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"Where's your flash hat darks?" asked McLoch, as he got down off his anti, anti GPS highhorse. 075_amazon.gif.cc281e7fdd81ad4a6f72dd47b08e516f.gif "It would've made a good compliment to DitDah's new black pointy one...021_nod.gif.e05b22d0663f7c104d2025e11d4bd57a.gif




I'd better go read some general population stuff to help with finding the hidden reference...033_scratching_head.gif.92f700cf00fb9c6c6818598d44101896.gif



"I'm not a witch, I'm not a witch!" cried Tomo, "They dressed me up like this!"


There's a reference to something hidden in here, can the clever NESers find it?


I get it Darky, it's getting close to Christmas and you're saying Tomo's a turkey.



it's getting close to Christmas and you're saying Tomo's a turkey.

Young Tomo looked quite alarmed at this talk of turkeys with reference to him, as it was indeed getting close to Christmas which was a feared time amongst turkeys. Many turkeys were planning to adopt disguises and Tomo decided that this was a good idea (handy for dodging those claims he was a witch as well he thought), disguising himself as...




We did do the nose, and the hat.... but he has got a wart.

See? No cleverness needed.

Yay! 006_laugh.gif.d4257c62d3c07cda468378b239946970.gif Cheers Slarti




who has been thru....




Oh heck, just realized the time! gotta go and play christmas carols..... I mean in town, for the carols doovy...



who has been thru....



Oh heck, just realized the time! gotta go and play christmas carols..... I mean in town, for the carols doovy...


....and as the sun set on Dalby, and the smell wafted through from the Ethanol Plant, the music lifted, and on to the the stage stepped the Littlest Angel, warts an all.......



....and as the sun set on Dalby, and the smell wafted through from the Ethanol Plant, the music lifted, and on to the the stage stepped the Littlest Angel, warts an all.......

And the Littlest Angel was radiant in a white tutu, and fake diamond tiara and a faint smell of diesel.


"Hang on" said someone in the audience "What's that grease under the Angels finger nails.


"I is exposed" said Nobu "But I has exkaped from the Sub and I is ready to party. Who will join me up on stage?"


"I will" said ...............




....Ahlow in his best fairy voice - the one he uses so smoothly to charm the sexy Rexy biro drivers.....



....Ahlow in his best fairy voice - the one he uses so smoothly to charm the sexy Rexy biro drivers.....

"But I can't wear tights" said Ahlow "Because I don't want to be accused of doing a Les Paterson impersonation. So has anyone got a maroon and white Tuto that matches my SportSzara? Or a ......................



"But I can't wear tights" said Ahlow "Because I don't want to be accused of doing a Les Paterson impersonation. So has anyone got a maroon and white Tuto that matches my SportSzara? Or a ......................

or a possum skin G-string that Tomo can wear while chrissy carolling. we dont want him to scare the........



or a possum skin G-string that Tomo can wear while chrissy carolling. we dont want him to scare the........

..... OH-possums"


"And don't tell the Turbo as possum G'strings are an essential fashion accessory down Bangholme way, but they sure are itchy when fashioned from 2 week old road-kill (so I am told by a bunch of blokes at the Bangholme Boozer, who had all bought theirs from ChezPlanner Boutique) and were ..............




...the latest taxidermi-delicates on offer."


"Ohh!!! Bayed Byron. "I simply must have this matching wombat ensemble. Where is it from? Rodeo Drive??"


"Er, no." replied ChezPlanner's chief designer. "I was in the Nissan at the time".....



...the latest taxidermi-delicates on offer."

"Ohh!!! Bayed Byron. "I simply must have this matching wombat ensemble. Where is it from? Rodeo Drive??"


"Er, no." replied ChezPlanner's chief designer. "I was in the Nissan at the time".....


"They're getting so hard to run down that I'm beginning to lose my skinning skills" said Turbo


"When I was a kid, I could skin a possum with one hand in 17 seconds, and I still think there'sd nothing better than possum roasted on an open fire and washed down with a glass of turbocharged* water from our local creek."


"I also used to skin rats, but don't tell Ratso, and don't tell Bryon but to catch the possums (by hand) I used to cut step holes in the local red gums. People call them scar trees now.


* Various carcinogens from the local toxic waste dump




"Hello Possums" said Dame Edna-Planner .... and many of the possum g'strings stirred (for she was a good sort).


"Whack a Gladdy in here" yelled Ahlo, & flashed a fresh G-string made from an 8 ft brown snake. "We don't have possums up this way, but we have an oversupply of browns, which feel slippery AND disguise things when you frighten yourself on flare when a thermal comes through."


"Browns are 2007 fashion, you Wagga plebs" said Dame Turbo the Coutourier "The latest G-Strings in my 2010 collection are made from ..............



"The latest G-Strings in my 2010 collection are made from ..............


..."the dozens of cracked Soarer rims Darky supplies us after she goes partying on a Saturday night.


"I just knock the centres out of them. they're a bit tight and scratchy for those who fail the pinch test, and I've seen one drop straight off Ahlo, but wear one of those in Melbourne nightclub jungle and when someone gives you a kick in the cods, he's hopping for a week."




Tomo would love to come up with something for the NES, but can't think of anything at the moment that would tickle Turbo's fancy... other than being Neutral.....!




Don't worry about being neutral Tomo, in the days of the Egyptians the neutrals were allowed to stay with the women.....




"There's a plot developing here!!" :uhoh2: gasped secret agent Ahlow. 039_private_eyes.gif.707d2b71af6ed28aa3f848545036e2e0.gif


"There's key words contained within O'Dalby's post that formed a hidden message;021_nod.gif.e05b22d0663f7c104d2025e11d4bd57a.gif


Tomo would love to come up with something for the NES, but can't think of anything at the moment that would


tickle Turbo's fancy... other than being Neutral.....!






Bwahahaha! :roflmao:Talk your way out of this one Tomo !!!060_popcorn.gif.3431c4241ff2a0cfa1a0bc338792d955.gif




Tomo would love to tickle Turbo's fancy.........


And get Ahloh to do a little dancy,


wearing Darky's pink pantcy's


While Tomo played a bit of Jazz


Or is that gonna be the blues?


Bigpete joining in on the Blower


And Nanna on the mower


Capt'n coming up the rear


With him an Bryon on a stier....




Hows dat Stevo...?




He changed his mode to a mother lode, of clues all contained in rhyme.


He issued a taunt to southerner gaunt, "figure this out if you've got the time."


Well, McLoch was smitten with what Tomo'd written, "The bugga's put out quite a bait!"


But time will tell how I'll give him hell, for now ... he'll just have to wait....."




And so to the rim they rode,


With possum skins they were clothed


Ahloh and Darky showed them the way


With Tomo and Turbo looking rather gay


And following behind in bit of a dither


Came Ratty, Planey, Decca and ………..




T’was Thomas Scott, of Cecil Plains, that caught the flying craze;


He turned away the HQ ute, that served him many days.


He dressed himself in flying clothes, no grease stains to be seen;


And hurried off to Dalby field, to hire a flying machine.


He drove along the taxiway, with a grin both wide and wry;


The grizzled old instructor said “Hey Tomo, can you fly?”


“See here old man,” young Tomo said, “From Dalby to the sea;


To see the most, I cruise the coast, There’s few that fly like me.”


“The perving’s good ‘round Gold Coast way, or so I have been told;


There’s brown nose puppies everywhere, and they’re glorious to behold.


But I’m a chaste and sober lad, so flying is my thing;


So I just give a friendly wave, as they pass beneath my wing;


T’was Thomas Scott, of Cecil Plains, who launched into the sky;


Switching off his GPS, ‘cuz the luddites said “you’ll die!”


He grabbed his map and old wrist watch, to give DR a try;


and when East Kew came into view, he wasn’t quite sure why.


He continued south to learn about, some claims being made in the NES;


of secret coded messages, and stuff that rhymes no less.


There was word of road kill undies, but he soon saw something worse;


He found there’s now a story 'bout him, that’s been written in Mulga verse.


T’was Thomas Scott of Cecil Plains, who turned north just time,


He’s now considered accessory, to a heinous literary crime.


The author ducked for cover, and headed off for rest,


He’s guilty of murdering a classic, an example of Banjo’s best.



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