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Ausnav - FREE Flight Planning Software

Guest OzChris

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Guest OzChris

One of the easiest to use and yet powerful software I have used for my flight planning is the AUSNAV Flight Planning Program by Terry Mann (a genius).


Here is a screen Shot:



Its as easy as clicking on the drop down menu selecting your airport and then adding waypoints and arrival airports. Once you place your aircrafts TAS, forecast winds, etc. it does the rest for you - so easy!


I used this program recently to fly from Orange NSW to Ballarat Victoria in my Thruster. Its amazing how accurate it is! And so easy to use - much easier than many commercially available flight planners...


and best of all its FREE!!!!


Have a look at it - try it out...let us all know what you think:


To Download Visit THIS SITE and select the AUSNAV Download - you dont even need to be a member!!


A HUGE thanks goes to Terry Mann for making this amazing navigation tool available to pilots anywhere at NO CHARGE or obligation.


I use the program all of the time - its a great tool to have on my computer...I can print out my entire flight plan after creating it.



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Thanks for the kind words Oz. Just a reminder to anyone using it , when you download it you will see the data page with the airport selection , winds , track , heading speed etc ( ie the flight plan) . If you do a page down you will see your route marked out on am outline map of Australia.


I have already had a suggestion to put a button to toggle between data page and map, which I will do in the next update. In the meantime just use page up and page down to move between flight plan and map.


Also, if you cant find an airport you want , email me and we will get it added to the list ... BUT in the meantime you can actually scroll across to the right where you will see the airfield list and at the very bottom of this list is a section where you can actually enter your own data for about 10 waypoints or airports.





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I should have added my thanks to Glenn for allowing the link to AUSNAV.


I have just been banned from another avaition forum because I would not allow them to have the program on their download page. ( even though I was quite happy to email a copy to anyone who wanted it ). Whats more some other poor bugger who I emailed it to got banned for associating with such an evildoer as me. I'm a bad mann apparently.



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Guest OzChris
I should have added my thanks to Glenn for allowing the link to AUSNAV.I have just been banned from another avaition forum because I would not allow them to have the program on their download page. ( even though I was quite happy to email a copy to anyone who wanted it ). Whats more some other poor bugger who I emailed it to got banned for associating with such an evildoer as me. I'm a bad mann apparently.

This is why I love this forum Terry...

Glenn is a true aviation enthusiast and supporter - he wants to share aviation with EVERYONE without restriction, something that some other aviation forum owners just dont do...


That's why TAA is number 1 amongst true aviation enthusiasts, experts, supporters and pilots alike...



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  • 6 months later...
Guest airsick

Haven't used the program yet (downloading now) so I can't comment on it but just to continue the hijacked theme can I make a suggestion?


Download pages are brilliant as they provide a nice central point to come and get what it is you're after. That said, it is annoying when the download is out of date. Can the download page simply link to the authors website so we are always sure to get the latest version? Just a thought...



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