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The Never Ending Story


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...or whether he had just been licking cane toads."I'b hab nopt" protested DitDah....

...who dashed off to phone the poisons information centre to find out about cane toad poison. "Heblo, I thneed thelp" he cried into the phone, but alas the person on the other end couldn't understand him. Ditdah decided to try morse code instead...



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... but then had a brilliant Idea to use the deaf emergency number instead... ### into the mobile it goes................................. Hello........................................ Heeeellllooooo.............................. Oh dear, thought DitDah starting to panick... (or pancake:nerd:) what am I going to doo?? what am I...... glancing down he noticed a......



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... have at least a few beetles in it... very good medicine you see. 021_nod.gif.e05b22d0663f7c104d2025e11d4bd57a.gif


But then... cow patty...? means cow! :thumb_up: Fresh cowpattie... means cow nearby! 011_clap.gif.8adfe837b4189ee6622bf4917d6a88c0.gif


Just what I've always wanted thought Ditdah... his dream right before his eyes....



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leading us back to the previous discussion about Queenslander's DNA :stirring pot:

"We'll yeah" added Alow, "looks like he might confuses the animals he's supposed to be plucking too!" 015_yelrotflmao.gif.b15896900101c1d0c30c1711f453ac42.gif


"Use a few more of those XX:censored:XX words." interupted bushtucker Les.


"Bartfastarts is watching 039_private_eyes.gif.707d2b71af6ed28aa3f848545036e2e0.gif in the background...With a couple more XXX:censored:XXX's you might lure him in and we'll have a crack at a feed of that spotted brown pussy. na_na.gif.77b7aa06a1279edccd56932494ddf71b.gif



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"Not much chance" said Turbo "he's been hauled in by CASA for a drug test"


"Why they single him out?" asked Aki


"Let me put it this way Aki" replied Turbo "It had reached a point where at every Show, when someone asked where the toilets were, they would be told to turn left where the orange thin with the dots was. You could say he drew attention to that fact that he was, well, different"


Turbo wasn't too sure what DNA meant, but he certainly knew the reason why Queenslanders couldn't get their shoes on, but his mother had told him never to mention that sort of thing.


Tomo, now in considerable pain, looked down. A web was forming between the toes of his left foot.


He gave an involuntary yell, but all that came out was a croak.....



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..."which ain't normal coming from bloke" said Darky, - who having researched that sort of thing - "just a natural thing for a women to do" Acki replied, "don't worry about it Tubz, she probably already has all your history sitting in front of her.


"Well I didn't say anyone could use my personal information!" Tubz said a little annoyed. That is personal discrimination, and I'll get my lawer on to it. "Oh dear" though Acki... amazing how people react these days...


"Don't worry about it to much Acki" said the Nanna (in the garden I presume) "O'l Tubz is a little like that..." "Been that way since he was knee high to a grass hopper, but it always turned around in the morning" 'mazing what a bit of sleep can do"


"Well I still don't like the idea that Darky is in the firing line" says Acki, "not good at all when someone like Tubz is at the wheel" Who know's he might even go an...........



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"Well I still don't like the idea that Darky is in the firing line" says Acki, "not good at all when someone like Tubz is at the wheel" Who know's he might even go an...........

..live under the radar in Dalby.



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Queensland, you just can't help but want to live here can you Tubz...?! :big_grin:

"And to think that Bob Menzies was going to give Qld to us if we promised not to attack the valuable bits of OZ" said Acki. "My dad lead those negotiations on behalf of the emperor and had already bought up a supply of white shoes to use when he developed the Ackihito Towers at Hervey Bay.


"Well all I can say is that I am a loyal Queenslander" replied Tomo "I think Anna Bligh is a hot sort in her maroon undies and cane toad skin G-string, I reckon Russ Hinze was a statesman, Joe Bjelke was fair and balanced, Alan Langer is tall, the Qld Reds will win the Super 14 this year, Brendon Favola will do great things for the Lions and XXXX beer sales this year, and ..............



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... By the name of Sir Rodney, "a great achievement from a great man" said Acki... While the rest of the Recflying personnel were either traveling to the "Great Eastern", others were contemplating weather, NOTAMS, and airspace area's... Slarti was out polishing the last of the dust off the Sheeter, Ensuring his handy work of a logo was on the 'outside' of his shirt so people would recognize him if they didn't see him streeking (probably should put an 'a' in that word otherwise it might sound 'a bit light on' ) in for a high speed flyby before the crowd... that six from Jab purring away at 2850 rpm.


Turbo was deep in thought about a Stick and Rudder problem, Qwerty was solving his stick and rudder problem, Tomo was taking it easy - for the time being! - Darky was going out to master her flying once and for all, (hope you're out there now so you don't get the turbulence..!) Captain was probably sitting on the deck reading the morning paper 021_nod.gif.e05b22d0663f7c104d2025e11d4bd57a.gif


Ian'd be getting the day's news sorted out no doubt...


And all the others are just a 'driftin around the place, considering others in space.......



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And all the others are just a 'driftin around the place, considering others in space.......


Turbo had been blowing the cobwebs out by the use of tangental throttle, which had been going well up to the last bit..





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... Cheeter, so Slarti scampered off like a typical cat wanting to clear all the webs that have cobbed themselves to his.....




Missed you by that much Slarti!!!051_crying.gif.edc6b33a234e272ee13f0ec0ae40b12a.gif Was going to run out and jump on your wing, but thought better of it! :big_grin:



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