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G'day. New here

Guest pilotgirl

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Guest pilotgirl

Hi - my name is Christine......and I'm a pilot (GFPT). Just joined and thought I'd say hi.


I fly out of RVAC at Moorabbin and actually began flying in 2000.....at another school, where I met my now estranged husband who was completing his CPL at the time.


After 7 years of me giving up flying to support him financially, plus funding a relocation of an entire household to Cairns and back again, so as to further his career - he up and left me 8 months ago...over the phone...for a chick pilot he works with. Thanks, sweetheart. Nice one.


On the up side of that is that I did get to fly some nice twins from the r/h seat, including Seminoles, Senecas, Barons, TravelAirs, Aztecs etc. I have more (unlogged) hours from the r/h seat than in my own logbook.


So - now I have the money to finally finish off my PPL (not too far to go now). I'm also very interested in aerobatics and aim to get my aero rating next year some time. (Is Dave Pilkington lurking around here somewhere?!?!)


I have a plethora of friends who are commercial pilots, and I also worked for Surveillance Australia (Coastwatch) as an Observer, then as a Visual Mission Coordinator, living on Horn Island for a year....so if anyone wants the goss on some Top End operators such as AeroTropics, SkyTrans, Regionals, Barrier, Surveillance Australia etc. give me a hoi!:) I should be able to able to point you in the right direction at the very least.


Incidentally, Surveillance was a blast (apart from the living conditions) but let me tell you that having logged over 600 hours in a Britten Norman Islander (aka a "Bongo") I hate to think how much of my hearing is shot!! Should have invested in those Bose I was looking at.......



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G'day Christine, welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear another marriage go down in flames but you're better off with out him. Now is the time to put yourself first,(unless you have [the] children) and start enjoying life all over again. You'll find us a friendly bunch, most of the time, and I'm sure there'll be plenty of offers for help should you need it.


A new year dawns, may it bring you and all forum members, prosperity, good health and lots of safe flying.



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Guest pilotgirl

Thanks for the warm welcome folks.


I will submit some stories. I have a fair few to telll, especially the Surveillance ones!!


Hey - maybe there's some nice single guys around here that I could get to know! LOL!


Never know your luck, do you??



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A big welcome Christine, there's lotsa lovely guys here, some fly sims and some fly 767's, (you don't initally know who is who, co's you have'nt met them all yet , neither have I), but i'm confident that sooner or later you'll meet your knight-in-shining-armour here who is happy to do the outside checks on a hot day while you sit in the airconditioning, and most importantly will appreciate you who for who you really are. You've landed at the the right place i'm sure. Your ex. it would seem' may have made an error in judgement :censored:and may live to regret it, but you can only change the future, not the past.


Don't look back, thats only history.


Take care and keep us posted.





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Guest pilotgirl

Thanks planedriver. I am looking forward to a bright future!


Oh and Dave??? I KNEW you'd be here somewhere!! LOL. How is little JIR? Giving you lots of fun, I hope and behaving herself!


I got some stick time in a Harvard a few months ago - while it was just straight and level, mind you.


Standby and I'll get it:


Here's the linky:




Click on Harvard -and enjoy.


Cheers, Christine



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dont worry about the ex, your not alone, most have been through it, i know ive had my fair share, but every cloud has a silver lining, that being more time to fly. and in my case, no longer having a mortgage (thanks to the legal system), a lot more time and money to spend on the important things in life.... buying, building and flying aircraft!!! who needs a house when you can live in a Hangar!



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Guest Redair



sooner or later you'll meet your knight-in-shining-armour Alan

Mmm, don't want any armour-wearing pilots in an ultralight... do you know how much that stuff weighs?!!!!!!006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif





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