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Cheap... You get about $100 a second for being on an intersection if the light goes red while you are already on it. Nev




Truly amazing - he who shall not be named, managed to restrain himself from broadcasting the news - with a side order of snide.


Funny though how things like helicopters bring out the little green man in people, I was at a kids sporting event out in the country a while ago and one of the parents dropped his kid, plus as many others as could be fitted in, by chopper. A couple of people had to pass the odd remark about showing off, completely missing the point that whilst they were quaffing drinks and socialising, he was working, heading straight off to go and do joy rides somewhere in the neighbourhood, never mind the fact that the chopper made it a 20 min round trip vs nearly 2 hours by car.



  • Winner 2

I honestly don't know why Neill didn't throw a bag of money over the fence to clear the landing area in Ballymore? Seems like the obvious solution



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Wouldn't even make a dent in the loose change in his pocket. It's the same with Lamborghini and Ferrari mega-millionaire drivers, they just scoff at $1000 traffic offence fines.


They're all more concerned about the impact of the fine or charges, on their image and business standing.


Could have been an entirely different outcome if the wash blew over something with substantial weight in it, and it landed on someone. Who recalls the chopper/sign incident at Eastern Creek?


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Possibly cheaper and more convenient for a businessman than using the airport...One of Queensland's richest men, Neill Wagner, has been handed a $1,000 fine for landing his helicopter in a Brisbane park.


Businessman fined $1,000 for landing helicopter in Brisbane park



The following comment is not directed at you.


Who cares if he lands his chopper in a park it is a council issue not a CASA issue, for me it promotes aviation. Isn't that what we are all supposed to be doing not playing the cutting down the tall poppy.


If Wagners have the money good for them it is up to the rest of us to catch up, not knock them down (to our level). The unenviable side of Australians.





  • Agree 9

I reservedly agree, not knowing the specifics, the more landing areas the better


I thought there was a rule saying you can land in most places...providing CAR 92 was met..not sure on how or if that's changed since i read it



I reservedly agree, not knowing the specifics, the more landing areas the betterI thought there was a rule saying you can land in most places...providing CAR 92 was met..not sure on how or if that's changed since i read it



As far as I'm aware it the area is suitable you can use it to land but council permission must be obtained. I may be wrong though.






To me it just sounds like another local government throwing their toys out of the cot. I bet the little council goblin that pursued this one is patting himself on the back right now. I hope the price of concrete just went up $50 a cubic meter for BCC.


Stop the planet I want to get off.



  • Agree 3

Sometimes council representatives really get me going. Some time ago, I was passenger on a chartered chopper ride. We landed at Redcliffe. As I walked back from the machine ( helicopters are machines, not aircraft), a council 'official' pulled up beside me and assumed that since I wore sunnies, I must be the pilot, berated me for low flying over houses on approach to the airstrip. How would he know anyway? Well I knew we hadn't been. I told him so in no uncertain terms. Then as he was about to storm off to make trouble, I mentioned that I was only a passenger anyway, and he looked quite crestfallen.



Decapitate one kid with your chopper and suddenly you're a monster 004_oh_yeah.gif.82b3078adb230b2d9519fd79c5873d7f.gif

Tornado kids are too short to be decapitated. Minced by the tail rotor maybe decapitated no.



  • Informative 1

I wouldn't mind seeing more chopper's landing at reasonable sized parks, who knows might get kids interested in other things than what interest them now! (whats the landing fee for a chopper at anairport)


(larger area to allow frightened parents to get out of the way)






I've had a rescue chopper land a few times in the park opposite my house.


I think they were doing training with the local ambo's as it all seemed quite leisurely.


A private helicopter landed there once and the pilot/owner(?) was whisked away in a waiting car for a few hours before returning and leaving.


The odd PPG pilot takes off for a flight up and down the beach occasionally. (A ribbon attached to a 8 ft pole as a windsock!)


As long as it's safe, I say GO FOR IT!




There's another side to safety with the issue of dropping in to a park, etc.


Sure, a careless spectator might hurt them self. But what about the safety of the pilot?


Some time ago, I saw a chopper land in the park at Dili Beach (E Timor) within site of Parliament House. As soon as the occupants deplaned and disappeared a dozen kids descended on the chopper and played ALL over it for a couple of hours. I wonder how thorough his preflight was before he departed? I wondered how much helicopter was missing by then?



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Decapitate one kid with your chopper and suddenly you're a monster 004_oh_yeah.gif.82b3078adb230b2d9519fd79c5873d7f.gif

If you actually read the article, he said he refused to land in the previously organised park due to the number of kids and high risk, and chose the other park due to the lack of people.


There's another side to safety with the issue of dropping in to a park, etc.Sure, a careless spectator might hurt them self. But what about the safety of the pilot?


Some time ago, I saw a chopper land in the park at Dili Beach (E Timor) within site of Parliament House. As soon as the occupants deplaned and disappeared a dozen kids descended on the chopper and played ALL over it for a couple of hours. I wonder how thorough his preflight was before he departed? I wondered how much helicopter was missing by then?

As a teenager, I watched a Kiowa land at Tin Can Bay, in the park opposite the fish and chip shop. The pilot remained at the controls at ground idle while the crew ran across the road to the shop. No problems, no dramas.



ZoosThe following comment is not directed at you.

Who cares if he lands his chopper in a park it is a council issue not a CASA issue, for me it promotes aviation. Isn't that what we are all supposed to be doing not playing the cutting down the tall poppy.


If Wagners have the money good for them it is up to the rest of us to catch up, not knock them down (to our level). The unenviable side of Australians.



Time to remind people about crabs in a bucket. Here is one version:

A Crab in a Bucket Story


There is a story. Once there was a young man on a beach, watching people catch crabs. A young man put a crab in a bucket, with a tiny bit of water on the bottom. The crab promptly scurried out of the bucket and jumped back into the ocean.




He caught another crab and put that crab in a bucket…and the same thing happened. It escaped and happily returned to the ocean. A wise old fisherman came up to the boy, and put his hand on the boy’s shoulder.




A wide smile crossed his weathered, bearded face and he said, “Son, you have to put two crabs in a bucket…that way…when one tries to get out…the other will pull him back in. Then, you won’t have to worry. They’ll keep each other in that bucket. They’ll be trapped…without you having to do anything else.”




The boy thought that was crazy. Then he did it. He caught one crab and then another. He put the first crab in a bucket, and then quickly put in the second crab. He was amazed. When the first crab tried to get out, the other one pulled him back in. And when the second crab tried to get out…the first one pulled him back in.


People are a lot like crabs.




I think you'll find both crabs get out of the pot.


I would have thought it was a CASA issue and a council issue. Neill supposed to have some sort of qualifications other than a cheque book.




Airservices (ATC) instructed Neil's chopper to land in one park (ALA) and due to people being there deemed it unsafe, so landed in another where there was no risk to people.... however did not have council approval to do so and was subsequently breached... bit like parking in a no standing zone and getting lumbered. .(just a bit more expensive) and as Downey Park does conform to the dimensions required to land a chopper had nothing to do with CASA as he didn't break any aviation rules



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