GA is run on a shoestring, they cope with it. However there are some who were d***heads when they were in the Air Force, and history shows they usually remain d***heads when they're out of it too. It's just the way life is......



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governance failure by raaus to report incidences to whom the raaus is mandated to report to is an breach of the deed off ageement between raaus and casa


does anyone have a previous copy off the deed off agreement ending 3/6/2016


either way some need to resign disregard this statment by me i advise you not to neil



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......does anyone have a previous copy off the deed off agreement ending 3/6/2016


It is on the RAAus web site members' area Deed of Agreement 2015-16


There does not seem to be a new one yet.




I can't, for the life of me understand all this conspiracy fearmongering. If you are really interested in knowing how a candidate thinks about anything, for heaven's sake, just ask them before you make up a story about it!


Remember there isn't any glory, power, or pay attached to their position.


I'm happy to see that some candidates are happy to work together (if elected). I don't assume (as some seem to) that it would mean that they would agree all of the time about every thing.


It's also good to see that there are more, and different people putting their hat in the ring for these thankless tasks. At least this gives us some choice!



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I am concerned at the current approach, particularly in relation to unsustainable spending - just look at the last couple of years AND the current predicted LOSS as presented at the last general meeting. (Yes I have read the excuses about the failed audits etc so no need to go down that line again - that is purely management issues)

One of the roles of a company director





Like to give us an explanation Tubz?

It means May God be with you for the religious, F$@&"! for the atheists, OMG! for the older SMs, and LMFAO for the younger SMs.



He was ex-Air Force.He earned the nickname there of "the screaming skull".


Being ex Air Force myself I can tell you that the majority of guys are decent blokes, though you are by necessity brought up to be very "mission-orientated". Most guys adjust fine to life outside. Even if they don't like the way GA is run on a shoestring, they cope with it. However there are some who were d***heads when they were in the Air Force, and history shows they usually remain d***heads when they're out of it too. It's just the way life is......

I had a bit to do with Ray Funnell ('Roger Ramjet', as he was nicknamed) when he was CAS and on the Council of the AWM. I actually first met him as ADC to GG Sir John Kerr, for which position I have to say he was massively underutilised in his abilities.


I found him to be a very decent bloke, and - contrary to the old saw about fighter pilots - you COULD tell him 'much' - and he would not just listen but take in, compute, and come back with a thoroughly intelligent response. I heard the stories about him wearing flight overalls in the office as CAS and frankly, I suspect that when he did, it was quite probably because he found them more comfortable than full dress uniform. Alan Hawke (secretary to DVA and later of Defence) used to wear trackies and running sneakers in the office when he didn't have 'representative' duties that day; I personally admire people at the top level who actually arrive to do their job with more regard to being comfortable to get on with it than concerned with their image. It's a wee bit confronting to be giving a briefing to your ultimate Boss in your pinstripe and tie, when he's wearing trackies.


OK, Ray as CAS did have his personal Macchi painted white with the golden eagle on the tail which he used to visit RAAF bases to do snap inspections (as if they wouldn't have been informed that RR was incoming..), and I know the (probably urban myth) story that he once took off from Learmonth and headed west in IFR conditions until his navigator suggested that perhaps they were headed in the wrong direction for home... but I found Ray to be a pretty good example of a damn good person coming from the upper echelons of Defence. And there are plenty of those, with some glaring exceptions - of whom I believe McCormick to be one. Another was Gration - and I won't go there.



I have just about had enough of the mismanagement going on...Monck and Linke just have to go before RAAus is broke and a shambles leaving ASIC to step in. I am also now told that because we are called "Members" in the new company setup we are more open to be liable as individuals if RAAus is badly sued...just told this but a legal professional would be able to confirm or not...they just have to go to save our beloved Association

You better not let Don Ramsay see that, he was telling us all, every thing would be so good and safe when the Ltd is tacked on the end of RAAus. Looks like we were fibbed to again.

What that equates to and I have no time to research it, members of a company are directly responsible for the company. That is why so many have huge liability cover.I have to verify that.






Hi KP,


The Ltd in a company name stands for "limited liability", usually in the order of $10 per member or something like that, although happy to be corrected.



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Do you think that maybe before you pronounce this


Looks like we were fibbed to again.

perhaps you ought to do this


I have to verify that.

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how many members have rely read the raaus Constitution how many have read the raaus Deed of Agreement how many have read the raaus Operations manual


these documents contain vital information as to how raaus is to perform duties of care


before the name calling how about quoting from these directives as to where you find your facts that some person has broken our rules and regulations neil



how many members have rely read the raaus Constitution how many have read the raaus Deed of Agreement how many have read the raaus Operations manualthese documents contain vital information as to how raaus is to perform duties of care

before the name calling how about quoting from these directives as to where you find your facts that some person has broken our rules and regulations neil

OK - I've read the lot and all other governance and disciplinary documents.

Apart from inconsistent descriptive throughout the set of documents - all of which now emanate from the same group of individuals so no excuse of 'its all the old inherited texts/docs' - there are numerous serious practical issues on understanding and applying these docs and this was meant to be a very clear and understandable sets of docs where you are not left up to whatever Mr/Ms 'x' says on the day.


As the most glaring and current issues of non-compliance by the entire board and executive management team of RAAus the ENTIRE election process currently underway is not in compliance with the requirements of


1. the RAAus Inc constitution under which is was called; or


2. the RAAus Ltd constitution under which it is proposed to complete.


To top it off it also does not comply with the new Governance policies of the RAAus Ltd


So dear members do not be surprised when with your notice of AGM for Oct 2016 you receive notice of a member resolution or two from at least 1 serious pi$$ed off member seeking to block the appointment of any/all people to the board and depending on how pi$$ed off i am seeking to have the existing directors sanctioned for actions outside the constitution WITH A REQUEST FOR RECOVERY OF ALL COSTS FROM THEM PERSONALLY.


I am aware that the resolutions will not get up because we have to give the resolutions to the company 3 weeks before the meeting and voter apathy will be such that I guess than 25+ proxies held by a current director will likely be enough to defeat them BUT they will exist, they will be public records and I will hold the directors to account at every opportunity as they came in and have made significant and expensive structural changes to the organisation on a platform of better governance.


If any member would like to discuss and potentially support a member resolution along the lines above please private message me through here.




Kasper, please use this site as a means for getting support and proxies...I vowed to myself the other day that I wouldn't post in the Governance forum any more because I am just so disgusted with the current individuals that have lied, conned and undertaken every under handed means to achieve what they personally want, bluffing many members into getting their support, that I am just over it now.


The only other time I have really felt this way was when I fought hard to let everyone know about what the board was doing in the Runciman/Tizzard era and no one believed me because they conned the members as well but eventually they woke up, please wake up again because there IS a lot that is happening, my problem is that I am passionate about OUR Association and the Members




Tosh and bollocks. As a member I am more happy now than I have ever been with the governance of the organisation.



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Tosh and bollocks. As a member I am more happy now than I have ever been with the governance of the organisation.

Well you were one of the people espousing the sophisticated corporation vs the cricket club method, so what's your take on Kaspers information in 117?

(a) Where is the constitution better than a cricket club's?


(b) Is it OK just to ignore the requirements of the constitution and just do what you want to do?


© Are there no repercussions from operating in contravention of the constitution?



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yes kasper as I see it with my recent comment about deed of agreement some were horrified that certain paragraphs were in it


I was asked to sign a legal doc as a witness several years ago after the persons that it concerned had read it the line in it that caught my eye was (interest at 7% to be paid on the total amount off xxxxxxx for the duration off the loan ) wish I had lent the money


pmccarthy I have written to the president with a request of what I would like to happen requested by the currant president also is a amount off money stated in that letter


it will be your money that should I continue force the president to prove that their was no neg on behalf off raaus on the maters raised by me that they will use


in front off legal representation the president did make a statement that my issue would be addressed by him that happened 14 5 2016 do you know about this bet you don't just another cover up oh that is bloody good governance


that is fact neil



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I've been reading all of the above with considerable curiosity.


I see a variance of opinions - but NO suggestion as to what other body than RAA could provide the necessary functions to keep recreational-class aviators flying, as a bottom line. Don't even try on me suggesting that Myles and his Bundy mob could replace RAA - it has repeatedly demonstrated that it can't find its own buttocks using both hands plus a map and shouted instructions, and even if surreptitiously supported (unofficially) by some within CASA, simply would not have the expertise nor the infrastructure to meet all of the RAA functions. It is very, very damaged good already. Anybody who pins their hopes on a group of rejects from the Runciman/Tizzard era, possibly (unofficially) supported by one or more of the SASAO staff to be able to magically spring up with an effective alternate RAA if they can pull the RAA Board down, is 'dreaming' - and badly 'dreaming', at that. There will be no just pre-Christmas presents for RAA members there.


The only alternative to the RAA is direct CASA control: and that means the RPL, no owner maintenance other than for 'experimental' aircraft, GA costs for VFR-restricted and airspace-restricted aircraft. No general support for the recreational aviation community.


Be VERY careful, in what you wish for.



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Who's talking about another organization besides you?


What is needed is for the shareholders of RAA Ltd to start paying attention to business.



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I've been reading all of the above with considerable curiosity.I see a variance of opinions - but NO suggestion as to what other body than RAA could provide the necessary functions to keep recreational-class aviators flying, as a bottom line. Don't even try on me suggesting that Myles and his Bundy mob could replace RAA - it has repeatedly demonstrated that it can't find its own buttocks using both hands plus a map and shouted instructions, and even if surreptitiously supported (unofficially) by some within CASA, simply would not have the expertise nor the infrastructure to meet all of the RAA functions. It is very, very damaged good already. Anybody who pins their hopes on a group of rejects from the Runciman/Tizzard era, possibly (unofficially) supported by one or more of the SASAO staff to be able to magically spring up with an effective alternate RAA if they can pull the RAA Board down, is 'dreaming' - and badly 'dreaming', at that. There will be no just pre-Christmas presents for RAA members there.


The only alternative to the RAA is direct CASA control: and that means the RPL, no owner maintenance other than for 'experimental' aircraft, GA costs for VFR-restricted and airspace-restricted aircraft. No general support for the recreational aviation community.


Be VERY careful, in what you wish for.

I'm working within RAAus Ltd as its an organisation I have coming up 30 years of association with.

I am not advocating any alternate organisation just saying that in my opinion what is going on now stinks, is costing RAAus Members significant cash and is just plain wrong.


I am not wishing for a new alternate - I am starting down the road of demanding the current one act in accordance with its stated aims and written structural and governance documents - I want RAAus to survive and prosper, I just want it done properly.


If I were to be giving up on RAAus or creating an alternate I would not give two figs what the current RAAus board and management were doing and I would save my time and effort posting here about the goings on.



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compliance with the rules and regulations that are in place for the good governance and accountability that have been in place


well said turbo neil




I I suspect that Kasper is much more of a lawyer than I am. Our politicians seem to have two views about everything, and many of them are lawyers. I just try to asses what people are doing, how hard they are working and whether their aims are aligned with mine and with good governance. As I said, I am happy, I trust the current team, they don't need or deserve vilification.



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