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The Never Ending Story


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... Locksvill...

The Captain replied with a glint in his eye:chuffed:, "You see fellahs, when you've advanced to my position of being God on the flight deck, a few perks come with the job, to evercome boredom on long flights:thumb_up:


Surely you don't for one moment think we can play computer games for all those hours?........



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..... who is feeling melancholy at the moment because ..........

....he'd clocked off, only to find the place locked down, and when he tried to clock on again he finished up in the lock up, clocked.



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....he'd clocked off, only to find the place locked down, and when he tried to clock on again he finished up in the lock up, clocked.

"You can't lock me up" he said "As I am a Master Locksmith and will be out of here before you have time to adjust yourself. Anyway, what am I being held for?"


"You were caught feeling Collin's Mellons (see post #3957), and that is illegal, even in Bange Holme."


"But ................


My Aunt says "G'day again Tubb."



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"You can't lock me up" he said "As I am a Master Locksmith and will be out of here before you have time to adjust yourself. Anyway, what am I being held for?"

"You were caught feeling Collin's Mellons (see post #3957), and that is illegal, even in Bange Holme."


"But ................


My Aunt says "G'day again Tubb."

"....I would never do that because it would only make me mellon colli......"



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"....I would never do that because it would only make me mellon colli......"


...collie, which are nice dogs except that their mellons are a bit on the narrow side."


"But what about Rassie?" asked Nobu, who had been watching the NES from in the wings (a bit like The Tuber Planter in recent times).


Then Dickher weighed in again with the terse comment "I much prefer ..............



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...the grey hound...

Is that an agism quote? :gerg:


Not all hounds over a certain age have grey hair, and besides, it makes them look distinguished :ilmostro:



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Is that an agism quote? :gerg:Not all hounds over a certain age have grey hair, and besides, it makes them look distinguished :ilmostro:


"I agree" said Planey "And after seeing most of the forum members at Temora (where grey was a very popular colour), that is why I tried to talk Ian out of selling Grecian 2000 in the Clear Prop Shop .... although he did want to rebadge it as Bacchus Marsh 2000."


"I had to drop that product" responded Ian "As with the way the Greek economy is going, it had already risen to Grecian 4867 and is increasing at 15% per month."


"Hey ......... whatsa matta you?" said ...........



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"I agree" said Planey "And after seeing most of the forum members at Temora (where grey was a very popular colour), that is why I tried to talk Ian out of selling Grecian 2000 in the Clear Prop Shop .... although he did want to rebadge it as Bacchus Marsh 2000."

"I had to drop that product" responded Ian "As with the way the Greek economy is going, it had already risen to Grecian 4867 and is increasing at 15% per month."


"Hey ......... whatsa matta you?" said ...........

Con The Prop Shop Owner, who was busy putting on his leather apron to start is doys work.


"Lets getta thissa straight mite, me an the lovly wife Mareeeeka's worked blood hard to get us where we are, so you lotta can have some fun. And at the end of the day, hopefully weeez made a cuppla dollars too:exclamation:........ Beaudiful:thumb_up:



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Guest eland2705

And at the end of the day, hopefully weeez made a cuppla dollars too:exclamation:........ Beaudiful:thumb_up:


Just then his cousin, a Paratrooper, Con Decending, arrived "Mite, yous seen the pilot?"



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Con The Prop Shop Owner, who was busy putting on his leather apron to start is doys work."Lets getta thissa straight mite, me an the lovly wife Mareeeeka's worked blood hard to get us where we are, so you lotta can have some fun. And at the end of the day, hopefully weeez made a cuppla dollars too:exclamation:........ Beaudiful:thumb_up:

An wott'sa more, nexta muntx ima going to be introducing aerosol cans of spray-on felt flock for tha baldies. Nanna recckos itsa good feel when you runna yer hands over it:heart:.


It'll be available at mosts future fly-ins to elp yer looka shmik inna photos.


But wait, theres morea. For those fresha aira flyers, for justa a cuppla bucks more, you can get the one with super-hold glue. Beleeeev me my friends, there's gonna be a lot o appy faces out there:star::big_grin::star:.That's......................................... Beaudiful"exclamation.gif.15cca54a67cbd47ca3b5897bbc7b8e75.gif



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Just then his cousin, a Paratrooper, Con Decending, arrived "Mite, yous seen the pilot?"


"For I am one of the Mount Olympus 'Descending' familiaia"


"G'day Maate" said the Greek Fire Fighter "My name Con Flagration, and hava you met my mate the Industrialist Con Glomerate?"


"Yes" responded the bloke with the sore eyes, I'ma Con Junctivitis."


"Wow" said the Magician Con Jurer "Do you want a lolly from my brother Con Fectionary?"


"No thanks, I'll ................



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...Con Niving when he...


.... tried to stop them fighting" said Con Flict "Don't be Con Trary, because if this goes on much further you might become Con Cussed, and then you'd be ...................



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..con tused and con fused.

"That can be solved if you join the Grikk Authodox where the bloke with the black hat is Con Gregation, with his maaate Con Fession, where you will be .....



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..Con Verted with Con Versation about the Con Undrum of the...

"No Lockslie" you have that wrong said The Cheese Muncher "The Con Versions are not done by Con Fession, they are handled by one of the sisters, Con Nun Drum, who works nights as a member of the Con Stabulary when she flashes her..............



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...melons! Which is why lockslie is still trying to saw his way out of the holding cell but can't, because he's been defiled....066_naughty.gif.b89c2da7d619f57a774d625ba24a42f0.gif


But is he yet Con Trite, and ready for Con Ditional release?


"I don't think so" said Sister ...........



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