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"Boil, boil, toil and trouble. Grumbly guts, bathwater bubble...."


Which-confused-the-bejesus-out-of -bull-as-he'd-never......



Guest Andys@coffs

even seen a bath let alone the affect of flatulence .............on the chafe factor of the tanami sands caught in his Toshi and his Tooshi.....Bloody hell he mumbled, I farted once and now my sphincter is as operational as my space bar and unlike the Toshi I cant randomly assign the sphincter function to some other nearby bit..........Time for a thorough airing of the effected bits so he loaded his Toshi and his tooshi onto his tyro and proceeded to.....



even seen a bath let alone the affect of flatulence .............on the chafe factor of the tanami sands caught in his Toshi and his Tooshi.....Bloody hell he mumbled, I farted once and now my sphincter is as operational as my space bar and unlike the Toshi I cant randomly assign the sphincter function to some other nearby bit..........Time for a thorough airing of the effected bits so he loaded his Toshi and his tooshi onto his tyro and proceeded to.....

.......... frighten the Bone kiddies as he flew (Avref) over then at 150 ft with his bum exposed ("Hey look mum, there's a rotten mango stuck under that jacacricket" said once concerned kindergarten kiddie), then bull turned south (he was originally planning (sic) to turn Nth and go the long way .... but the call was urgent) to our Nation's capital to answer the call from "Kevin 24/7 take us to Heaven" after Kevy sent bull a telex (not one of those new fax thinga-me-jigs) which said "Hey bull, get your ars* down here to take up the job as Minister for ...............



Guest Andys@coffs

space and bars......The mining tax didn't seem to produce any income so perhaps a tax on alcohol sales in space can be relied upon to top up the treasury coffers........and besides now that Ive seen your "where the sun don't shine", and the mineral enriched tanami sands to be found there we might look to lease that out to one of the big 4.....Bull was impressed...."Ive heard that its difficult to get gold from sh!t, but if anyone can do it........."



space and bars......The mining tax didn't seem to produce any income so perhaps a tax on alcohol sales in space can be relied upon to top up the treasury coffers........and besides now that Ive seen your "where the sun don't shine", and the mineral enriched tanami sands to be found there we might look to lease that out to one of the big 4.....Bull was impressed...."Ive heard that its difficult to get gold from sh!t, but if anyone can do it........."

...... Kevin can, as most of the Caucus have sh*t for brains, so there is a quid to be made and a jackacricket to be ...........



...... Kevin can, as most of the Caucus have sh*t for brains, so there is a quid to be made and a jackacricket to be ...........

........... called ad-hoc, trite and shallow by some uncaring forum members who were ..............



........... called ad-hoc, trite and shallow by some uncaring forum members who were ..............


....still suffering the effects of sniffing too much aeroplane dope in their modelling days.


"Oooooohhh, were you a model too" lithped Ahlotheharlot, "Why, I can remember when all the models................



Guest Andys@coffs

made loud noises and went round and round in circles until they finally ran out of juice and faded away.......Strewth cried turdy plonker that's just like our forums..........it'd be orite if they sometimes went the other direction...but they all seem to have their rudder set only one way.......Nobu laughed and said I note rudder set opposite to direction they go....that's just like exec, they determined to go direction opposite to what pilots want...steel wire wins though just like.......



made loud noises and went round and round in circles until they finally ran out of juice and faded away.......Strewth cried turdy plonker that's just like our forums..........it'd be orite if they sometimes went the other direction...but they all seem to have their rudder set only one way.......Nobu laughed and said I note rudder set opposite to direction they go....that's just like exec, they determined to go direction opposite to what pilots want...steel wire wins though just like.......

.....Epsom salts and a dicky tummy in a wind tunnel (avref). The ...........



.....Epsom salts and a dicky tummy in a wind tunnel (avref). The ...........

...... proof was, however, in the engines that were used.


The wealthy, like Andythechapeaushatter had a flash & 2.5 glow-plug with a shiny new battery, Salty had a 4-stroke radial engine in his model, whereas ElRatsack was a poor Westy who had a second-hand 1.5 Taipan diesel and he had to save up for 12 months to buy the small bottle of castor oil that he needed to run it.


"Those were the days" reminisced Ratty "When I and a few mates would spend all arvo at the park flying control-line around and around, whereas now if I turn around 360 degrees about twice I ............




"forget which button to press and often give a trite "funny" instead of a carrot head helpful."


"I'd give you an fwit "winner" for that" said Turbo, buit I can't even see the friggin icons let alone press the wrong one.


The forum arlot sniggered "They STILL don't get it" he explained "It's me who's pushing the buttons and creating........."



"forget which button to press and often give a trite "funny" instead of a carrot head helpful.""I'd give you an fwit "winner" for that" said Turbo, buit I can't even see the friggin icons let alone press the wrong one.


The forum arlot sniggered "They STILL don't get it" he explained "It's me who's pushing the buttons and creating........."

..... discontent amongst the malcontents."


"Ahhhhh, so it was you AhRoxOff." said the SouthAfricanJaber&Fryer.


"I didn't know you spoke Japanese" responded Aki, who also knew that Ahlot the Harlot had been sowing his ..............




....fairie logo on to his hot pink pants suit prior to attending the General Meeting they'd all forgotten to call.


"I wonder who isn't coming" said Salty, "I for one............."



....fairie logo on to his hot pink pants suit prior to attending the General Meeting they'd all forgotten to call."I wonder who isn't coming" said Salty, "I for one............."

.... be there, this time in a Glassair....



.... be there, this time in a Glassair....

..."Glassair Schmassair" said bull-who-was,,,not..too-keen-on-the-direction-that-his-association-was-heading (forward) "As if'n it goes faster than 50 knots or doesn't have "jacka" as part of its name, then it should be in GA and the pilots required to pee on pee-prune" he would say.


"Hold on there bull, old chap" responded an incredulous Dazzler "Just because I have a Glassair, a DC headset, some flash fly-boy sunnies that see through ladies clothes, a cap, and a 5 o'clock (Qld time) shadow doesn't mean that I'm a .......



"....glaassair assair (not that there is anything wrong with that) either unless it's....................."

.... what we in NSW refer to as a "candidate for membership at the Blue Oyster" and what, those up there in F'nQ refer to as a ..............



Guest Andys@coffs

something that those strange Mexicans go on with.......what's with all the oyster stuff? We F'nQslanderers know that Oysters up here in gods land are good tucka and lead to bedroom antics....while those down south tend to lead to hospital antics with a stomach pump.....What a bunch of wussy's ! I mean up here we know not to sh!t in water we drink.....but those southerners!!!.....


Meanwhile, Bull noted that the wheel on his Jacka seems to be binding a bit on the axle....back to the Tanami for me he thought, where a bit of sand should fix any binding...on anything!!!........Bull got that far away look in his eye and thought maybe those southerners who have problems with the local septic oysters ( LSO's for clarity) just needed a good dose of tanami sand.....he could sell it as a health supplement cause we all know that just about anything and everything that humans shouldn't eat was available as a........




.... gourmet selection at Lang Park before each State of Origin game up there.


"Them was the days" recalled Andy fondly, "As it made my hat filling much easier and those LSO's also made it .............



.... gourmet selection at Lang Park before each State of Origin game up there.

"Them was the days" recalled Andy fondly, "As it made my hat filling much easier and those LSO's also made it .............

.... straight through undigested, just like corn and tomato pips always do."


"Those were the days" reminisced the 12 Incher "When ..............



Guest Andys@coffs

there was us, them, and those who didnt givafark or who had no clue.......Now, he said with some sadness us have split into multiple seperate groups as aviation groups are wont to do.........1000 leaders and no followers can only lead to, as the rathulk had allude, each of us like the pips and corn coming through unchanged...but still covered in.............








......- - --- --- --------- -------- -------- --------- (sorry, Turbo only has a dash key in his new micro computer, but it was about Captain)



......- - --- --- --------- -------- -------- --------- (sorry, Turbo only has a dash key in his new micro computer, but it was about Captain)

..... who didn't take offence, as he had been called much worse than that in his time.


"Yes" commented Nanna "As I, for one, know that he is a $#*&'n %#@^, and have said so publicly."


"That's nuth'n" said Ahlot "As I know it for a fact that Eeeeeen is a .................



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