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My wife and I have lost around 35kg each....we can now add 100 litres of fuel to the Sav...previously with both of us in her we could only take 15 litres of fuel....so I used to fly alone...not now :)



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Thanks guys and to kyle and your wife congrats. i can't say enough about the change. my doctor told me last week after working in Mackay for five years i am the first person he has told they no longer have hypertension. and sleep apnea.



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So too much sitting & No walking. added 10 klgs this year.


Will have the bloooodi leg off, then hop around to lose the belly fat. Not Laughing.





I HAVE THE DREADED CROOK HIP,So too much sitting & No walking. added 10 klgs this year.

Will have the bloooodi leg off, then hop around to lose the belly fat. Not Laughing.



we all start somewhere my right was replaced four years ago. so hips knees and other things don't let it hold you back.




Good result. Now don't put it back on again. That's a lot of housebricks.. I'm trying to take off 22 Kgs. I'm not going to post images Kids might come on this site. Nev



  • Haha 2
Good result. Now don't put it back on again. That's a lot of housebricks.. I'm trying to take off 22 Kgs. I'm not going to post images Kids might come on this site. Nev

That is a concern. but i have made lifestyle changes and stay away from trigger foods.




Well done. I’m 25kg down from peak - two seater flown solo - and another 10 to go before the doctor has to find a different area to ask about.




Shafs never mind him, what did you do? I recently paid several hundred dollars to a hypnotist and lost nothing except the dollars.




Ok i joined weight watchers in march and about april i joined anytime fitness. I spend ninety minutes in the gym five to six days a week and weight in at WW on saturday.




If you don't want to risk any money - try the CSIRO's Total Wellbeing Diet. CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet $199 fully refundable at the end of 12 weeks if you are lighter than when you started. No shakes or supplements, just a healthy eating plan. I found the recipes a bit complex, but if you just stick to the Units (protein, veg, fruit etc) it is easier. Fully on-line, based on science from Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, refund offer only for Australians, but the program is available to everyone. We lowered our MTOW by 8kg & solved his liver problem.




Bit crap that a diet from CSIRO which is owned by us charges for a diet that helps reduce health costs to the nation.


Typical neo capitalist crud.



  • Informative 1

CSIRO funding from government is way less than needed to employ the people and do the research. They depend on income from the technologies that they develop and from consultancy work for government and private industry.




I haven't looked at the CSIRO diet. I like weight watchers because you use points and eat the same food but less of it. And if you reach your goal weight you get life membership at no cost.




I lost weight by breaking an ankle in a motorcycle accident and then getting an infection after surgery...


My wife has just asked me to get another motorcycle! 009_happy.gif.56d1e13d4ca35a447ad034f1ecf7aa58.gif


Seriously, well done, fellas! It is bloomin hard - have been trying for a while... Problem is Aussie wine...



Bit crap that a diet from CSIRO which is owned by us charges for a diet that helps reduce health costs to the nation.Typical neo capitalist crud.

Nope. My understanding ( could be wrong since I didn’t go into it fully).


It’s free -if you lose weight.


You pays the money. Go on the diet and lose weight and get the money back. You only lose the money if you don’t lose the weight.


That’s part of the psychological incentive to work through the diet properly.




Try ANY diet ( and even the weight loss surgeries) you like - free or otherwise.


Published Follow up studies ( and there’s a lot of them) for pretty much every diet, good scientific nutritionally sound, fad and wacko. They all basically show that generally the same result happens. Everyone on them, who follows them, loses weight.


Broadly they all rely on you eating less and moving more in some way or other. The complex theories and notions on which they are based are often wrong but that’s irrelevant. They all make you become more aware of how much you eat and cut it down.


The problem is the long term keeping it off.


It’s the maintaining the lifestyle and dietary change in the long term that is the kicker.




I found the Man Challenge works in changing your mind set on food and works for a small input of exercise with no machinery/equipment. i have only gained weight back due to laziness (not spending 1/2 hr walking and 10 mins exercising each day) which I i now have to work harder at.



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