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Two Die In Tiger Moth Crash


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An ABC report on the Yahoo7 news page states that a Tiger Moth clipped a tree and crashed on take-off from Maryborough Airport shortly after 5:00 pm this afternoon. Paramedics report two deceased were found in the wreckage.





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Oh dear .... :(


More here... http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/two-die-as-tiger-moth-crashes-at-maryborough-central-victoria/story-e6frf7jo-1226255597587


VH-GVA, flown from England to Australia too - tragic.






Condolences to family, friends, Club members: awful.



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Condolences to the families.


It was a very nice looking aircraft - Siz, you beat me to linking my image - I didn't know the reg of the crashed plane till I saw your post.



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Unfortunately, another fatal aircraft accident - they are happening all too frequently:


Sunday, about 11:00 am.


ABC News report:


A pilot has died in an aircraft crash at Pallamana near Murray Bridge in South Australia. It is believed he was an experienced flyer, aged in his 30s, and crashed his single seater plane into a farm paddock about 11am (local time). The crash will be investigated by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau and police are preparing a report for the coroner.



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Ah no Peter, saw your post and went looking for more info - according to Adelaide Now the pilot was "doing tricks" before crashing. Once again RIP, thoughts and prayers with those left behind.


Can't make out much from the attached photo, but geez, selfishly really hope that it isn't RA related this time....









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Guest Michael Coates

there is lots of information on the Internet saying that the pilot was not suitably endorsed and did not finish his training etc etc..... Luckily or fortunately depending on how you look at it it is reported that he did not leave a wife and children behind. Of course that is no consolation to the rest of his family but it does somewhat make it easier to digestive.



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I'm in two minds about this; seems that the "unqualified" claims all stem from comments made by Paul Bennett. Although it does seem a bit harsh to be shooting down a bloke that can't speak for himself anymore, Bennett has the credentials and appears to be well acquainted with the deceased and his capabilities. I would hope that he thought the matter through before opening his mouth, because at usual there are plenty of people baying for his blood for suggesting that the pilot was anything other than a saint and a veritable topgun. As with so many other accidents; if anything positive is to come of this sad event, the uncomfortable truth has to be faced that good blokes too, can exceed their capabilities and come unstuck.



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They are all good blokes... even our heroes make mistakes and fall... It is part of the grieving process to take a little time to come to grips with this... but give it time...


I know from experience... even those who everybody thinks are hotshots are human...



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