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Hey guys


My lesson got called off this morning due to weather conditions, rain and light winds. My question is, was it cancelled because early students should only start out in good conditions?


I'd like to learn to fly in rain and winds as it could occur while I'm up there, but I do realise I'm only at 5hrs so I probably wouldn't be that capable in these conditions just yet.


Obviously strong gusts and storms and such will prevent anyone and anything from flying if conditions are bad enough. But LSA must be affected a lot more easily due to them being less then 600kg.








Depends on the reason of the instructor - I would fly students in that without any worries and have done many times, but was there any other reason to call it off. Go ask why?



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Rain comes with greatly reduced visibility, turbulence, and low cloud ceilings. You need VMC to fly, that means, cloud ceiling of at least 1000ft AGL, and visibility at least 5000m. Maybe some other minima as well, such as moderate to severe turbulence. Also, the rain can damage the prop.


Jayke, as a pilot with my certificate, I look hard and long at the aviation weather forecasts, before I fly, and look for any excuse not to fly. Remember, we fly for fun, and such conditions wouldn't be that much fun to fly in. As SSCBD said, talk to your instructor about it.


I'd rather be on the ground wishing I was in the air, rather than in the air wishing I was on the ground.


Trust your instructor in these matters, you will come to respect the wisdom in his decisions.




Hey guys


I will always respect his decision as the bloke is wise!


Did not know rain could damage a prop. Is that due to more resistance against it as it cuts through the air?



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At the speed of a prop tip, big raindrops have kinetic energy like a slug from a gun. They sure can damage a wooden prop.



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That's unreal! Lucky the prop on the tecnam is composite. Today would of been cancelled due to visual range and cloud I'm thinking, I'll have to ask next Saturday.



  • Agree 1
That's unreal! Lucky the prop on the tecnam is composite. Today would of been cancelled due to visual range and cloud I'm thinking, I'll have to ask next Saturday.

and most probably a bit of turbulence. I know there is a big weather system moving into your area. Hopefully it'll be gone by your next lesson

Hope so!


It's devastating being pumped for a fly and having to cancel! The safest decision obviously but it sucks being on the ground.





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You won't have anyone disagree with you that it's devestating being stuck on the ground during terrible conditions, like these. Look at it as an opportunity to study up for those up and coming lessons or exams, or chat to excellent ppl and pilots on here. 074_stirrer.gif.5dad7b21c959cf11ea13e4267b2e9bc0.gif


If it makes you feel better, I have a flight planned tomorrow that I have doubts whether I'll be able to do it. The weather is really unstable on the East Coast at the moment, it often is at this time of the year.






Yea I've got my pre area solo exam and one other....maybe human factors (I don't think it's my BAK just yet) coming up so I've gotta buy and read my books haha


Fingers crossed you get a flight in tomorrow bud!





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There's 5 exams you have to pass: Radio, Pre Solo, Air Legislation, BAK, Human Factors.




I have flown in light rain, but when on finals it became scary because without wipers, the rain on the windscreen made it pretty hard to see the runway.



  • Agree 1

Yea, my flight school have that all sorted luckily :) the first two are pre solo and something else.


Yea the tecnam doesn't have wipers...do any LSA? So that'd be freaky!





Yea, my flight school have that all sorted luckily :) the first two are pre solo and something else.Yea the tecnam doesn't have wipers...do any LSA? So that'd be freaky!


Jake we have wise saying....better off being down here wishing you were up there, than being up there wishing you were down here...Never forget it....this sayong alon will undoubtedly save many lives



Yea, my flight school have that all sorted luckily :) the first two are pre solo and something else.Yea the tecnam doesn't have wipers...do any LSA? So that'd be freaky!


Pre Solo





Then Pre Certificate Legislation


We used to have Human factors, but that is now incorporated into each of the above 4 exams


The wind clears the screen and no amount of wipers will create visibility




My flight school says I have to do 5? And that human factors is its own exam? Everyone does stuff differently maybe?



My flight school says I have to do 5? And that human factors is its own exam? Everyone does stuff differently maybe?

Yep some havent incorporated it yet...



  • Like 1
Pre SoloRadio



Then Pre Certificate Legislation


We used to have Human factors, but that is now incorporated into each of the above 4 exams


The wind clears the screen and no amount of wipers will create visibility

Has it changed since Feb 2016? It was 5 exams then, also, HF still appears in my list of endorsements.

I cross checked this with RAA today. The CFI has the decision to use 4 or 5 exams.


HF is now incorporated into all 4 exams.


HF remains its own exam to allow students part way through to continue and do HF as a separate exam.


It is the CFI's decision depending on progress as to whether they are required to do a separate HF exam or not.



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