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Guest richmondtroy

I'll be there on Saturday and Sunday, hiring a van, throwing a mattress in the back and sleeping on the side of the road!



Guest David C

I won't be there ... I just don't think the show is good enough to warrant the effort ... That's my opinion,anyway I hope I'm proved wrong this time .. Have a good time though to all those who make the trip , and to all those who are flying in , clear skies and calm winds to all ..


Dave C




I'll be there 2 or 3 trade days - I only go to airshows to see friends or to fly a display. Lots of friends will be there so I don't care about the flying displays (although I will watch displays by friends).


I see that Funflight is looking for volunteers to fly bushfire families into Avalon on the weekend. Free entry and fuel for pilots but you'll need at least a 4 seat aeroplane.



Guest richmondtroy

I hope everyone is aware that it will be the last public display of the F-111 before it is retired! Thats one of the reasons i have to be there, plus i'm hoping to see an F-22 :D



I'll be there 2 or 3 trade days - I only go to airshows to see friends or to fly a display. Lots of friends will be there so I don't care about the flying displays (although I will watch displays by friends).I see that Funflight is looking for volunteers to fly bushfire families into Avalon on the weekend. Free entry and fuel for pilots but you'll need at least a 4 seat aeroplane.

Do you fly displays?



Do you fly displays?

Rarely these days. My avatar is from Avalon 2007. And since you asked I'll quote from Australian Aviation magazine: "... a masterly exhibition in the stock standard and now very dated ACA Super Decathlon Little Nell, including a half upward vertical roll, an elegant slow motion avalanche, and a remarkable knife-edge half-Cuban which he repeated in case his audience, like me, couldn't believe it was possible."My standard Decathlon doesn't perform quite as well as a Super D.

<object width="480" height="295"><param name="movie" value="


type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="295"></embed></object>

Gee, the internet makes me feel soo old!



If you want to grow old as a pilot, you’ve got to know when to push it, and when to back off.










— Chuck Yeager.




Hi all


New to these forums (and this country). I will be going to this for the first time. looking forward to it regardless of what is there. I've wanted to make it sinnce I first heard of the Australian Bicentennial Airshow when i was a teenager.



Hi Dougalwelcome to the site and an advanced welcome to Australia.

Thanks, I'm a Kiwi that has flown the coup.


I was looking through this thread and saw a post earlier with the USAF and RAAF potential attendees. However I am wondering what the other attendees are? e.g what are some of the warbirds and civillian aircraft flying. I have been surprised that for such a late stage there is virtually no information on aircraft attending etc. Is this normal for this airshow?




Wanted - pilot to fly a cessna 210 and some passengers from Cowra NSW


Big ask I know. What would be a better day to fly down there? Need to do some organising



Guest Darren Masters
Wanted - pilot to fly a cessna 210 and some passengers from Cowra NSWBig ask I know. What would be a better day to fly down there? Need to do some organising

Oh C'mon, we can squeeze that into the Jabiru :eek:



Guest Steve R

Reports now that they've canned the "Wall of Fire" they normally finish the display with on the Friday Night (assuming the report's mention of the "last night" refers to the Friday night. http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2009/02/26/2501838.htm. Presumably they'll also cancel the F1-11 Dump and Burn ..... This will be my last Avalon I think- Farnborough and the Int'l Air Tattoo look more appealing despite the additional cost




Bummer!!! But It could prevent a bushfire !!!!


I have heard rumors close to the organizing committee is that this will be the last Airshow at Avalon. The operations with Jetstar and new airlines soon to use Avalon will see it just be unsuitable for airshows.



Guest Steve R

I think there's more mileage in the other rumour about a New Grand Prix track down there over the next few years.....



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