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Guest Chainsaw

Hi all,


I am up and running with an SBS1 in the Central West of NSW. On Planeplotter I am sharer q9.


My antenna is only the basic magmount one, but over time I will put up a better one. It's sitting on a paint tin on my verandah.


Coverage? I am able to see aircraft as far as the Bris-Adl track just south-west of NYN, thats about 220nm from my location!


Many thanks to Allan for the unit and especially Noel for the setup assistance.


Now the fun starts.


Typically, I start the coverage most days at around 7am and close off about 11pm once all the big boys are gone west.


When I travel, coverage normal will be down, unless I take it with me!


The benefits at this point will be significant additional coverage of planes past Parkes (PKS). This will help in the early mornings and evenings when planes such as QF32 are coming home.




Good stuff. Will have to log in and check it out when I get the chance



Guest Darren Masters

Very good addition Chainy. Look forward to logging on and having a look.



Guest David C

Thanks Chainy ... It will certainly give us East Coasters that little bit more time to prepare for all the inbounds and overflights ..


Dave C



Guest Chainsaw

Thanks Dave.


Well I have done something really odd, but it works!


I have a small magnetic mount antenna for the SBS. I have attached it UPSIDE DOWN underneath the veranda gutter. Yep true, but it actually works well!!


Figure that one out, an upside down antenna...yeaa ummm


Has Chainy lost his marbles? Nope, never had any.



Guest Chainsaw

I picked up MAS131 FL39 at 254nm this morning. That's huge. Also at that range UAE418, GA712 and THA491. My upside-down theory looks good.


I always knew the 'top down approach' is the best one.



Guest David C

I've just been tracking a SQ777 at FL360 out of SYD for SIN . I followed it as far as 40Km NW of Coolabah , about 290NM NW of SYD .... Awesome stuff ... once again many thanks Chainy ..


Dave C



Guest Chainsaw

Just wait till I get a better antenna later this year! Yes Dave, it's brilliant.



Guest David C

Just tracking MAS141 at FL410 overhead Cobar inbound SYD ... Thats brilliant ..


Dave C



Guest Darren Masters
Just tracking MAS141 at FL410 overhead Cobar inbound SYD ... Thats brilliant ..Dave C

Damn, I really need to set PP up again. Well done Chainy! Dave, do you have those charts and .clb files I originally sent you?



Guest Chainsaw

Daz, I'll email the charts again in a zip file



Guest Chainsaw

Sent. Please let me know once you get them Daz.



Guest Chainsaw

MAS141 just doing a circle n-w of PKS Dave.



Guest Darren Masters
Daz, I'll email the charts again in a zip file

Chainy, getting them in .rar.



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