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First Singapore A380 arrives Syd next week.


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Superjumbo to arrive in Sydney next week


Monday Oct 15 21:47 AEST


Luxury, at least for those travelling in their own first-class sleeping cabins, will take to the skies when Singapore Airlines flies the double-decker Airbus A380 into Sydney next week for the first time.


The key to the cabins on the world's newest passenger plane, Singapore Airlines boasts, is the separate seat and bed - replete with designer quilt.


Singapore Airline also boasts that the sleeping suite can be transformed into a stylish office, with its 57.5-centimetre platinum screen and workstation.


A formal ceremony in the French city of Toulouse had the aviation behemoth's maker, Airbus, formally relinquish the giant to Singapore Airlines.



Singapore Airlines is the first carrier to take full commercial delivery of the long-awaited superjumbo.


At the launch, all eyes were on aviation's best-kept secret, Singapore's fitout of the monster jumbo.


Airbus chief executive Thomas Enders said the expansive space of the A380 had given airlines a new outlet to engage with their customers.


The effect of Singapore's Airlines innovation would ripple out across the industry," Mr Enders said at the launch


Singapore chief executive Chew Choon Seng said the carrier was proud of its fitout.


"It sets new standards in luxury and comfort."


Until now Singapore Airlines has been coy about its fitout, saying only that it had plans for a level of luxury beyond first class.


The carrier has revealed that if passengers can afford the hefty price tag for the first-class suite, they will have their own cabin designed by French yacht designer, Jean Jacque Coste.


The design will speak for itself, Chew Choon Seng said.


The change represents a new phase in aviation, which is enjoying a surge in demand.


Business class has also been upgraded to what Singapore describes as world's widest business-class seat.


There will also be greater space and comfort in economy class and a larger, 26.5-centimetre screen in front of each seat.


Airlines could of course jam more than 800 passengers into the A-380.


So far at least, operators in the Australian market have signalled they will resist that temptation, giving the extra space back to customers.


While Singapore Airlines will have a maximum of 471 passengers in its A380, Qantas will fitout the superjumbo for just 450 passengers, with 14 in first class, 72 in business, 32 in its new premium economy class and the bulk, 332 in economy.


The Flying Kangaroo has promised to give passengers in premium economy more leg room, a digital widescreen monitor and a laptop power connection.


Despite the plush fitout unveiled by Singapore Airline, some of the more outlandish suggestions of a flying holiday resort seem a way off.


Then there's the almost eerie silence of the plane when it's in the air.


The engines are quiet, so quiet that passengers could be forgiven in thinking they haven't started taxiing down the runway.


Airbus has dubbed the A380 the jolly green giant, on account of its relative fuel efficiency.


The plane uses 2.9 litres of fuel per hundred passenger kilometres compared with the aviation industry average of about five litres per one hundred passenger kilometres.


The A380 has been a long time coming.


The giant's intricate 500 kilometres of electrical wiring caused a two-years delay to the delivery of the planes.


Airbus indicated previously the delays were likely to take five million Euros from Airbus's bottom line until 2010.


But it was all smiles, with Mr Enders describing the giant as "not a luxury.. a necessity".



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Guest David C

The first flight in will be a charity type event where the passengers have bought their tickets in some kind of online auction . It will be on the 25th October and will be operated as c/s " Singapore 380 " . I believe it will night stop before returning to Singapore the next day . The first passenger service proper , will be operated to Sydney as SQ221 on 28th October arriving at 0700hrs , departing at 0850 hrs as the SQ220 to Singapore , this will be the Worlds first scheduled flight of the A380 Airbus . It will replace one B747-400 service on the 3 daily Singapore -Sydney - Singapore flights .


Dave C



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Thanks for the finer details Dave. If I feel well enough, I might get the boat out to see it arrive. Ought to be able to get some good pictures of it on finals, if it comes in over Botany Bay. If I get any, i'll post them on the forums.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Darren,


I had the opportunity to see the 380 a couple of weeks ago when it flew into Clarke airbase in the Philippines.


It's big in the air and big on the ground.


It was escorted into Clarke by 3 Tomcats, I think, probably all that remains of the Philippine Airforce as unfortunately everything else has crashed and burned due to age and poor maintenance.


I didn't get a real close look as to big a crowd and I was a bit pressed for time on the day.


But from what I did see I'm sure that you will be impressed.







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And for anyone that likes to fly victor 1 in sydney, check the notams for the day. Less than 1000ft separation will be available and recommended distance for wake turb separation is 10NM !!!!!!



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Guest David C

It's due in at 1725 hrs local and out tomorrow at 1600hrs local . Hope the weather clears a little for its planned harbour flyover .



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Guest Fred Bear

That is a great web site Ross. Thanks for the link.


They had a marquee etc set up at the airport yesterday. We had a look. Don't think we will get out there this arvo as I am working night shift tonight Will muck up the whole process. Will probably see it fly overhead here anyway tomorrow afternoon. Emma and I have the A380 back into Sydney anyway for our itinerary into Vietnam early next year.



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