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Cheaper rotax?


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To reach the proper comparison results, you need to examine "whole-of-life" engine costs. This takes into account, TBO, parts costs, ease of parts availability, and engine manufacturer support.


I would have to say the latest Jab engines are probably still in front, as regards "whole-of-life" engine costs.


Remember that overseas-manufactured products are very prone to major cost variations due to currency fluctuations.


Just in the last 8 years, the AUD$ has fluctuated between $0.62c and $1.09 to the USD$.



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That Rotax still going to be expensive once you get it here, USD, freight, GST, and duties


No one knows what whole of life costs are for new Jabirus. Still might be good.


A different engine as heads and barrels now joined, theres more difficulties with service and case tension when doing so, an early head inspection and guide job is a much bigger deal. Parts pricing is another variable with CAE gone.


They look and read well done but have maybe lost some of the nice simple maint features of the old ones.


Time will tell



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Couple of broard statements there


Plenty of Jabirus last well over 1000, many have top end rebuilds though, cheap and simple.


Why would you buy a new one?, More like 15 + 6


Even that 912 would end up costing $20-25 by the time you saw it


IF something goes wrong with the rotax you are in deep financial trouble


Numbers havent changes since the last few times its been debated


Lots fly their own aircraft only becuse the engine is affordable and they can maintain themselves



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