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Blackshape Prime on Sunrise


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could also be both the car and the truck driver were physically there, but, mentally - were way, way, away somewhere else

Sorry. Look again.


1 second: Car is in Lane 2 approaching Route sign, with nothing to obstruct the view.


4 seconds: Car changes from Lane 2 to Lane 1 without indicating.


7 seconds:Truck driver observes car moving slowly in lane ahead and comes off the throttle (listen to the engine brake cut in to slow the truck)


12 seconds: Green light becomes visible in the recording


17 seconds: light changes from green to amber.


This sequence took 17 -18 seconds to occur. During that time, the truck driver reacted in about 6 to 7 seconds. That is a reaction time that indicates the driver was right on the ball, fully attentive to his task.


The fact that the green light changed to amber 17 seconds into the recording indicates that the light had been green for almost all of its time sequence, so it would be expected that as the car approached it, it was permissible to continue into the intersection.


I put to the Court that the collision was caused by the actions of the car driver, and the Defendant (truck driver) was not in breach of any Australian Road Rule, in particular Rule 126, as the car moved into the path of the truck, which at no time prior to the move was "following" the car in lane 1. I put it to you, M'lud, that the Defendant is innocent of any wrong-doing, and that if any rule is to be applied, it should be Rule .303, applied to the car driver.



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Have another squiz ome.


At the 2 second mark the car starts to apply his brakes AND indicates the lane change, the truckie doesn’t acknowledge this until the 9 second mark.


If 7 seconds is the reaction time you expect from someone who is paying attention I would hate to see what someone who is not paying attention looks like. In our road handbooks we are recommended to keep 3 second gaps between ourselves and a car in front if we all have 7 second reaction times maybe we should revisit that.


The more I look at that video the more I am of the opinion that the truckie is completely in the wrong.


The car indicated the lane change AND all his brake lights were working and there was sufficient room behind him it is just a matter of the truckie not reacting in a decent timeframe to avoid the bump. The car hadn’t come to a complete stop he had only slowed significantly so I don’t think in any way has he done anything illegal.



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When it comes down to the letter of the law the Truckie is in the wrong.


And in terms of trying to analyse this particular event I have to say I tend to agree with SQDI.


But in general terms I think the time has arrived to revise these laws.


They were written at a time when dash cams didn't exist. All arguments about who caused it were heresay and opinion and could have been impossible to adjudicate on most of the time.


Making a blanket hard nosed rule kept an endless line of litigants with insoluble cases out of the courts.


But now we have dash cams -so maybe it is time to generate a set of rules to cover various scenarios.



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I haven't seen the video so won't comment on it.


However hearing the engine brake come on in most situations means the driver has done 4 things first.


1. identified the hazard (typically 1-3 secs)


2. backed off the accelerator. (typically 1-2 secs)


3. applied the brake. (typically 1-2 secs)


4. then if the truck is under control and the driver can afford to let go of the steering wheel with one hand to reach for a switch on the dash he will apply the engine brake.


So 7 seconds from when someone indicates to move into my safe zone in front of my truck would not be an unreasonable time frame for me to get to step 4.


Then if someone moves into my lane I am not going to react immediately anyway as the normal assumption after someone passes me is that they will continue to accelerate or at least drive away.


IMHO it does take longer to react to someone doing something stupid or unpredictable than it does to normal expected situations.



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I'm sure the three second gap relates to cars. If the truck was a fully laden B-double, it would take a lot longer to stop. Like a freight train. Another dash-cam video on tonight's news where a white van swerved in front of a truck and braked suddenly. The van driver jumped out waving his arms, but when advised the whole thing was captured on dashcam, jumped back in his van and sped off. He knew he had been lumbered.



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Isn't there another forum to talk about traffic rules, cars & trucks?


I just watched a channel 7 clip re the Blackshape that someone shared on Facebook.


I am always so impressed by RAAus pilots that wear epaulettes.045_beg.gif.b05ea876053438dae8f282faacd973d1.gif045_beg.gif.2b699b797444f766e16be595af97e233.gif045_beg.gif.b05ea876053438dae8f282faacd973d1.gif Maybe they also work as bus drivers?



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SQDI,Where can we meet up, on an open, multi-laned road? Just let me come across on you and prop. By your reckoning, you'll owe me a new car.

My last off topic post I promise:whistling:

OME if you could see the front of my car you wouldn’t be game to stop in front of it:roflmao:



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Isn't there another forum to talk about traffic rules, cars & trucks?I just watched a channel 7 clip re the Blackshape that someone shared on Facebook.


I am always so impressed by RAAus pilots that wear epaulettes.045_beg.gif.b05ea876053438dae8f282faacd973d1.gif045_beg.gif.2b699b797444f766e16be595af97e233.gif045_beg.gif.b05ea876053438dae8f282faacd973d1.gif Maybe they also work as bus drivers?

This is just the sort of advertisement for Recreational Aviation that we DO NOT need. Feeds the idea in the minds of the general populace that Recreational Aviators have money to burn, to buy toys that blast across the countryside.


As much as I never want to elevate (little aviation-related pun, there..) the profile of Pauline Hanson, her use of a J230 as a 'business tool' I think did us a lot of good - though we haven't, as a community, capitalised on it. She has used it very effectively as a 'tool' to meet her 'mission' requirements - and as a 'tool', a J230 is around the cost of a top-of-the line Landcruiser.


Very few people consider even a top-of-the-line Landcruiser to be no more worthy of respect than any 'rich kid's toy'. It's a bloody 'tool' (except in Toorak, or Newport) - albeit a rather well-equipped and finished one. But it's no Bentley Bentayaga...


In my (rapidly diminishing, I have to admit) dream of the position Recreational Aviators might occupy in the minds of the general community, we would be considered as intelligent, serious, socially-conscious NORMAL members of our community who quietly get about our aerial activities with minimal intrusion on the general community. Who as a national group, bring in to islotaded communities not just tourism, but in fraught times, are a front-line force of volunteers for search-and-rescue operations and medical emergency support (which of course happens, but do we get any good publicity from it?).


Things such as the Blackshape Prime - a total, utter wank of an aircraft - are, to me, akin to Jetskis. Interesting, that on their website (Blackshape Prime - PLA Aviation Services) you get no detailed performance figures, just a VNe ( if you actually look at it) of 164 kts. No stall speed, no t/o or landing roll.. Just a lot of PR BS with fancy photographs, frankly.


Anybody who buys one of these, is not likely to be an educated Recreational aviator.


And - they are dead likely to be really pissed off when a Wittman Tailwind blasts past them..



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Things such as the Blackshape Prime - a total, utter wank of an aircraft - are, to me, akin to Jetskis. Interesting, that on their website (Blackshape Prime - PLA Aviation Services) you get no detailed performance figures, just a VNe ( if you actually look at it) of 164 kts. No stall speed, no t/o or landing roll.. Just a lot of PR BS with fancy photographs, frankly.Anybody who buys one of these, is not likely to be an educated Recreational aviator...

It is not too hard to find more performance info on their website. No empty weight however so I look forward to reading what Steve writes about it in the next issue of Australian Flying before I form my opinion of it.(I have much better insults for people I know who have bought some other types.)



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It's just an "endorsement".What's the bet the RAA had nothing to do with it. To busy chasing fairies....


(Could have been the perfect opportunity for a "double header" having someone from the RAA promoting the RAA cert on the show as well)

You are probably correct. CASA has managed to destroy RAAus, GFA etc as organisations for their members. The original aim was to promote the activities, educate and make sure unnecessary costs and requirements were not imposed but promise some people they can be bureaucrats and policemen and they forget all that.


Contrast with the EAA which has been repeatedly asked by the FAA to run Experimentals, warbirds etc and always refused as it would totally change the relationship with their members. Note also the lack of compulsion to join, the way it is assumed people will learn necessary skills by asking, attending workshops, using EAA on line materials etc without the requirement to obtain a "certificate" that says you have completed this or that course. Homebuilders in the US are free to work on a homebuilt experimental even if they didn't build it, unlike here and you don't have to go to a bullshit, expensive weekend course to exercise your repairman certificate if you did. Yes I'm looking at our useless, supine SAAA.



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Oops back on topic PLA and Sunrise


I thought the segment on Sunrise was very well done from a marketing perspective.


The sales guy had his businesses shirt on with clear branding. Looked very professional and had appropriate signage.


Well done to him


Whilst the segment appears 'live' and 'cold questioning' the programmers have given questions out prior and had answers back to form up the segment and prepare tele promps for the television presenters.



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dazza 38


I think your right here.


Not wanting to push the Vans aircraft but I'm seeing more of them on the RAA register - the RV3, RV3B go on and RV4 with rear seats out etc can be a good option at under $100,000


And with Specs that far exceed.


Mmmm an option



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I watched the segment too, and thought... hmmm... I wonder how many other agents for the likes of Evector or Bristel are watching and wondering how they can get their, more affordable RAA aircraft on prime time.


I honestly don't get it. It was pure advertising and contained no valuable information at all - and in fact - blatantly lied! The story made out that this aircraft is the only one in it's class at this price tag, and that, is misleading at best.



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It is a hard one with the truck.The driver is a complete idiot, but the truck seemed to bash the horn rather than emergency brake. I would fine both if it was me.


The driver of the car should get negligent driving charge. You do not have the right to brake anywhere you like in the traffic- unless it is a emergency. You must take care that your actions do not endanger others- even if you are in front. Just like it you have no right to go into a intersection when the light is green- you must do so safely and only when it is safe to do so.


The vehicle in front does not have carte blanche to do anything they like, nor can they just decide to brake and stop in a lane unless it is for emergency reasons or because the traffic ahead has stopped. Just like you can't just decide to enter a intersection and then stop and read a map etc.


If it went to court esp. if someone is injured and compensation was sought, then I would expect both drivers would be found to have contributed to the accident. Some states may see it different but that is the general principle.


As far as multiple rear end crashes- in NSW the last car to hit only pays for the car they hit and so on down the line. I know because this happened to me 20yrs ago. The police that arrived were fortunately- the accident investigation team, lucky us. The fool at front slammed on the brakes on a major road for no reason and we all barreled in. The cop stated that as no one was injured and cars were movable (to a side st) she would not charge anyone. But the first driver- the idiot, wanted everyone fined- the nice officer obliged. The idiot was charged with negligent driving - they had no lawful reason to emergency brake, and by the very nature of it been a arterial road, the whole road is a NO stopping zone. Just like you can't park your car on a freeway lane and have a picnic.


A similar situation is when swerving to avoid wildlife, if you cause a accident- you are at fault. You can not drive in a manner that endangers others- no matter what signs, lights, wildlife etc.


I agree though that many cops have very little law knowledge and just rely on us copping it. Or they pick the easiest target and don't want to get involved.

Just go to the applicable Acts; they haven't changed, it doesn't include any permissions where you're not responsible if you were too close to stop, regardless of what the clown was doing in front of you.



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Things such as the Blackshape Prime - a total, utter wank of an aircraft - are, to me, akin to Jetskis. Interesting, that on their website (Blackshape Prime - PLA Aviation Services) you get no detailed performance figures, just a VNe ( if you actually look at it) of 164 kts. No stall speed, no t/o or landing roll.. Just a lot of PR BS with fancy photographs, frankly.

Anybody who buys one of these, is not likely to be an educated Recreational aviator.


And - they are dead likely to be really pissed off when a Wittman Tailwind blasts past them..

Actually , jetskis are more affordable, and that statement is easily backed up by the sheer numbers (lots of CUB's) that have them.



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I wonder how many other agents for the likes of Evector or Bristel are watching and wondering how they can get their, more affordable RAA aircraft on prime time.

Angus Beef paid $10,000 for about three mentions on Burke's Backyard in prime time about twenty years ago. Does that give you any clues about how they could do it too. The content doesn't matter as long as the money is flowing. Remember John Laws, oh that's right he is still on, just no body listens to him any more!



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