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The Never Ending Story


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Stop slending me porn on my new iphone,velly dislacting and I not velly straight with pen sometimes ,and lhe lairdressers cut my lair tooo slort he said {meanwhile Turds was mixing in really well with the jlc }Hey captain he yelled from the really dark corner of the room at the blue oyster,,,these jab fellows really are sweet they brought me a new....................



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  • 9 months later...
Stop slending me porn on my new iphone,velly dislacting and I not velly straight with pen sometimes ,and lhe lairdressers cut my lair tooo slort he said {meanwhile Turds was mixing in really well with the jlc }Hey captain he yelled from the really dark corner of the room at the blue oyster,,,these jab fellows really are sweet they brought me a new....................

...Roger Rammit engine thingys with the xtra strong thru bolts that casa like.


"Now I can really........



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

Sorry to say this guys, shoot me down in flames if you want to, and certainly no offence intended, ban me if mod's want to, but we can do so much better on this thread. This thread needs to raise it's game a bit. If you care to look back at some of the very early post's they were real funny, but things have declined, so I personally couldn't even bother posting on it. Many of you guys have probably had enough hearing about the Oyster Bar, Possum skins, through bolts etc; and have so much more to offer than that. I know that so many of you have a great sense of humor, and we'd all be happy to see your rejuvinated offerings that are appreciated by the majority, and you yourselves will get so much pleasure from this thread which has been going for yonks.


Kind Rdgs


Grumpy Old Fart Planey



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So as Planet tries to appease the threads objectives, and Admin and Mods have over the last 6 months diligently worked hard to clean the site up, users begin to flock back to the Recreational Flying institution for the aviation insane. INSANE...who is in insane remarks Planet? Just because I can't get through my day without speaking my time between Recreational Flying and my joys of Phillumenism doesn't mean I am insane or even.......



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Just because I can't get through my day without speaking my time between Recreational Flying and my joys of Phillumenism doesn't mean I am insane or even.......

just a bit plane bonkas at times. Phillumanism! (had to google that one) Have collection of matchbox models tucked away for the grandkids, but not into collecting the pyrotechnic side of things, strike a light!



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  • 3 weeks later...

whinges, but no malice intended. meanwhile, did storchy ever tell you how well his storch ran on avgas and H2O. That's no Bull, Bull, I have a photo of him topping it up before escaping Narrow Mine in inclement weather. Can't beat those rotary axes.



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now plany old storchy burnt a lot of bridges an he must pissssed god of too cause he wont take him avgas and h20 not a problem the speed of the storch need somein to keep it cool like


gee plany google will tell you any thing you want to know bull and his big words now has storchy confused he may have to join turbo at that place that has



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  • 2 years later...

it reminds him of a going nowhere fast Ford Mondeo with a stuffed tranny (read that as auto-transmission you politically corrects).


Poor bugger probably regrets flogging off his Ford Prefect ?, but as Admin you have to try to maintain an admirable image, otherwise....



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Boris wondered why he was off balance?


He looked in the mirror and chanted " who is the finest PM of all?"


No reply came. But Boris just shrugged and leaned back on his brexit hunting stick.


He smiled his foppish grin and just new his time had come. Reward for all his efforts.


Suddenly the mirror went misty and a grave voice laughed a deep guttural mirth.


Boris startled and screamed in anguish, he had pushed backwards too much.......


Impaled by his his own brexit batard. 


He screamed in pain and wailed how its not fair, the more he wailed, the more the pain. His convulsive cries only further drove his brexit into his rear.


Suddenly the fog of pain lifted for one split second and he glimpsed in the mirror a visage of splender. Of Great Britain ......


It was Winston.....


In a instant, the image of hope, strength, reason and bravery was gone. 


Before him Boris could only see himself.


A naked man with a hunting stick wrapped in scotch thistle shoved up his clacker.


Suddenly two taps were heard at the door and in stepped........



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a delegation from the IOC with an announcement that our man Boris was to represent the nation at the bad hair Olympics.


duly came the final with three remaining contestants Boris, Donald and Kim fighting for the podium with all three pushing and shoving and trying to balance on the top spot.


The IOC calls in a whole alphabet of international consultant firms who recommend a circular podium with only one flat surface.


All three then refuse to stand on such an abomination of the competitive spirit and head off to their respective TV interviews


meanwhile Xi with three medals around his neck and the podium under his arm is seen



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...at an upmarket hairdresser, trying on a series of orange and albino wigs and wishing he had either the orange or the pallid-but ruddy complexion to carry one or the other. Unable to choose, but mollified by the servile cries of admiration and flattering assurances that his bum looked big in neither of them, he chose one of each to avoid future disappointment, and resolved to wear then interchangeably when  next...



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