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There are some very exotic direction finding machines out there, the irritating thing is they need to hear his transmissions first! Some Amateur radio operators indulge in a sport called foxhunting, where we go hunting a small transmitter hidden away by the contest organiser, it might be up a tree or in a ladies toilet - its surprising how fast these things can be found. When we have been hunting nuisance transmissions, it is harder because they are not continuous, and often mobile. The method - pick his pattern of operation, get to the general area, DON"T let on if you are close, use something like a dopplescan (multi-antenna receiver with electronics that 'rotate' the aerials and the phase tells you instantly the direction) and let the ACMA know any information you get. To get the general area, if anyone hearing it can give the signal strength and their position, it would help, but without calibrated strength meters its accuracy is pretty ordinary.


The sooner that deranged peabrain is found and incarcerated in a mental hospital, the better!





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Call ACMA, its their problem and they have the technology to deal with it. I would also report to Air Services and CASA to encourage it along.



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ACMA - probably haven't got the staff or equipment due to Government cutbacks. Where I work, we can't do half the stuff we want to do because there are no funds.



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I personally, don't like reading about this sort of crap. There's always the potential that things can go other than what the flight was originally planned.


Hope they find our who was responsible, and throw the book at them.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Recordings of the transmissions were played on the TV news - I suspect someone recognized the voice. That seemed the most likely way at the time.




The man has been charged with Commonwealth offences and he is entitled to the presumption of innocence and a fair trial.


The matters are now sub judice and speculating on either guilt or penalty at this stage may lead to an action in contempt including against the publisher.


Discuss the seriousness of the offences by all means but my suggestion is that the alleged offender should be left out of it.





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19, with diagnosed autism and depression - as stated by his lawyer and legitimately reported in the news. The court will take this into account when sentencing (as they are required to do by law).


You are actually allowed to report matters of fact after they are presented in Court without being guilty of contempt.



Discuss the seriousness of the offences by all means but my suggestion is that the alleged offender should be left out of it.

No idea of the identity of the alleged offender or the evidence likely to be presented, merely suggesting that if an individual is convicted that the likely penalty on current history is likely to be less then public expectation.



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Fortunately, no-one has come undone because of his actions. Otherwise the outcome may take on a totally different perspective.



and he is entitled to the presumption of innocence and a fair trial.

Phhtt, this is the internet darn it!




Be interesting to find out what kit he was using. Base station and external antenna or hand-held?






So we are not allowed to assume guilt. If I say the person who did this should be hit with the full force of the law, or even better, hung drawn and quartered. I am not assuming whoever is guilty. I am assuming that the reported event has happened and that someone must therefore be guilty. Not that the person charged is guilty.




Ok Nev. So based on your comment we shouldn't report murders in case someone copies it !


I'm interested to learn from where the alleged offender obtained the means to commit the offences.








You don't have to look to far.......


eBay or Google, and take your pick from multiple suppliers for the radio.


Then, all the airport frequencies are available on the net.



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