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New TOSG Web Site Opens

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Guest TOSGcentral

Hi Sportsfans,


With Muchos Thanks to Ian (who not only supplies our Group with free web space but also designed and built the new site) yesterday evening the new site was launched.


At present it just has the contents of the previous site and is accessed by the same address http://thrustersupport.org/


Starting today I shall commence supplying Ian with the copious amounts of data, tables, graphs, images. 3 view drawings, articles and the rest of the vast pile of TOSG resources that I have stored here at home.


The uploading process is likely to take several weeks due to the volume, and then will be significantly added to over the coming year as I get major development and airworthiness projects under way.


This is something that I have wanted to do for a long time - have all the Groups hard won experience and records freely available in the public domain where they can be of most good - and not just to Thruster owners, there is a lot of generically useful information that will be there for owners of similar category aircraft and also home builders.


TOSG is the largest specific ultralight marque pro-active support group in Oz and this new site is going to be the most pro-active resource facility for a specific ultralight marque.


Again my grateful thanks to Ian


EDIT, Since posting this Ian has already opened a two way link between the TOSG site and this forum so that we are broadening Thruster information exposure. Another link will also be installed accessing this site's photo Gallery and the Thruster section is going to be considerably expanded - including parts, defects etc etc.








TOSG Website


Greetings Tony


Great news and accolades to both yourself and Ian. I assume you have applied for patent rights to whatever methodology you've designed which permits you to add another 2 hours to your already 26-hour work day??


Thanks old son




Great work Tony and Ian.


I don't know how you two find the time to get all this done, but I sure am gratefull for the dedication you have.








Mike, Tony has given me some more content to load up but as you say time??? I have to do some other things today but will load some more content tomorrow



  • 17 years later...

TOSG was the Creation of one person and was a good example of the benefit that comes from such a service. Tony Hayes RIP,  Nev


  Someone may have continued it for a while. Llewellin's?   Is yours a 2 seat SB 582. Nev.

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