hihosland Posted January 24, 2020 Posted January 24, 2020 to propose ………. .. however Salty a great fan of Married at first Sight thought that he knew all there was to know about proposals and decided that the Riverland would do him for a good while yet MBACBCI or no MBACBCI . He did notice however that the Captain was back playing with acronyms again and thought that the combination of CWA and NZSEE could be interesting, CWA he knew were good for lammingtons at fly-ins (avref) but NZSEE did confuse. After considerable thought (non WF ref) the idea of a combination of a cross wind and a KIWI in a grass skirt did make NZSEE sound intriguing; so he "Clear Propped" the Drifter and .............
Captain Posted January 24, 2020 Posted January 24, 2020 'hihosland said: After considerable thought (non WF ref) the idea of a combination of a cross wind and a KIWI in a grass skirt did make NZSEE sound intriguing; so he "Clear Propped" the Drifter and ............. ... then "Clear Torpedoed" followed by the now essential "Clear Turboencabulator", and by that time he shut the engine down again ..... as he needed a .......
onetrack Posted January 24, 2020 Posted January 24, 2020 .....fire extinguisher to put the fire out in the Turboencabulator, which had burst into flames immediately upon startup, just like an old R-3350 (avref). Meantimes the Commitee For Investigating Turboencabulator Fires Fitted To Drifters (acronym - CFITFFTD) had arrived and had secured the area for Investigation purposes. As with all Important Investigations, witnesses had to be interviewed, statements taken, photos and measurements taken, CASA notified, the ATSB notified, Greta notified, the IPCC notified, and the lawyers for TurboencabulatorGate had to be advised with updated stats. There were now obviously more than 7 Turboencabulators that had caught fire - a growing and serious problem that would almost certainly lead to a Turboencabulator AD issued by CASA, and an upgrade to the class-action lawsuit against the Turboencabulator manufacturers. But Hi-Ho was getting upset. All he wanted to do, was get airborne, and now his chances were slimmer than ever. Then he spotted a derelict-looking Jab.....
Captain Posted January 24, 2020 Posted January 24, 2020 ....... Holding Company, who were sniffing around as potential buyers for the entire empire owned by Tinky. As all NESers are well aware from previous posts by Joh, and this particularly applies to our thousands of NES members based throughout Europe, “JAB” or Joh. A. Benckiser, is a privately held German conglomerate, headquartered in Luxembourg (where the Skipper and Briney regularly holiday), which includes investments in companies operating in the areas of consumer goods, forestry, coffee, luxury fashion, and fast food, among others. "Please don't rubbish them on the NES" implored Turdy "As I desperately need this sale to go through and I can't........."
Captain Posted January 24, 2020 Posted January 24, 2020 Nothing to do with the NES. Just posted for a drool. 1
Captain Posted January 24, 2020 Posted January 24, 2020 'Captain said: "Please don't rubbish them on the NES" implored Turdy "As I desperately need this sale to go through and I can't........." ..... let this opportunity slip (avref) by. The encabulator has a few issues, the 'Vette needs a freshen up, my Moorabbin mansion needs new security fencing and razor wire and I'm yet to pay for the 70 Drifter low flying slow fire emplacement devices, or DLFSFEDs as they are designated by CASA, the NTSB, the CFS & the CFA, so I may need to POQ to FNQ, and bull's lack of use of capitals will be an issue if I have to .......
onetrack Posted January 25, 2020 Posted January 25, 2020 .... deal with the Grammar Police along the way. Few people know that the Grammar Police have wide-ranging powers, to bring even aviation to a halt, as they deal with writing and they need every I dotted, every T crossed, and Capitals required at the start of every sentence and used with every noun. Trying to submit written deals, agreements, maintenance records, CASA responses, or even just email communications, will soon see the Grammar Police step in and cause great angst as things have to be re-written to meet their exacting Oxford Dictionary requirements. In fact, it's looking like they are stepping in to kill this upcoming deal, because I forgot to.........
hihosland Posted January 25, 2020 Posted January 25, 2020 Apostrosize a hanging participle when including an Oxford (avref) commar, one (One?) can only hope they never notice the,.......
Bryon Posted January 25, 2020 Posted January 25, 2020 ....the furtive movements of Brine as he tries desperately to slip in and out of the NES without even a semicolon to show he had been there. Speaking of colons (semi or otherwise) he is happy to report that the photos show his to be clean as a whistle. Whilst (Rattyref) he was on the table, and under the influence of various drugs, he noticed a very well endowed good looking young to middle aged nurse who reminded him of a certain person known to frequent this forum. It was at this junction in the hallucinations of Brine that there appeared an apparition that resembled Turdy at his most salubrious mumbling.........
turboplanner Posted January 25, 2020 Posted January 25, 2020 ..........what's missing?, what's missing? as he tried to find a way of fixing the encabulator fire problem. Then it came to him; the stator circuit wiring was too light and that affected the fluoro-mirrors, so he came up with a quick fix and all the Drifters were back in the air, where a new Regulation........
Captain Posted January 25, 2020 Posted January 25, 2020 'turboplanner said: ..........what's missing?, what's missing? as he tried to find a way of fixing the encabulator fire problem. Then it came to him; the stator circuit wiring was too light and that affected the fluoro-mirrors, so he came up with a quick fix and all the Drifters were back in the air, where a new Regulation........ ……. said that whilst flying (avref) one must refer to whom ever it was that undertook the last pre-flight check whilst (brineref) checking for that dreaded hanging participles (Heidiref) which …………..
Captain Posted January 25, 2020 Posted January 25, 2020 'turboplanner said: Then it came to him; the stator circuit wiring was too light and that affected the fluoro-mirrors, so he came up with a quick fix and all the Drifters were back in the air, WRECK FLYING URGES ALL MEMBERS NOT TO TRY THIS AT HOME AND BELIEVES THAT THE INSURERS, & TUBB'S INVESTORS, WILL BE VERY (VERY) CYNICAL OF ANY QUICK-FIX WHILST THE THREAT OF LITIGATION REMAINS IN THE AIR (AVREF) AND WHILST THE HUMAN FACTORS SZAR IS STILL CONSIDERING ALL IMPLICATIONS OF THE ENCABULATOR SCANDAL ……………………………….. MODERATOR 6
onetrack Posted January 25, 2020 Posted January 25, 2020 (which)....if left hanging, creates assymetric drag, resulting in constant turns to the left, ending in a spiral dive, which is unrecoverable. As a result, the Grammar Police were obliged to issue a stern warning about leaving hanging participles (more correctly known as dangling participles) unattended, due to the threat to flight safety. This then led to discussions about leaving anything hanging or dangling from an aircraft, particularly personal body parts. Cappy immediately piped up with an old well-known line that the angle of the dangle.......
turboplanner Posted January 26, 2020 Posted January 26, 2020 ......dangle depends on the state of the Drifter’s skin (avref) and continued “I used to have a reel with a handle on my Drifter for cold mornings and...”
Captain Posted January 26, 2020 Posted January 26, 2020 'turboplanner said: TURBO’S RESPONSE: YOU JUST WANT US TO LIVE IN A NANNY STATE! nttiawwt. MODERATOR 6 IS WELL KNOWN FOR HIS PREDILECTION (fancywordref) FOR NANNIES AND NANNY STATES ......... MODERATOR 4
Captain Posted January 26, 2020 Posted January 26, 2020 'turboplanner said: ......dangle depends on the state of the Drifter’s skin (avref) and continued “I used to have a reel with a handle on my Drifter for cold mornings and...” ….. the aviation community were very complimentary when I used that reel on the Drifter to tow a ginormous Aussie Flag around Sydney Harbour on Strayya Day, then down the coast and up the Yarra before I ………. Below should be a pic of Turbs flashing past Mallacoota in the Drifter towing the flag on his way south, however the dill with the camera missed the aircraft because of its speed.
hihosland Posted January 26, 2020 Posted January 26, 2020 The return journey after refueling the turboencabulator was captured by a current affair cameraman, who was having a break at Lakes Entrance from filming MFS where Cappy and Byron were starring as............... 1
onetrack Posted January 26, 2020 Posted January 26, 2020 .... the celebrant, and the "other man" in the marriage, which positions were eagerly sought after by many job applicants - but which were given to Byron and Cappy, due to their respective skills in those areas. However, before MFS videoing got under way, there was a uproar caused by........
Captain Posted January 26, 2020 Posted January 26, 2020 'onetrack said: However, before MFS videoing got under way, there was a uproar caused by........ ..... 3 buxom young ladies and 2 ex-chipendale performers (nttiawwt) who all had Salty's pictures in their lockers, and who said that .....
turboplanner Posted January 26, 2020 Posted January 26, 2020 ....under LGBTOM laws they had equal rights with the Other Man. This left Cappy with six problems..................
hihosland Posted January 27, 2020 Posted January 27, 2020 This left Cappy with six problems.................. the least of which was hiding from the moderators Turbo's indiscretion by mentioning LGBTOM in the WF universe a crime only slightly less serious than trying to introduce a sonnet featuring conveyor belts the mere thought of which sent the entire confabulation of moderators off..................
Captain Posted January 27, 2020 Posted January 27, 2020 'hihosland said: This left Cappy with six problems.................. the least of which was hiding from the moderators Turbo's indiscretion by mentioning LGBTOM in the WF universe a crime only slightly less serious than trying to introduce a sonnet featuring conveyor belts the mere thought of which sent the entire confabulation of moderators off.................. .... the deep end, but Moderator 13, the most illustrious and illuminated of the Illuminati stayed loyal to Turdboy and refused to sanction him (13 has veto power on WF even when the votes of the Moderators was 19 to 1). "I have no truck with Turbo mentioning LGBTOM (nttiawwt)" said 13, who had been partitioned by several of Tink's WF enemies (well hundreds actually) but I'm still hopeful that TinkyWink will make a meaningful contribution. However I am more worried about Heidi. Anyone who can photoshop (post#11793ref) (and Doctor-shop) like he does has to be treated with great care, because .......
turboplanner Posted January 27, 2020 Posted January 27, 2020 ......he can produce a video showing Ghandi having a conversation with Greta, or ..........
Captain Posted January 27, 2020 Posted January 27, 2020 'turboplanner said: ......he can produce a video showing Ghandi having a conversation with Greta, or .......... ..... CASA saying "We are from the government and we are here to help, so where do we sign off on the ..........."
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