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Air Charter crashes at Essendon

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First reports that it was an air ambulance were incorrect. It now appears to be a charter aircraft with five onboard, bound for King Island. From the 7 news helicopter shot, the tailplane was the only thing recognisable.



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I wonder if the pilot was trying to make it to the road marked "37"?

I doubt it.


That track probably isn't the actual track, it will be created by drawing straight lines between recorder radar points.



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I wonder if the pilot was trying to make it to the road marked "37"?

He (or she) would have been trying to stay airborne and beyond that I won't speculate.


I can't believe how close they have built that DFO to the runway, no thought there at all.


But as long as people can buy cheap crap they don't need right?



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Reports of 4 American tourists and pilot. A wheel landed on the freeway.


From this view of the wreckage, it would be most unlikely any of the occupants survived. It is understood all staff from the DFO stores have been accounted for.





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Ugh, our beloved media are once again covering themselves in glory, frantically trying to fill in the blanks, whilst providing wall to wall coverage, containing the bare minimum of fact. The usual "aviation experts" have rushed to offer opinions; aided and abetted by every anti-Essendon campaigner with an agenda to push. Grubs!



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On 9 (I know, I know, I should have expected it) their Aviation Xpert was comparing the safety records between "this single engine Beechcraft charter plane and the commercial aviation sector"..


ABC to their credit have done ok.



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The ABC were rabbiting on about a Beechworth when I turned on and seemed more interested in explaining how Essendon was completely surrounded by suburbia and therefore a dangerous place...., so I'm afraid they got bundled with the rest of the rabble in my book.



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The ABC were rabbiting on about a Beechworth when I turned on and seemed more interested in explaining how Essendon was completely surrounded by suburbia and therefore a dangerous place...., so I'm afraid they got bundled with the rest of the rabble in my book.

What a shocking mistake to make!



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I did hear that but it was only one reporter and once, previous to that they had it correct which is why I gave them an ok. They at least seemed to be trying to have correct information and had zero baggage handlers as experts.



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This very sad accident will affect many more people than just those directly involved.


The encroachment on the airport by non-aviation development is criminal in my view. And it's occurring at all secondary and many regional airports. Have a look at YMEN on Google Earth if you don't fly in there, and you will see the problem for anyone taking off to the south.


Standby for an "inquiry" and the closure of Essendon.





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I just google earthed the airport as I have never been there. How on earth did any councillor in their right mind approve the development of that shopping centre. FFS the piano keys of runway 35 are level with a carpark and if you were using 17 what hope would you have in the event of a engine failure. These people need to become criminally liable for their decisions. Given that it's been there since 1921 I'm sure it was there first.



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Just watching a bit more on ABC 24 with the sound off and looking at the video.


It looked like they still had a left prop turning as you could see the cut marks in the roof top at the right sort of distance from the main impact of the fuselage.


The marks resembling shark gills, exactly what you'd expect from a prop with power on.


These are my assumptions from the aerial footage not what has been reported.



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I just google earthed the airport as I have never been there. How on earth did any councillor in their right mind approve the development of that shopping centre. FFS the piano keys of runway 35 are level with a carpark and if you were using 17 what hope would you have in the event of a engine failure. These people need to become criminally liable for their decisions. Given that it's been there since 1921 I'm sure it was there first.

They probably will be.



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