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Photo thread for the heck of it


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Just saw a story on Sunrise where a pop up urinal similar to this one in Amsterdam has been installed in Perth's nightclub area. The unit is retracted during the day, but extended at night, providing 3 pee stations, to try and stop guys peeing in doorways, lanes, etc. Sorry girls, you have to locate a regular loo.





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Just saw a story on Sunrise where a pop up urinal similar to this one in Amsterdam has been installed in Perth's nightclub area. The unit is retracted during the day, but extended at night, providing 3 pee stations, to try and stop guys peeing in doorways, lanes, etc. Sorry girls, you have to locate a regular loo.

I remember being in Amsterdam in the mid 80's. The thing most notable was the lack of public toilets - almost non existant. Every alley way you walked past had an overpowering smell of urine, especially anywhere near a pub. Looks like a good idea.



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There is a see through toilet in Mooloolaba where it is all glass but when you are using it you can see outside and people walking past, made with one way glass but crikey it feels surreal.


You wouldn't want to get stage fright.



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What a beautiful aircraft the Russian Blackjack is. . . . .a poetry of flight. . . .


Shame that the two British interceptors couldn't keep up if it full throttled. . . . . ( It didn't bust Brit airspace by the way. . .)




( in case you are wondering how the photograph of the two Brit Typhoons AND the Russian was taken,. . . .it was Tim, in his Nieuport replica. . .happened to be passing apparently. . . . . )



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There were plans not long ago to re-start production of the Blackjack. I don't remember the figure, maybe twenty, as an interim measure until the new stealth bomber is developed.


Not sure how the plan is affected by the current state of economy and the lost oil revenue.



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And for "Something completely different", a seriously unlucky bug.....




Believe it or not, I found two other impaled beetles walking around my three acre property!






Usually referred to as Christmas beetles, and they tend to swarm just on dusk.



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