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Chinese airlines fight eu socialism

Gnarly Gnu

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You couldn't make this up - the EU is now officially more socialist than the Chicoms.


China ready to impound EU planes in CO2 dispute


"China will take swift counter-measures that could include impounding European aircraft if the EU punishes Chinese airlines for not complying with its scheme to curb carbon emissions, the China Air Transport Association said on Tuesday."



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The chinese would be the first to give you hell if you didn't obey the rules they have in their country. If you want to run a business in China they have 51% or you don't do it. Hypocrysy... What right would they have to impound any aircraft from the EU?. The EU (as such) do not operate an airline and all EU aircraft have to pay the tax when operating in Europe, so why shouldn't anybody else? When in Rome do as the Romans do. Nev



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I thought the conservatives where on board with the carbon tax?


If the Liberals introduced a 51% foreign ownership limit I would vote for them till the end times or the rhapsody*.


*which ever comes first.



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Nev I think you might need to re-read the article. In this case the ones threatening to fine and seize aircraft is the EU, the other guys are just calling their bluff. Anyway it is a moot point as the EU won't exist in any serious capacity after the Euro folds, they have much more serious issues on hand than a CO2 tax on airways and I'm pretty sure China would have figured that out.



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No GG I didn't read the article. It's probably hyped up anyhow, but I have known of the Chinese opposition to the fees being charged. I believe the EU have the right to charge these fees, as long as they apply equally to all participants and it is their choice ultimately whether they operate there. Some countries don't allow anyone to overfly their airspace at all , at times. Nev



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Nev I think you might need to re-read the article. In this case the ones threatening to fine and seize aircraft is the EU, the other guys are just calling their bluff. Anyway it is a moot point as the EU won't exist in any serious capacity after the Euro folds, they have much more serious issues on hand than a CO2 tax on airways and I'm pretty sure China would have figured that out.

If by writing about the Euro folding you mean splitting in half, I support your prediction. There will be the Northern Euro for the more fiscally responsible nations and the Southern Euro for the lesser responsible countries, including Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece. Ultimately, that's probably the only way to keep a kind of Eurozone operational. This action may make the Italian aeroplanes cheaper (e.g Texan, Savannah).



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