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Australia's Youngest RPC Holder

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Sorry for the clickbait but I'm sure someone will steal the title off me in a few weeks...


So yeah. Youngest RPC holder in Australia. Turned 15 a few weeks ago. All self funded with 3 part time jobs on top of school and assignments and social stuff. Thank goodness its over...


What is some stuff you guys would recommend doing being such a fresh pilot? Whats one thing you really enjoyed doing when you had just gotten your licence?


I'm planning on doing a sunrise flight in the school holidays...







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Well done Liam you have done well so don't give up now keep going.


Some early morning cross country flights would be on my list of things to do along that coastline that you live on, maybe even down around the Byron bay lighthouse and back.





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Congratulations Liam, just shows, hard work pays dividends, continue to find new goals and dreams to follow and reach for the stars, at 15 the world is your oyster, cheers



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Congratulations Liam


Great achievement and result of hard work and commitments,


Not many young people can do it , You are one exceptional young man,


Yes young man , because it requires strong character to achieve what you have just done.


About future flying , keep going at least every fortnight go flying . I am afraid you may keep at least two jobs to keep money flowing.


Have a respect for weather , be very thorough with flight preparations, and focus on improving your skills. Exchange your experience with other pilots. Always keep speed safe margin in the circuit, do not bleed the speed to low Do not hesitate to go around if approach is not right, ( few times I landed on my third approach).


Just a couple of aviation sayings:


1. Aviate, Navigate, Communicate,


2. A pilot who has 500 hrs thinks he knows everything


Pilot who has 1000 hrs knows what he does not know


Pilot who has 3000 hrs knows that he would never know everything


Safe flying and happy landings





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