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.....paycheck. Turbo knew but had been sworn to secrecy. It involved........

.... a modicum of moderate modulation that would allow Larry to continue his modish behaviour, in the hope that he can modify the membership of the MagnificentModerati, and upgrade their behaviour to one of modest modernity, while still in modelling mode where all of the mod cons will be exposed via his modem, which .....



.... a modicum of moderate modulation that would allow Larry to continue his modish behaviour, in the hope that he can modify the membership of the MagnificentModerati, and upgrade their behaviour to one of modest modernity, while still in modelling mode where all of the mod cons will be exposed via his modem, which .....

....modestly and with the greatest of respect intruded on everyone's lives. For example even DitDot was not exempt, even though he was out gliding, when he saw what appeared to be a wedgie, and wrote a nice story about it, only to find hist post deleted and a message saying "I'll give YOU a wedgie!"


DitDot who'd been mollycoddled as a kid was moderately upset at this and monstered the little Wagga wag, who was immediately motivated to....



....DitDot who'd been mollycoddled as a kid was moderately upset at this and monstered the little Wagga wag, who was immediately motivated to....

.... say "Don't knock being "Mollycoddled"" said Lazza "As Molly is still a really good sort, and if you criticise her she will kick you in the coddles using her best RMW's, which Larry will then use to ...



.... say "Don't knock being "Mollycoddled"" said Lazza "As Molly is still a really good sort, and if you criticise her she will kick you in the coddles using her best RMW's, which Larry will then use to ...

...pretend he's a sensitive new age cowboy killer (SNACK), and .....




round up the boys from the blue moon club....



round up the boys from the blue moon club....


...and so started the infamous blue moon roundup. There was..............




fish net stockings and g,strings flying everywhere.......



fish net stockings and g,strings flying everywhere.......


Turbo was on a caravan trip and by chance had reached Cecil's Pains just in time to watch this amazing spectacle. He already knew Queenslanders were odd of course because he's been through on many holiday trips.


Cunnamulla of course has the highest population of dogs in the world and Turbo's curious nature found the reason; when it gets cold at night the locals go out and catch one and use it for warmth. For the benefit of our Queensland readers, we in the other States have been using gas for several decades due to a shortage of dogs after a major restaurant chain opened, but we won't go into that here.


But the flashing high kicking legs had Turbo mesmerised, and they were just Tomo's......



But the flashing high kicking legs had Turbo mesmerised, and there was a slight problem, in that Tomo's......

..... fish-nets were actually made out of a rather stylish mixture of illegal & undersize Barra nets and crab-pot nets, including bits of cane crab baskets, a couple of old barra lures (with trebles & barbs still attached), and a liberal sprinkling of ......



..... fish-nets were actually made out of a rather stylish mixture of illegal & undersize Barra nets and crab-pot nets, including bits of cane crab baskets, a couple of old barra lures (with trebles & barbs still attached), and a liberal sprinkling of ......


....beach sand. After dancing enthusiastically for an hour or so this all caused him to itch. He looked down at his costume, and made a wrong assumption.


"I THINK I'VE GOT CRABS!" he yelled, and the extended family shrank back in horror, and.................



....beach sand. After dancing enthusiastically for an hour or so this all caused him to itch. He looked down at his costume, and made a wrong assumption.

"I THINK I'VE GOT CRABS!" he yelled, and the extended family shrank back in horror, and.................

... yelled "No it's not. It's a Sooty Grunter".


"Did somone just call me?" asked ......



... yelled "No it's not. It's a Sooty Grunter".

"Did somone just call me?" asked ......

.....Foxyhunter......"I'm available" he said as he showed off his pink spangles.



.....Foxyhunter......"I'm available" he said as he showed off his pink spangles.

..... which were actually redish blotches on his inner thighs, with a bit of cheap tincel attached by sticky tape, and this lead everyone to believe that he .....



..... which were actually redish blotches on his inner thighs, with a bit of cheap tincel attached by sticky tape, and this lead everyone to believe that he .....

....clap his legs together while suspended by his teeth from a thong.....




at 10000 feet while inverted in a lear jet ,they borrowed it from Sir Joe........



at 10000 feet while inverted in a lear jet ,they borrowed it from Sir Joe........

.... as foreplay for the really getting down to business, which involved .......




a plane they stole from naaassa whish involved lots of negative gggg,sssssss.................................



a plane they stole from naaassa whish involved lots of negative gggg,sssssss.................................

"Geeee" said bull "I know a few topless & bottomless bars in Bone where you would be a hit (if you can put some makeup on those blotches) so I'll arrange a hangar for the Lear and you can arrange your hangar to the .........


My Aunt reckons that Bone is a great place and over the next 20 years will replace the Gold Coast, Vegas, Pnom Penn and Kabul as the leisure capital of both hemispheres.




same comforts of you southerners[you know banjo,s and things.........



same comforts of you southerners[you know banjo,s and things.........

At this point we need to pause because anyone who is familiar with the introverted FNQ, (........ North Queenslanders), who don't wear ties, knows that they are self polarised, like Tasmanians who refer to Australians as "Mainlanders".


When they talk about southerners, they can mean people from South East Queensland - Brisbane, Boonah, Cecil Pains, and Caboolture, or people from Victoria.


They haven't heard about Tasmania yet, and they consider new South Wales is populated by Yetis, which shows that FNQ people are quite smart.


On this occasion bull's reference to banjos indicates he is talking about SEQ, and Caboolture in particular. The story goes on................



At this point we need to pause because anyone who is familiar with the introverted FNQ, (........ North Queenslanders), who don't wear ties, knows that they are self polarised, like Tasmanians who refer to Australians as "Mainlanders".

When they talk about southerners, they can mean people from South East Queensland - Brisbane, Boonah, Cecil Pains, and Caboolture, or people from Victoria.


They haven't heard about Tasmania yet, and they consider new South Wales is populated by Yetis, which shows that FNQ people are quite smart.


On this occasion bull's reference to banjos indicates he is talking about SEQ, and Caboolture in particular. The story goes on................




someone had stolen his landing strip, at least he thought it was stolen. It was there in his paddock when he left it last night but it was definately gone now.

He rang his next door neighbour, Tony Tecnam, who said, "..................

augie.gif.346f47c3977a17668982a7a2e09685c9.gif010_chuffed.gif.0eb732edf61030e6104a9a70bfa92a9e.gif(see post #2)



Its those Blooooody tazwegiansssssss HE CRIED !!!!!!!!!!...................



Its those Blooooody tazwegiansssssss HE CRIED !!!!!!!!!!...................

"See if I give a rats" came the response from a Taswegian.


But back to Bone ........ where The Rodent has noticed that one of the Events shown on the Bone website as highlights of the year, is the 75th birthday anniversary of St James Prespeterian Church ............. so the Rat is excited, and reckons that if bull combines these birthday celebrations with a Fly-In, this has potential to be bigger than Avalon ...... (although bull might need to arrange a couple of FA18's and bring an F111 out of retirement for a dump & burn, but that should be a simple initiative for the Bone Chamber of Commerce) ..... and the beauty about the celebration at St James is that it will also include ............




arrh but we get to celebrate this in the whitsunday islands[only 30 minutes flying from bone ha ha ha bull cried!!!!!!



Its those Blooooody tazwegiansssssss HE CRIED !!!!!!!!!!...................

...apparently in reference to Brine's appalling attempt to loop the NES into a literary form of perpetual motion. bull had good reason to be outraged by the colony of misfits who now populated that island because....



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