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Hi from Taupo New Zealand.


I am currently a qualified glider pilot flying out of the Centenial Park glider strip in Taupo, used to fly in the RAF, did a commercial but let it lapse.


Just joined the Sport Aviation Corp here to get my microlight licence.


Hope to be flying a local Tecnam soon and maybe find a few other like minded people to start a syndicate.





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Welcome Tim.


You've arrived at a great site here. There's so much support and knowledge to be had on these forums, from guys that are expert in flying anything from office desks to 767's.


Good luck with the Technam. Keep us posted as to how you get on.


Many moons ago, I hoped the Queen was going to pay for me to learn to fly through the RAF, co's I figured she had a bit more money and plenty of aircraft to choose from. Sadly, I went in another direction and have regreted it ever since.


Keep the posts coming.




Alan ;)



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Thanks for the welcome.


Back in the 70s when I was in the RAF we had some RAAF pilots training with us. Can't remember the names but we were stationed at RAF Leeming flying JP3 and JP4s, the predecessor to the Strikemaster. I think they were there for jet conversions.


Looking forward to getting back into powered flight where not every landing is a forced landing.


Regards Tim



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