planedriver Posted March 14, 2011 Posted March 14, 2011 "?), whereas Planey, Brine and DoubleB are always ............... bbashfull about their ssstttutters. "You associate with DoubleB's" said Planeys girl? "That counts me out for wineglass wotsis. No sweety, the suave Planey retorted trying to save the realationship. The boys are simply doing what they do best We all know enough about aviation to realise that with your gorgeous diminutive figure, if you were a DoubleB you'd look like an Alaskan Storch with Tundra tyres:kiss::Rabia: You realisise we simply do a little bit of what you girls do when you get together:coffee:r:chat:, (except, that can also find a few other things to do as well, in the same month). Ducking for cover :peepwall: after gambling :pokerface: with his safety:black_eye:, he hoped that some of his mates, might come to his rescue...................................but no the bast--ds gave up and simply started
Bryon Posted March 14, 2011 Posted March 14, 2011 Ducking for cover :peepwall: after gambling :pokerface: with his safety:black_eye:, he hoped that some of his mates, might come to his rescue...................................but no the bast--ds gave up and simply started "Hi Ho Sheeta.....Awaaaaaay" shouted the Lone-slarti as his (t)rusty orange spotted steed carried him off into the civil twilight "Bloody showoff" muttered planey "I hope he................
ahlocks Posted March 14, 2011 Posted March 14, 2011 ..realises that animals can stutter too." "Why just the other day my new kitten developed a stutter when the next door neighbours rottweiler jumped the back fence!" continued Planey. "Fff!, Fff!, Fff! the kitten stuttered, but the dog got to him before he could finish.
Captain Posted March 14, 2011 Posted March 14, 2011 ..realises that animals can stutter too." "Why just the other day my new kitten developed a stutter when the next door neighbours rottweiler jumped the back fence!" continued Planey. "Fff!, Fff!, Fff! the kitten stuttered, but the dog got to him before he could finish. Now all readers will be feeling sorry for the little kitty about now ....... or thinking about posting some double-entendre about that other name for a Kitten, but I have to tell all readers that AhChoo's kitty was a cruel little bugger, what deserved all he got from that Rotty. "Why just the other day, he played with me for hours" reported ElRatsack "And every time I went to get away he dragged me back in by my tail, and made like he was going to eat me. Then he palyed that hillarious 3-Bears game with me ... you know "This Rat is too cold, This Rat is too hot etc etc" .....and it frightened the heck out of me (aviation phrase)..... then he ....... My Aunt just realised that we are now on the downhill run (or is it the slippery slope) to post #5000 .... so who will it be to write this milestone section of the NES ................................................................ with Aunty's pen, out in the garden.
planedriver Posted March 14, 2011 Posted March 14, 2011 ..realises that animals can stutter too." "Why just the other day my new kitten developed a stutter when the next door neighbours rottweiler jumped the back fence!" continued Planey. "Fff!, Fff!, Fff! the kitten stuttered, but the dog got to him before he could finish. What a bloody woos!, why only this morning on utube, I saw where a tiger finished off a croc that had tried to go it. If I buy a new moggy, i'll paint some black stripes on it. That should do the trick. "So watch out Rotti, cause i'll have yer b-lls"
planedriver Posted March 14, 2011 Posted March 14, 2011 So to do a journo job on post 4901. The publisher claimed (in parts) that:- The Rat is too old. Gets dragged around by the tail and is on the downhill run But, This Rat is too hot to write this milestone section of the NES .................................................. .............. with Aunty's pen, out in the garden. (under the collar that is)
ahlocks Posted March 14, 2011 Posted March 14, 2011 ...."So watch out Rotti, cause i'll have yer b-lls" Why a rotty would be fitted with bells would have to remain a mystery :ne_nau: as the great post #5000 standoff began.....
turboplanner Posted March 14, 2011 Posted March 14, 2011 Why a rotty would be fitted with bells would have to remain a mystery :ne_nau: as the great post #5000 standoff began..... ..although it's intriguing to hear PlaneFlour's hot under the the point of being SlefRising...
planedriver Posted March 14, 2011 Posted March 14, 2011 "or deflawed" said mavis with a glint in her eye. I remember the night so well. He said he had 4 stripes or something. I was young, stupid, and easilly influenced, because he said he could save young country girls, and I was impressed by his generosity. He just didn't say who he'd save them4! Little did he tell me that I was in for a surprise. Only later did I find out that the 4striped badges that he wore, came from an army surplus store. and was a means to his end 4ming a bond with a sweet young thing such as I. Since that day, i've met so many more like him............................and would'nt change things for quids
turboplanner Posted March 14, 2011 Posted March 14, 2011 "..............and would'nt change things for quids "or as we would say this century, bucks"
planedriver Posted March 14, 2011 Posted March 14, 2011 which gives even better value between 1 1/2 consenting ...................
Captain Posted March 14, 2011 Posted March 14, 2011 which gives even better value between 1 1/2 consenting ................... ........ und mit ze value off the Euro now up to 74 cents, sie can get a, guaranteed to conzent, European bride from Chermany for so much less ..... and we'll chuck in a 2nd one for yust 10% more." "Fair go, Helga" said Planey "As 2 of 'em is enough to finish me off (permanently). However I guess that it will stop me from self-raising, und having checked out votre webzite, I have to admit that vous are a bit of a honey, so I would therefore certainly like to ........................
planedriver Posted March 14, 2011 Posted March 14, 2011 see you catch more crabs tonight, after all, they fetch $39.95. The ones that come back to haunt come a lot cheaper, but generally only in the short term. TurboEvinrude felt a bit inadequate hearing this, and vowed that he could get a couple of luv-u-long time brides for a couple of kilos of fresh yabbies nicked from his neighbours dam, if he snuk down there in the middle of the night. Nocturnal crustations can put a smile in the face of a guy my age retorted............................
Captain Posted March 14, 2011 Posted March 14, 2011 see you catch more crabs tonight, after all, they fetch $39.95.The ones that come back to haunt come a lot cheaper, but generally only in the short term. TurboEvinrude felt a bit inadequate hearing this, and vowed that he could get a couple of luv-u-long time brides for a couple of kilos of fresh yabbies nicked from his neighbours dam, if he snuk down there in the middle of the night. Nocturnal crustations can put a smile in the face of a guy my age retorted............................ ........ Turbs, as he backed the Signature down into his neighbour's dam. The boat was 6.4 M long and the dam was a big one at 37 m across. As he pushed the boat off the trailer and thumbed the starter Tubbo said "I hope that this Evenruder makes it out to the middle to the Yabbie pots", but as a strange clunk was heard, Tubb yelled "Oh no, not again, that's the ....................
planedriver Posted March 14, 2011 Posted March 14, 2011 ...........same as half the blokes that get on the NES late in the evening........piston broke. Realising that he wouldnt be able to trade his yabby catch for Wununglo's love you long time daughter, he uttered a few choice words under his breath which would not be appropriate here, (even if frequently heard in private by the moderators). Thinking about having to settle for a mail-order bride, he then started to worry about what the postage costs would be. The root of his problem was that he also had to fork out for a new bobby thing to go in his Evenrudereggbeater. Now thats even more frusrating, he thought, but something i'll just have to come to grips with.......................
Captain Posted March 15, 2011 Posted March 15, 2011 ...........same as half the blokes that get on the NES late in the evening........piston broke. Realising that he wouldnt be able to trade his yabby catch for Wununglo's love you long time daughter, he uttered a few choice words under his breath which would not be appropriate here, (even if frequently heard in private by the moderators). Thinking about having to settle for a mail-order bride, he then started to worry about what the postage costs would be. The root of his problem was that he also had to fork out for a new bobby thing to go in his Evenrudereggbeater. Now thats even more frusrating, he thought, but something i'll just have to come to grips with....................... ....... like how best to take an expensive (as opposed to cheap) shot at the moderators. "I'll chip in 50 bucks for such a good cause" commented The Rodent, all supportive of Planey. "Me too" said Ahlocks "As those moderators do sometimes need to be brought down a peg or 2." "I agree" said Ian. "Me too" interjected SloppyButtCrack. "Well, that's done then" said Planey "We have $200 towards this great cause, but I won't ask Tubbo, as he has another outboard to fix, however $200 should be enough to ......
planedriver Posted March 15, 2011 Posted March 15, 2011 buy a time expired Jabby motor, and a few 2nd hand bits from Stinky the plumber down the street, to make up a marinisation kit. BigPete the mexican mechanic, would probably opt for keeping it air-cooled with a traded-in vacuum cleaner from Godfreys. "Thats the great thing about these forums" replied Tubbo, you get heaps of unwanted advice which really adds to the confusion.
Captain Posted March 15, 2011 Posted March 15, 2011 buy a time expired Jabby motor, and a few 2nd hand bits from Stinky the plumber down the street, to make up a marinisation kit.BigPete the mexican mechanic, would probably opt for keeping it air-cooled with a traded-in vacuum cleaner from Godfreys. "Thats the great thing about these forums" replied Tubbo, you get heaps of unwanted advice which really adds to the confusion. "Good post that Planey (cough, cough, wheez, cough)" said Tubbo-culosis "But I am now an ex-spurt on stripping and re-ass-embling any outboard, be in 2, 4 or 6 stroke, however the Godfreys idea does appeal (not that there is anything wrong with that)." "Llllook what I can do with this bowling ball" sssaid Godfrey, "And ssssee how many Gallahs can perch along this, between .................
turboplanner Posted March 15, 2011 Posted March 15, 2011 buy a time expired Jabby motor, and a few 2nd hand bits from Stinky the plumber down the street, to make up a marinisation kit.BigPete the mexican mechanic, would probably opt for keeping it air-cooled with a traded-in vacuum cleaner from Godfreys. "Thats the great thing about these forums" replied Tubbo, you get heaps of unwanted advice which really adds to the confusion. "However, this morning a little mouse whispered in Turbo's ear:" "You are on the right track Turbo", the little mouse said "It's a rat's nest, and we need more people digging and less giving us unwanted advice" "Dig and you will find the answer" continued the little mouse. "The answer is in the one who hasn't spoken; the clock is ticking" But Turbo wasn't listening, he was busy trying to make sense of Planey's boating advice [ATTACH]13352.vB[/ATTACH]
Bryon Posted March 15, 2011 Posted March 15, 2011 "However, this morning a little mouse whispered in Turbo's ear:""You are on the right track Turbo", the little mouse said "It's a rat's nest, and we need more people digging and less giving us unwanted advice" "Dig and you will find the answer" continued the little mouse. "The answer is in the one who hasn't spoken; the clock is ticking" But Turbo wasn't listening, he was busy trying to make sense of Planey's boating advice [ATTACH=CONFIG]20712[/ATTACH] Which also confused the grasshopper (karate term) "Why should I climb on that hook?" he mused "I dont need a bath yet" he also mused "This sounds a bit fishy to me" he mused further ("all this musing is confusing and making my braims hurt" muttered Turbo) "Ah ha" yelled Mavis "I knew that Elrat was reproducing, there is the proof in that little rat (mouse)" "Ugly bugga, isnt he?" mused SlartiIlookgood.........
Captain Posted March 15, 2011 Posted March 15, 2011 Which also confused the grasshopper (karate term)"Why should I climb on that hook?" he mused "I dont need a bath yet" he also mused "This sounds a bit fishy to me" he mused further ("all this musing is confusing and making my braims hurt" muttered Turbo) "Ah ha" yelled Mavis "I knew that Elrat was reproducing, there is the proof in that little rat (mouse)" "Ugly bugga, isnt he?" mused SlartiIlookgood......... " I am not a-mused, Slarti (and stop looking in that mirror & pouting)" retorted ElRat "As I have never been so insulted. So I'm off to a muse-ical to forget about Brine's insult that mice did spring from my loins (although I must admit that there are some good looking lady mice that pass themselves off as Rats with low-cut dresses (a bit like cheddar dressed up as stilton), down at my local Grab-a-Granny Joint)." "I con-cur" said Culocis "As that's like being accused that you are a closet Axe Driver, or that you favour Yamaha's over Evinrudes, or that you have a small Johnson." "Did someone call" answered ..........
planedriver Posted March 15, 2011 Posted March 15, 2011 "Of course I did" Mavis bellowed. Be it a Yammy or EvenRude doesn't matter to me, but small Johnsons have never been on my priority list. Meanwhile Planey was wondering why Turbo needed a 140 to push the Haines around his garden pond? Must be a macho thing I spose. Its even got a bloody rocket-launcher to train the runner- beans up. "That'd be good thing to set amongt the play-equipment for the ankle-biters to crawl over while they stay at my joint", said the manager of ElRatto's-ElRancho Resort. Meanwhile MrBryonMiaggi continued his "wax on..........wax off, wax on.........wax off, (karate training routine), something he really gets a kick out of. Maybe I can make a few bucks, getting the students to rub back crappy paint jobs at the local airstrip he'll make a nice change from polishing...............
planedriver Posted March 16, 2011 Posted March 16, 2011 things like "The come and get it Trophy" If the boys want work? Planey's strange brother-in-law bought an old Toyota Corona finished in Burnt Orange, but did'nt like the colour, so painted it with a roller and heritage-green paint left over from doing his roof. (And he's not kidding). So all home-builders who are looking for someone to finish off your pride and joy, I know the very person to help you. 230 Jabbys are his speciality and he loves to give people pleasant surprises..................
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