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I am interested to know if any owners / operators of relatively new J230's have carried out the mods. outlined in the recent service letter, in partucular the fitting of an oil cooler duct and removal of gull wings.


I would like to know if it made a lot of difference to temps. Was it worth the cost? Did the cowl neet to be modified a lot?


I have not had a lot of problems, even though I operate in North Queensland, however the engine is new (35 hours) and I keep the oil level low as advised by the factory.






Hi john,


I have done the mods although I also had no issues with temperatures. In fact far from it. I have even done a couple of glider tows with no overheating issues. Unfortunately as my aircraft is cross hired I needed to comply. The result! it still runs cool in all conditions. The work didn't take long at all about 30 mins or so and it was pretty easy to do.








Hi Gleen,


Did you cut away any of the cowling to enlarge the opening as suggested by Jabiru?








You'll get more oil cooling value by extending of the lower cowl 'lips.' Unless your aircraft is fitted with the newest cowl. If you do have the newest cowls, expect a small improvement from the ducting mod.




Yes I did cut away a small piece as per the diagram and I also have the newest cowl and the difference was only small if any. But as I said I have never had an issue with oil or CHT being anything but in the middle of the green.




I also operate a 230c (145 hours) up here in FNQ with the high ambient, but have never really had temperature problems that were not controllable - increased speed for climb out keeps the CHT down and if required to climb to height just level off every so often to bring oil temp back into line.


When I saw Brentc's comments some time back, I added similar aluminium deflectors to the lower exit of my cowl. This made a significant difference to oil and CHT temperatures. Although, I would add I did not use too high an angle of deflection, some up here, one 230 and one 160 actually made things worse with too high and angle of deflection. There must be a sweet spot.


I have the additional kit from Jabiru to duct the oil cooler, but have not had the additional mods fitted yet due to either work and poor weather.








I have mod to be fitted. Funny temp readings, OAT 32 deg, oil temp 98 ish two weeks ago. Last week OAT 24 deg 80 ish temp This week again 24 deg OAT and temp back to 98 ish again, all in cruise at same height. Could be the sender? I will wait until mod fitted before I go down that track though.






Glenn, did the removal of the gull wings have any impact on how the cylinder cooling ducts fitted. I am sitting at home and can't remember whether they actually sit onto the gull wings.


Alan / Phil, what was the cost of the mod??




Calibrate your units. I have recently checked my CHT on a new J-160C, to find that it is reading 40-50 degrees HIGH. It was showing 350 on climb, (bottom of yellow), but the OT was never over 70 - which made me suspect the CHT wasn't accurate. Another installation here was also 40 over on CHT. I'd be inclined to check your CHT in boiling water as a start to any temperature troubleshooting.






Glenn, is there any trick to the cutting away of the cowl?? What did you use to do the cut? Are there any tricks for the unwary??




No just drew a line and followed it with a hacksaw blade actually. Then a light sanding. You could use something more elaborate I guess but it was all I had on hand a the time.






70 minutes Monday, OAT 19 deg, the oil temp never got over 80. I also noticed that the oil level has now dropped to just below the bottom marker line. As this has coincided with the lower temp, it may have some bearing. I will go up again when the OAT is higher and note the difference. I will not add oil yet.


Mod still to do but these now lower temps have me intrigued.





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