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The Never Ending Story


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hey dont let storcy near that car if the parcel is in the boot yelled wigg cause he locks keys in boot yong tommo would have taken two two days to late pete is stuck with no elastic and cute chick in sunys that whos not worried that plany not getting



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any more sensible, could'nt help but see the funny side of the FI waddling along like he'd had a new pair of wellington boots and forgot to cut the string.


From this day forward, we'll just call him Nickerless said the ever smiling Planey.:big_grin:

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As Nikerless, Tommo, the burly flag flying car driver, and the mangey dog licking his......(well we all know what they lick) that was sitting beside the strip tried to sort out what to do about the plane,Darky, the FIs welt on his head from the elastic, and the fact that Tommo was now in on things, they all failed to notice that:-


1) it was a nice 25deg day


2) there was very little cloud


3)the air traffic was minimal and


4) they should be up there flying instead of doing this.:confused:


Where was all this leading to?


What would happen to the FIs injury?


Who the heck was the burly driver?


Why was Tommo still here?


And why do dogs lick their..........?


Stay tuned folks as all will be reavealed(in Nikerless case-covererd) in the next nail biting episode.



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And all that is revealed is this:-


The FIs injury will heal over time, meanwhile a large workers comp claim is in progress.


The drivers name is Bob.


What Tommo does is his own business.


And the dog.......he does it because he can.


"But enough of this nonsense" cried Tommo. "Between me and the dog, we've seen some strange things going on here!"



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It then dawned on him that the cafe was'nt even open and by mistake had fronted up to the automated teller sticking out the side of the hanger. "Am I daft or what? Of course I can't get a coffee here! Hey mate...... give us a burger,medium fries and a coke with no ice instead. And could I have that to go please, I've already been standing arround for ages."


Seeing what was happening, Tommo decided to go over and put the poor bloke straight."Mate "he said,"mate, just what do you think your doin? What makes you think you think you can just wander up to an ATM and order a meal like that? Are you brain dead or what?031_loopy.gif.791dd61f4721144544bc840fb53eec3f.gif


"Of course not, Why would you think that? "Mate"said Tommo,"maaaaaate, for a start, you didn't put your pin number in..........


Join us next episode when we discover .............well what ever it is we normally discover in the next episode



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Then it struck him that in Queens-Land an ATM looks like those little money-boxes that are modelled after the building that is Bank Of NSW Head Office, with a slot in the top .... and the Darling Downs Darling's moto that "If you look after your pennies, the hamburgers will look after them................



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Which was better than speaking in the 2nd,3rd ,4th or even 5th person as there was only one of him, and if he tried it any other way he wouldnt hear himself speak. But hello to Captain it was, and in the third person no less, and by pronouncing his concern for the Rat Captain was therefore showing to us all what a splendid and caring bloke he really was.(I really need to stop this dribble before I tear up!)051_crying.gif.edc6b33a234e272ee13f0ec0ae40b12a.gif



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Oh but then, a voodoo taunting, 1st, 2nd and 3rd person master piped up... "Good day children, the name is Ms Monty, School Principal, and I shall tear you apart until your English skills are perfect!"

Principal Monty was fresh outta jail, and ready to make a change to the world!


But then, a Stanza Hero jumped on in, "Montys English skills are nothing to a Stanza Hero!"


The epic fight started, punches flying everywhere.....

.... which caused a new Stanza, or is it a Chapter, of the NES.


For Ms Monty said, in a stuck up school-teacher way, "For someone to call themselves Stanzahero is a little base, and any well edumacated person would know that he should be renamed "Canto's a male protagonist" (or at least that is what my thesaurus recommends) ..... and as for ahlocks" she added "He should be called .......



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..."the sweetest cherub that god ever breathed life into" (066_naughty.gif.b89c2da7d619f57a774d625ba24a42f0.gif)


DitDah frowned 049_sad.gif.cfa4f274d7bd070bd6a24b809e8799ba.gif (for the first time in his enthusiastic young life) "Crikey Mrs Monty,031_loopy.gif.791dd61f4721144544bc840fb53eec3f.gif you're going to have to cut back on the cooking sherry if you think that."


If you want to find a pure and chaste type, you need ...




Lock's mum told him to stay away from protagonist. :no no:


Especially the ones on Darlinghurst Road...:cool_shades:



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"Fooled them again" he thought "especially the ones who can't spell"


The grass rustled slightly, pushed by a furry shoulder; the nose twitched in anticipation; two beady red eyes stared unblinking at the assembled scribes and tongue waggers


As the sun rose a gleam of gold briefly shone until the monster's mouth snapped shut.


"Mrs Monty, that was a good one, sucked them in right away" Rat said to himself "At least now they won't think it was me in jail"


Unfortunately for The Rat, Turbo knew the Magistrate in the outback town where the Incident had taken place, and not only that, but his cousin, who had a lizard skin farm in the area, had emailed him Footage.


As Rat sat in the grass deciding which grammar grub to attack, Turbo was deciding whether to post the video on Youtube.................



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but decided there were more ways skin a rabbit.....or a lizzard as the case maybe.As thoughts tuned to skinning, he looked at his bare and calloused feet and wandered how the old blue tongue hiding amongst the potplants back home would look as a pair of boots.



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but decided there were more ways skin a rabbit.....or a lizzard as the case maybe.As thoughts tuned to skinning, he looked at his bare and calloused feet and wandered how the old blue tongue hiding amongst the potplants back home would look as a pair of boots.

But i've had a pair of those for years retorted El Ratto indignantly. BigPete and I, each got a pair from an op shop years ago. They had a few extra pairs that we going to introduce as the hottest item in the clear-prop shop, but the proprieter slithered away from the idea of making an extra couple of bucks.


Times have changed you have to realise, we now have this young gun on board from the Cecil Hills area, who's selling possum skin booties for the poor peasants who love winter flying, but don't have an onboard heater, or a rotoryaxe powerplant thats low on coolant.


Ahlocks added, "don't know what you blokes are whinging about, it's always 50 degrees in my cabin, maybe it's time I took a trip to Supercheap as coolants on special, and that may stop the soles of my shoes peeling off".



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Unappealing to some, but possum boots are the only way to fly. Not only are they warm but they can be used for stew when you get to your destination. If you are'nt hungry then shove them under the wheels to stop the plane from rolling away. Works better than lizzards as they make a bigger bump on the ground and their tails do'nt fall off, leaving you with an embarassing situation with the RSPCA.



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Unappealing to some, but possum boots are the only way to fly. Not only are they warm but they can be used for stew when you get to your destination. If you are'nt hungry then shove them under the wheels to stop the plane from rolling away. Works better than lizzards as they make a bigger bump on the ground and their tails do'nt fall off, leaving you with an embarassing situation with the RSPCA.

"How dare you", she intoned


"There is nothing embarrassing about the Really Special Possum Cooks Association 060_popcorn.gif.3431c4241ff2a0cfa1a0bc338792d955.gif. Even the Ranga not in the lodge :stirring pot: has tasted our delights"


"Not so", said Krudd the dud, "I remember when.............



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