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Photo thread for the heck of it


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I logged 4 hours today, and did not take a single photo! There was a seaplane 500ft below us in the circuit in Lake Illawarra but on the right hand side so couldn't really take a photo.

Awwww Ada,. . . .what was wrong with a 2G 180 turn and screaming "YOU HAVE CONTROL" to whoever was in the right chair,. . . . .could've got us a nice piccy there mate. . . .Note* . . . BE PREPARED GIRL ! ! ! ! 008_roflmao.gif.1403968ae51b10bfcd4c01d7b660b53c.gif




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My Favourite ( Borrowed ) Kitfox Marque 3. . . . 582 Rotax 2 stroker. . . . .


( It can be a right sod on the radio speaking to Birmingham Radar though. . ."Thinks. . .now did I say Papa four times or six. . . . " )



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PHIL a bloke with your Aussie background should know the difference between Mulga and Wilga

Yeh,. . . this is a shame really mate,. . .I never saw a Wilga in the Mulga. . . . .

Well, maybe next year when I win the lotto,. . . I'll fly one downunder and donate it to a lucky gliding club somewhere. . . . .



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[ATTACH=full]38505[/ATTACH]My Favourite ( Borrowed ) Kitfox Marque 3. . . . 582 Rotax 2 stroker. . . . .

( It can be a right sod on the radio speaking to Birmingham Radar though. . ."Thinks. . .now did I say Papa four times or six. . . . " )

And the controller finally loses it... "Look son... I AIN'T your daddy!"



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Oh dear,. . .eng. fail on T/O . . .my mate Kristian's Rotax 447 powered Pegasus,. . .no injuries, but the plane is wrecked, after landing very slowly, into a 20 Kt wind, but the deep ploughed field was very unforgiving. . .




Our ONE AND ONLY JABBERWOCKY. . . . ( Ultralight version, ie, less than 450 Kgs )Owned by friend Lee Bailey. . . .the rego was HONESTLY a complete fluke, as there are not that many of these on the UK register. . . .




Our chairman, Big Prop Bob Arnold,. . .( AKA Santa's little helper - no I dunno either ! ) AIrcraft is a veteran Whittaker MW6, this aircraft has won British National Microlight championship competitions in Russia, France, and lots of other places in Eastern Europe some years ago, flown by Test Pilot Eddie Clapham. It has been "Looped" 15 times in succession, and travelled more miles than Antoine de Saint Exupery. . . . it has a Rotax 582 - 2 stroke, ( premix ) with a fluid gearbox, allowing for the monstrous propeller, which, as you can possible see from the photo, only clears the pod by 49 mm. It is a rather low revving prop, but carries all of the fat Gits at our airfield with consummate ease, and takes off, no matter what the load, in a very short space.; usually, in nil wind, around fifty metres or less. The airframe has in excess of 7,000 hours, and it is on it's sixth engine. . . . Bob flies this more than anyone else, is an ex gliding instructor and often flies it backwards in strong winds. . . ( and I thought all the weird characters were in Australia. . . ) Bob never flies anywhere without his goodly supply of strawberry milk. . . .but WILL steal any red wine he sees being consumed at the airfield bar when he get's back from one of his odysseys. . . . . ( I made the pod stickers as a joke six years ago,. . .and he's never bothered to peel 'em off ! ) I first encountered this thing in 1985 at the Microlight Nationals at Haverfordwest, ( West Wales ) flown by a guy called Steve Slade, who is a paraplegic pilot. He asked me if I could remove his crutches from inside the wingtip spar tubes,. . .where they were wired in. . . . .tell you what,. . . .there are some characters about in the UK as well. . . Steve holds the UK record for the most airfields landed at from dawn to dusk in a competitioon five years ago. . .never beaten. . . .





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And the controller finally loses it... "Look son... I AIN'T your daddy!"

Actually. . . . .

Most of the controllers at "Brum" seem to be "Laydees" lately. . . . ( I know,. . .useless information. . . possibly gives them, er,. . .empowerment or summat,. . .bet the feminazis love it,. . .get home and say to their friends,. . .I borrocked several of them Male pilots today, . . .gave them a right 'ard time I did. . . . )



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Here's another with a large prop:

Is that a large prop, or just a short(er) plane?


Well, maybe next year when I win the lotto,. . . I'll fly one downunder and donate it to a lucky gliding club somewhere. .

Don't you like gliding clubs?Fun to fly, but a maintenance nightmare....



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Last year, whilst visiting the Rock, at Gibraltar, a friend lost his brand new smartphone whilst trying to get a selfie with a barbary ape close in the background. . .the ape snatched his phone and did a runner with it. . . .


I didn't ask what he said on the insurance claim. . .



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Last year, whilst visiting the Rock, at Gibraltar, a friend lost his brand new smartphone whilst trying to get a selfie with a barbary ape close in the background. . .the ape snatched his phone and did a runner with it. . . .I didn't ask what he said on the insurance claim. . .

I guess the ape could only take selfies until the battery went flat.

Going by some of the selfies I've seen, logic tells me the ape would be very capable of doing it.



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