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Aircraft Testers Wanted


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If you tried to launch it like they did with that car. the dept would drag it all out to woomera and nail you to it.:big_grin:


i know were you are coming from. good idea but i don't think the manufacturers of aircraft would risk having someone approaching it like the Top Gear team do. If you can pull it off can i be 'The Stig'.



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Guest airsick

You'll never know 'what' the Stig is. All we know is:


Raw meat is the Stig's favorite food.


He is terrified of bats.


His sweat can be used to clean precious metals.


His skin has the texture of dolphins.


If you tune your radio to 88.4 you can actually hear his thoughts.


He does not see like humans do, instead he sees numbers in green scrolling down.


He forages for wolves at night.


He once punched a horse to the ground.


His politics are terrifying.


He lives in a tree.


His favourite philosopher is Immanuel Kant


He has no understanding of clouds.


His earwax tastes like Turkish Delight.


He is confused by stairs.


He can accumbularate.


There's an airport in Russia named after him.


He is wanted by the CIA.


His breath smells of magnesium.


He can catch fish with his tongue.


His tears are adhesive.


If set alight, he'd burn for a thousand days.


He is scared of ducks.



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I can issue you with Stig authority. Simply fill in the application form to become a Stig, along with 3 references by 3 individual Stigs who can vouch for your becoming a Stig and send it to Top Gear.


Won't make you fly any better...but you never know.




(I can see images of two Stigs squeezed into a Jab LSA55 complete with burn suits and helmets)





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