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RV-6 prop strike on Tecnam, then refuels and takes off!

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Some pics on Goulburn valley aeroclubs Facebook site




SAAA won't like this IF aircraft is being maintained by Owner / Pilot. These sort of things are covered in the MPC. CASA will not be happy.




This person must be a mental case ! To have this sort of accident ! Or was it accidental as it is impossible to get that close without contact ! Maybe his eyes are painted on ! Then to not report it to the other owner or did he ! So rude of this person to destroy and leave !!!! But then to fly off ! With damage to his own aircraft !!!!! This is insane ! It would be best if this person gave up flying and any other activity in close proximity to other humans or equipment ! I'm shocked ! Totally shocked !!!!!!! No care, no guilt, no sense , no idea !




What an absolute drongo.


1. Has sub-standard ground control skills which means he can't even see or avoid other parked aircraft.


2. Has no understanding of aviation regulations which clearly articulate that a safety inspection or audit must be carried out after a prop strike, before becoming airborne again.


3. Has no mechanical understanding of what can happen to an engine or airframe when a prop strike occurs.


I guess we'll find out next, that he was uninsured, inadequately qualified to fly an aircraft, or drunk, or not authorised to fly that model. Pretty typical of hit-and-runs.



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Wow you sure don't have to be clever to fly a plane.

Someone this short of intelligence should not be allowed out anywhere ! You do have to be smarter than this for sure ! This is insanity !!



Wow you sure don't have to be clever to fly a plane.

Someone this short of intelligence should not be allowed out anywhere ! You do have to be smarter than this for sure ! This is insanity !!

Yes but my point is this idiot was capable of taking off and landing a tail wheel RV 6.






Yes but my point is this idiot was capable of taking off and landing a tail wheel Aren’t all planes the same?

At a guess, I would say in shock...

Shocking is correct !!!



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Happens everyday in the Coles carpark.

Yes true ! More noticeable when at an airport ehhh !




I believe old mate is in a world of strife, hasn't done a flight review in years, no current medical, Police payed him a visit when he landed in Yarrawonga and he abused them. He is apparently a LAME, he also had an incident in the RV6 a couple of years ago when he had a fuel blockage on take off, took out the undercarriage when he dropped it back on the runway. No doubt it will be a very interesting conversation with the authority's



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At a guess, I would say in shock...

This is probably more the truth. Humans can at times do things that are completely irrational at the time. This guy would have been in shock & not thinking straight at all. Who knows he might have personal problems as well and this incident only compounded his poor decision/s. He has already showed he has no regard for rules & regulations, there are people like that who really don't think anything can happen to them.

Lucky no one was injured/killed, this will forever be on his mind, hopefully he has the sense to stay out of the air!



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And once CASA and the Police have finished with him, and if he's still got his house and plane, he'll probably strip out the heavy stuff and come over to RAAus with his beat-up plane.


On a side note, that Technam must be jinxed, going by the paintwork, the back-end looks like it's only just been rebuilt?!


Or were these guys trying to do the old 'run up the ar$e' insurance fraud that goes on in cars?


Anyone looking for a cheap RV6, just needs a bit of TLC.064_contract.gif.1ea95a0dc120e40d40f07339d6933f90.gif



  • Haha 1

Tecnam operator was lucky that the Exposure Draft of Part 91 hadn’t been signed by the GG otherwise he’d be up for a fine of $10,500 ...







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